Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 490: Initiative

All the players in the league were stunned by the words of the anchor, and even the audience watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones were also stunned.

"I'm not mistaken. Glass just said that the six-wing team won?" Someone in the audience exclaimed.

Another said: "Glass has strong judgment, and usually has more than 50% to 60% judgment."

"The first game is over! The dynasty lost here! Is glass wrong?"

Many spectators watched Ye Ye be defeated without fail.

Fujiko Sanno was thinking something wrong. In the end, the other party was afraid of himself or made an attempt.

Immediately after the individual match.

Xu Ruofei appeared, win!

The secret appearance of speed, win!

Fujiko Sanno felt something was wrong: "Not good, they are using strategy! Damn it, sly Chinese!"

After Xu Ruofei's personal match, the two teams shook hands and prepared for a team fight.

"You are too despicable!" Fujiko Sanno cursed.

Xu Ruofei smiled at the corner of his mouth: "How bad are you to be inferior to others. I hope you can give me some fun in teamfights."

"You!" Fujiko Sanno stomped angrily!

At 10 points, the island country team AMM scored 1 point for individual team battle.

At 10 points, the Huaxia team dynasty scored 4 points for individual team battles.

"We must completely defeat them in the team battle!" Fujiko Sanno looked hazy, and the team battle became the last hope. Otherwise, you lose!

The glass was still a viper, and looking at Fujiko Sanno said, "The soldiers are defeated and the pressure is great."

Fujiko Sanno took a deep breath and watched the teammates say, "Ready for team battle!"

The referee then realized that this team was not simple. It can even be compared to people with professional players among them. These professional players came from other games and were dug up. Some are cultivated in the dark.

He remembered the dynasty.

Kiki looked curiously at the glass and turned off the microphone: "How do you know he wants to win?"

Glass said: "I've hosted a lot of games. I have a lot of experience. I don't know if you just noticed. The whole team of Fujiko Sanno has a kind of bravery, there is a kind of arrogance, and it can even be said that there is no one in sight. You can learn from them I can tell. I'm curious, because I have experienced the host, and I have seen this scene at a top event, so I feel like it was similar. "

"And this dynasty actually has such a cooperative judgment. It is precisely by using their impulsive nature that the dynasty arranges this way, and no one can know their true strength accurately."

Kiki thought, "So ... what do you think they can take?"

Glass shook his head: "It's hard to say. The Magnesium team is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, clever and violent. This dynasty is currently unclear, it may be a tiger that is hiding its fangs. It may be just a flash in the pan. "

Turn off the microphone, and the glass looks at the audience: "Next, it's their team battle time! Whether they can counterattack and suppress the dynasty is entirely up to them! Let us wait and see!"

"Fight for glory!"

The words of burning blood directly ignite the audience's hot group!


"Come on!"

The competition was held in Huaxia, as the host, there was no concession at all! Competition is regardless of country, compared with technology and strategy!

Fujiko Sanno heard a very strong shout around, and sweated. Huaxia people don't like island men by nature, and they can even say that they don't like them. You must win, otherwise the pressure is too great.

"Come on. Don't take care of me this time! I've pinned their captain, you look for a chance to attack!" Fujiko Sanno said to the members.

Members nodded.

The referee clicks on the random map.

The question mark keeps flashing!

After everyone chooses the hero, they twist the ring. Enter the world of holographic games.

"It's a factory map!"

Anchor Kiki announced with a microphone.

The factory map is surrounded by large and small factories. The area where players can move is in the factory. Use Hero Island to prepare two heroes to accumulate eight skills. Attack at your own schedule.

That party dies first, even if it is over.

There is a huge LCD screen directly in front of the auditorium, and all the players can be seen from the perspective of God.

After Xu Ruofei entered, he broke up with his team members.

"Scattered. This map." Xu Ruofei frowned, and the team members didn't come together, which was very troublesome.

Must be merged first.

Bright looking for it on the map must be attacked by the opponent.

Xu Ruofei suddenly saw infrared light on the ground.

"not good!"

Subconsciously a tumbling!


"I was almost attacked!" Xu Ruofei turned his head quickly, and surely watched an island country player turn his head and run.

This blow is just a big move from the God of Guns in Super God Hero Island. Sniper!

It means that one of the players is equipped with the gun god.

"Captain, I am here!" Ye never waved and waved at Xu Ruofei!

Xu Ruofei found that the man who had attacked him just now was gone, so he rushed towards Ye never defeated.

"I was sniped just now." Ye never said.

Xu Ruofei responded: "I was also sniped just now. And the figure soon disappeared. I can't catch up."

At the same time, he was spinning quickly in his mind: "I guess the opponent is likely to be equipped with a speed **** hero in addition to the four skills of the gun god."

Grandpa never said defeat: "Speed ​​hero? Moon girl? War soul? Assassin? Element?"

Xu Ruofei groaned for a moment: "It's not clear yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ We need to lead snakes out of holes!"

"Lead the snake out of the hole?" Ye never said defeated.

Xu Ruofei said: "I am relatively strong. Focus on it and you should be able to dodge snipers. You can find other people. After the five of us have gathered, we will kill them!"

The voice fell.

Xu Ruofei no longer squatted beside the industrial machine, but walked out with a big swing.

Fujiko Sanno was not far away, and his head was spinning rapidly: "This guy is too cunning. I am so swayed now, I'm afraid there is fraud. I don't believe it, he can dodge my sniper!"

Pick up a large thumb screw and suddenly go towards Xu Ruofei!

A smile flickered from the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth.


Fujiko Sanno grinned: "This is sniper! I just lied to you!"

Just when this sniper thought it was inevitable, Xu Ruofei tiptoed and disappeared in front of him!

"Ah! It's a skill of the Sand King!" Fujiko Sanno ran away.

Xu Ruofei said, "Do you think you can run!"

Fujiko Sanno turned back with a smile: "You're in trouble! Come out!"

霎 That room!

The four appeared out of thin air and attacked Xu Ruofei at the same time.

Just at this moment of truth!

God's never-lost Shura skills opened up to everyone!

Collective vertigo!

Xu Ruofei quickly left their attack range.

Fujiko Sanno screamed awkwardly, assassin three skills, lost smoke. Use stealth skills in the smoke and disappear again!

"I already know your career match. Assassin + Gun God!" Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed.

Want to use stealth plus gathering to keep lowering blood.

It is a pity!

The initiative is now in my hands!

Xu Ruofei laughed: "It's time for me to fight back."

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