Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 489: Youth without regret

Empire International League!

"The next team was named Dynasty, which is said to be because their mercenary group was called Rise Dynasty. Use the latter two words to get a similar name. Dynasty!" Qi Qi explained.

Glass is a well-known poisonous snake in the broadcast industry, and laughed: "This name is very local."


The surrounding audience laughed.

The host's anchor cannot directly attack in life, which is also immoral. But glass speaks with black humor, otherwise it is called glass. Glass glass, if you meet glass, you just wait for the glass heart.

That poisonous snake is enough to make you lose your thoughts and annoy you.

What are the local characteristics? That's dirt!

Xu Ruofei narrowed his eyes and looked at the anchor, passing by. As if not paying attention to such anchors. For the effect of the program, the anchor is really jealous. This is the helplessness of reality and also a kind of sorrow.

The glass's eyes brightened, and it actually ignored itself, a little interesting: "If I remember correctly, the rising dynasty is very famous in the second block of the super hero hero island. But such a team now reaches level 65. I am very Curious if they have the possibility of victory. "

Anchor Qi Qi rounded the field: "All those who can pass the election are of a certain strength. Let us wait and see their game!"

Turning off the microphone, the anchor Kiki looked at the glass and said, "Please respect your professionalism. Every team is worthy of respect."

The glass didn't care. He smiled: "Respect and disrespect, that's my own thing. As an anchor senior, let me tell you. What they like is this. Have you ever seen a dating show? I once hosted the entire date Some of the people on the show and at the station were invited outside, including college students. "

"These invited people do not need to speak, as long as they stand on the stage to support the number. There are few real blind dates, most of them are trustees. For the effect of the program, some amazing things can be said. Such as What if someone asks if there is a boyfriend? They will be a blockbuster. As long as the **** is dug well, there is no corner without it. "

"These words complement the atmosphere of the scene, although there is a laugh. However, the essence is to spread negative energy. Why do you think the company hired me to be the host anchor program? It is because of my poisonous snake that they prefer to see this effect. So Just ask me. If I do n’t stop the poisonous snake, then the company does not need to keep asking me. Because they want to see the effect, they ca n’t see it. ”Glass explained.

Kiki was silent.

Glass said: "Same. As a senior, I tell you. They hire you, also because your face value is very high. When you are old, or the face value is gone. Maybe you have no market value for them, you It's time to leave the anchor. "

Kiki said for a while, "Youth has no regrets ..."

The glass was silent for a long time, with a bitter smile: "You have no regrets ..."

Xu Ruofei is here.

This is a war without gunpowder. Xu Ruofei not only fights for himself, but also fights for glory!

Lan Fang: Dynasty! Captain: Seraphim!

Red Party: Island National Team! Captain: Fujiko Sanno!

Random battlefield ...

"Please ask each player to arrange the heroes they want to use," the official referee said.

Xu Ruofei looked at the team members: "Now we don't know the opponent's play style. Everyone uses their best heroes. This way, at least they will not fall into passiveness. Today, our biggest advantage can be the Holy Shield, Water Demon, Element, Puppet Master, These beasts of Fire Beasts are very strong. "

"Apart from us, it is estimated that some of them will choose these occupations. Pay more attention to the slight changes in your body when you use this skill. Observe more. I will also remind you."

The voice fell.

Seven sister said: "Well. Listen to the captain. Everyone should cheer!"

Kisala pushed her glasses: "We use the rules of Tianji horse racing. You have learned this at school. Everyone has strong, medium and weak levels. If the strong is stronger, the medium is stronger than the middle, and the weaker is weaker. . So it's all about the strength gap in individual qualities. "

"However smarter, we can use the opponent's strength, we use the weakest. Consume his strongest strategy. Lose a game. When he is in the middle, we have the strongest person, kill him! Then they only The weakest are left. Then in teamfights, we can score at least three or four points. Take the lead. "

The voice fell.

Ye never looked down and looked at Qi Sara: "Army, master! The original strategy can still be so powerful. But just changing the order completely changed the battle situation."

Speed's secret wondered: "This method is indeed feasible. But how do you judge the strength of everyone's strength?"

Kisala pushed her glasses, then pointed to her brain: "My brain has been calculated and judged."

The secret of speed is a confident and proud smile: "This mage must be strong."

Qi Sala glanced at Xu Ruofei and the secret of speed: "In fact, three of our team are all strong. That is, strong, strong, and middle. If we use relativity, we have both strong and weak. Everyone is good Yes, there is a short ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to the information previously learned, the island national team must be the first to be the captain, encouraging morale. "

"Ye never says defeat. It is impossible to defeat him, but this is our most important factor." Qi Sara said.

Although God never fails, it is also a technology flow ... self-knowledge still exists.

At most, it is the middle and lower levels in the technology flow.

Ye never defeated the first player to play, and the opponent really played as Qi Sala expected, and was the captain.

Fujiko Sanno scorned: "I thought you were great. I didn't expect the captain of the first game to dare not come out."

Ye never smiled and said, "Kill the chicken with a bull knife."

"Bagala Road!" Fujiko Sanno said a standard island Mandarin that everyone is familiar with.

Grandpa never said a word without fail.

The referee announced the start.

The two twisted the ring and entered the holographic world. Viewers watch the screen cast.

Subsequently, the two played against each other a few times, Ye never said defeat had fallen into the downwind.


Ye never fails, and still looks confident.

Glass sneered: "Sure enough, these are all pencil companions. Actually, the captain was not allowed to go in the first round. Is there any strategy?"


There was a big laugh all around.

However, glass has actually been surprised, and has seen countless e-sports. He knew this very well. This is high-level competition. Through the dislocation of strength, the evenly matched teams are turned into a very large gap.

Kiki said with a smile: "Who do you think will win this round?"

Glass actually put his hand on the microphone and said, "In this game, winning or losing is actually set."

"Who is it?" Kiki asked curiously.

The glass eyes narrowed slightly: "dynasty."

The voice fell.

All the viewers froze!

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