Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 488: Golden Terminator

For the next two months, Xu Ruofei brushed his skills and skills with everyone.

At the same time build equipment, in order to meet the next challenge.

Xu Ruofei chose the final person.

One is the technical flow master, the secret of speed

The other is technical powder. Ye never fails.

Precision calculation warrior, Kisala.

Strategic Flow Fighter, Arian Hurd.

Chief Commander, Seraphim.

Team of five: Seraphim, Secret of Speed, Lord Never Say Never, Kisala, Arian Hurd.

Substitute: Icy Cher, For whom to find love, Little Fish Skeleton, Undead Swordsman, Mai Muan

Five people went to the city hosting the league at the same time.

Imperial City!

Emperor is the capital of Huaxia and the most prosperous first-tier city. The lights are shining here, and high-rise buildings are everywhere. No industry. Because first-tier cities have stricter environmental requirements, pollution sources can only be relocated to relatively remote places. Streams of vehicles are interspersed with roads and loops. Create a front-line peak city-Imperial City!

After passing the audition.

Ten people really got together.

Those who participated in the league were unified to arrange the five-star hotel in the Imperial Capital. This time, there are players from all over the world. Luxury hotel with very elegant decoration. Looking down the corridor, people in suits and leather shoes can be seen walking around.

The waiters are also very formal.

Xu Ruofei has seen Seven Sisters and Bing Ling, but the others have never met. Kisala was thinner, wearing a pair of glasses and long fingers. Short brown brown hair, the fringe of Sanqi combed to the right. Looks a bit like Tezuka Kunimi among the Prince of Tennis.

Ye never loses a little bit fat, his face is very green, as if he is still at school.

Looking for love is thin, although young, but the height is close to adult.

After meeting everyone, everyone sat together to discuss tactics and game rules.

A blond foreign beauty walked into the room.

"Hello, I am the staff of the organizer. I will introduce the rules and modes of participation to you." The blonde told everyone in jerky Mandarin.

Xu Ruofei and others sat on the sofa and listened to her.

"This tournament has players from the Magnesium team, stick nations, island nations, Huaxia, Eros, etc. from all over the world. Because it is a special holographic game, a big screen will be set on the scene to broadcast you in the holographic world. The battle takes individual battle and group battle. In the individual battle, all five people participate in a battle. Win 1 game and get 1 point. Lose no points. "

"In individual battles, five players can get up to 5 points. Team battle victory is the key, and also 5 points. Add up to 10 points in a battle."

The blonde looks at the crowd and tells everyone what she can say.

Kisala pondered a little: "That is to say, if a five-man team loses, it is likely to lose."

The blondie nodded: "Well. That ’s the theory. So team battles are key. Do n’t peek at individual battles. You should be clear about the 10-point rule. Second, the maps for team battles and individual battles are The host prepared the terrain carefully. There is a certain randomness, which tests the player's responsiveness and applicability. "

"About the hero switching, you must decide before entering the map. Once you enter the map, you cannot switch. This is a test of the player's strategy. How to choose and match among the heroes has also become a major factor in your victory."

"Do you have any questions? If there is no problem, just look at the contents of this agreement and sign after reading it. If you don't understand, just ask me directly." The blonde said.

Everyone picked up the agreement.

There are many rules, including how to deal with illness and how to deal with cheating. What about emergency situations? They are all explained in detail. Even after the reported contestants and back-ups report, they cannot be changed. Who is reported in the personnel list can only be selected from these people. Those who have failed at the same time for ten times will be disqualified for the next game.

In other words, you can lose in individual matches. However, once more than ten times, it was eliminated.

The same is true for team games.

No more than ten times.

Ten times later, he was also announced to be out.

After confirming all the information, Xu Ruofei and others also asked some details. After understanding it, the blonde left.

"Everyone cheer, hope to fight to the final."

"Our battlefield is in 22 games. There are 21 battles in front of us to show us. We grasp the characteristics of each team." Kisala pushed her glasses.

Xu Ruofei groaned: "Yes, he was right. We observe carefully. At the same time, we must think about what we would do if we were in the same environment. In this way, we can be stronger."

For this team he chose, Xu Ruofei is still very confident.

Before coming to the imperial capital, there was a sea election, and they were easily defeated by five people, so their self-confidence was also full.

The first battle was between the Magnesia and South Korea.

The Magnesium team was arranged to fight in a high-rise building, and the Korean team could not win the swift magnesium team. At first, the Magnesium team was lying in the corner of the stairs on the third floor. When the Korean team rushed up, it suddenly used the martial arts big move. Collect five people to control vertigo collectively.

Dizzy at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ swarmed up.

The South Korean team did not even have a chance to respond, so they were killed by the magnesium country.

The audience was uproar.

"I'm going! This set of tricks is too short! From the beginning, the bureau introduced the Korean team into the building, and then controlled it on the stairs, like a Tyrannosaurus rex introduced prey into the building!"

"This technique is blasting!"

"You can still play like this!"

Many viewers stared at the screen for fear of missing a wonderful moment.

The game has been prone to visual fatigue, so there are beautiful anchors chatting with other anchors about this game.

Anchor Kiki came to be an e-sports anchor intern after graduating from college. The original name was Yang Qiqi, from "Hu Beiwuhan". Because of the high value, it quickly became popular in the anchor industry. Popular with fans.

Another anchor is a man, and they are usually called "glass bottles."

The real name is Lin Haibo, because the last word was nicknamed a glass bottle by netizens.

The two anchors were on the stage, explaining the details to the audience from time to time. The audience suddenly realized that some actions had such deep meaning.

Qiqi laughed: "Did you see the No. 1 player of the Magnesium team? Just that step, the left move was three steps, and the right foot was moved forward once. While avoiding the attack perfectly, use the skills of the sand king to enter the invisible state. . The whirlwind is still there. At the same time, with a clever step, move quickly behind the opponent. "

Glass said: "It is indeed the strongest ace player in the history of e-sports. Paul Koggin, and many fans also call him the" Golden Terminator. "

second round!

the third time!

Sixteenth game.


After dinner, everyone sat in the auditorium again and admired cheerleaders from all over the world. Passionate dancing.

"It's our turn." Xu Ruofei urged.

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