Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 493: Black wind

The night is beautiful, under the bright lights.

Everyone on the corner of the city is busy with their lives.

Xu Ruofei and others are preparing for the game warm-up, and the rest of the staff are the same. Even people who didn't participate in the competition also chose different ways to express their love for this game. And support for Xu Ruofei.

Just like that sentence: I'm not on the court, but I can cheer for you on the court. As long as you don't hate it, I am willing to keep cheering for you.

It may only be a moment.

Late at night, Xu Ruofei took a sip of coffee while holding a cup of coffee.

"Empty?" Then he realized that the coffee had been consumed.

Looking at the time, it's very late. Tomorrow will be enough.

Because it is a world-class competition, everyone entered it after passing the election. But there are still many teams. Xu Ruofei's second game was at least three days later.

Three days passed by.

Xu Ruofei and others were watching the game intently.

These three days are repeated, seemingly boring, and have some fun.

During these three days, some teams can start to show their strengths, such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the Magnesium team, the crocodile in the Korean team, the commando of "Eros", etc., all dazzled in the first battle.

"I have the next two players here. Giants vs. Dynasty!" Glass announced with a microphone.

Qi Qi cooperated and said, "Please ask the two teams to shake hands, and twist the holographic ring after the referee announces preparations. Enter the battle. Today's battle will decide the top 100 teams. Come on!"

Xu Ruofei took his teammates up and shook hands politely.

"It's so high ..." Ye never stunned, he didn't even reach the other's shoulder. The height is less than two meters.

Grandpa never murmured and whispered to him: "Yes, it's not the NBA change, or the hormone.

Kisala pushed her glasses, looking at the physical characteristics of each person.

All high shape.

Standing aside, it felt like a bodyguard. After all, it is a holographic game, and the actual height will also have an impact when modeling the game. Therefore, giants are still giants when they enter the game world.

Fortunately, strength depends on the attributes. Otherwise, if the judo boss enters the game, the scene will be wonderful.

Every minute is just over shoulder fall, big windmill.

However, no one would deny that tall people would bring a sense of oppression to those around them. There is a feeling of being a child and being an adult. This is a general manifestation of psychology.

"Hello there."

Both sides hold hands.

Fairly polite.

The captain wore a black mask to keep the mystery. Looking at the exposed face, I think it is quite young. The captain was called Black Wind, and was once a popular champion in DOT games, and later moved to other clubs. After this holographic game became hot, the club began to hide. Just wait for this day. There is no reason not to play e-sports in such a hot game.

As long as the game is hot to a certain degree, e-sports will appear, pushing this hot to a higher peak.

This is a business path, and it is also more competitive for players.

Heifeng looked at Xu Ruofei, but his hands were not loose, and said in Korean: "@ # ¥ #."

"..." Xu Ruofei didn't understand.

The host translated it: "Hello."

Xu Ruofei said a word, and then said: "I know Korean as an Oboe. Please tell him that I won this game.

The referee looked at Black Wind and said: "@ # ¥ #."

At this point, Heifeng looked at Xu Ruofei with a hint of provocation. Language communication is not good, and did a standard move of hip-hop. That is, turn your thumb 180 ° down, and then point at the other person. Open your palm around your neck, as if cut by a knife.

There was a smile on the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth, his eyes were really hot.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides is very strong!

There is a fierce rivalry in the eyes. They are not just fighting on their own behalf, but glorifying the country behind them!

"Please both parties to each one, enter the competition area, twist the ring! This is the first team battle! The second is the personal battle!

The referee started to announce!





The sky spins and the surroundings are dark.

Light gradually appeared.

"It's snow!" The audience said.

"Dynasty, come on!"

A cry came out! The red banner opened directly, and it was particularly prominent in the auditorium! They screamed and cheered!

Lots of light sticks are waving directly!

Xu Ruofei and others have decided to be a good hero. When the snow appeared, they were slightly surprised for a second, and soon recovered calm. The vast expanse of whiteness is boundless, and the sky is still fluttering with snow.

Seeing two wooden houses in the heavy snow, the roof has been covered with a white layer of snow.

"This time is okay! We are at least four together!" Ye never said that the four were in the same place after the start.

Under normal circumstances, the map is random, and the contestants also randomly transmit in the map. Good luck, just a few together.

"The Seven Sisters of Teleportation are not with us this time, and we cannot put her in a dangerous zone. So we must find her as soon as possible!" Qi Sara frowned.

Xu Ruofei said: "This time it's snow, at least don't worry about the assassins ~ www.readwn.com ~ go together, don't leave!"

Walking towards the house, a banging sound was heard.


Several members of the Korean team were besieging Seven Sisters.

Qi's blood volume has been reduced a lot.

"You are strong, but unfortunately you met me." Heifeng sneered.

"Wrong. This sentence should be what I said to you." Seven sisters did not flinch at all.

Heifeng smiled scornfully: "Maybe only your captain is my worthy opponent. I have seen your captain's strength on the field."

Seven sister smiled softly: "You don't know that there is an idiom in Huaxia, leave room. Do you think what you see is our full strength?"

"What do you mean?" Heifeng had a bad feeling.

next moment.

I saw a sudden flash of the entire seven sister, emitting a blue light in his hand: "Suck blue!"

The black wind bounced quickly, and the tall figure showed unexpected speed!

Although the black wind flashed away, the rest of the team members reacted slowly!

It was all affected by the seven sisters' ability to **** blue. The MP value drops sharply.

"Damn woman!" The other four flashed a little irritation when Lan was sucked in, and his position did not even escape.

The four rushed towards the Seven Sisters fiercely!

"Back!" Heifeng shouted, letting his team members back!

A player looked at the captain and said, "Trust us! Offense is the best defense!"

Heifeng scolded: "Stupid! I'm the captain!"

Several members flashed with disappointment: "Don't treat us with your arrogance! Believe us! We are right!"

next moment!

Black wind was surrounded by Xu Ruofei and others in this second!

Everyone held their breath, the picture seemed to freeze at this moment!

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