Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 494: Champions League dispute (on)

"What do you want to do !?" Heifeng said in Korean.

Fortunately, there is a translation system in the holographic game world, so everyone in the game world uses universal discourse.

Xu Ruofei laughed: "Now everyone is four to one. Guess, which side wins?"

Heifeng laughed: "You four hit me one? Hahaha, I think of me so much."

"I don't look down on you. We are singled out." Xu Ruofei said softly.

Black wind stunned.


What do you mean?

next moment!

The three rushed to the location of the Seven Sisters.

There are four dozens over there.

Here is one to one.

Heifeng sneered: "You are so confident in me?"

"I don't know if you have heard a word." Xu Ruofei laughed.

Heifeng's eyes narrowed slightly: "What's the matter?"

"People should be confident for two hundred years, and they should be back for three thousand miles of water!" Xu Ruofei said one of the poems left by the respected man hanging from Emperor Tian ~ Anmen.

Heifeng's figure flashed into the house, and the university was still drifting. Every time you walk on the snow, you will leave footprints. Only inside the house is a suitable place for fighting. Otherwise, the other side can predict if too much snow moves.

"Into the room?" Xu Ruofei smiled softly, deserving to be the captain, so he can quickly determine where it is more suitable.

But what about this!

Xu Ruofei also rushed into the room, the other was tall, and the doors were slightly bent before entering.

In order not to be ambushed by the opponent, Xu Ruofei rushed in directly from the window!


The glass is broken.

Xu Ruofei entered the room.

A skill is cast directly from above.

"Small!" Xu Ruofei flew into position, taking an S-shape and a B-shape.

See this scene.

The audience laughed loudly on the seats.


"Suck! It's so annoying! There is such a move!"

"Sometimes S, sometime B. I don't know if Heifeng will see a violent thunder when he sees it."

"It's estimated to be half dead."

And at this time.

While Xu Ruofei was in position, Heifeng seemed to feel what the move represented.

His face sank.

Xu Ruofei started a misplacement and launched the Drifter skills at the same time! Your own equipment is also the blade and the rogue!

"No!" Heifeng just wanted to step back and was hit by a skill directly.

Blue volume sharply reduced!

After taking several positions, Heifeng had an amazing feeling for Xu Ruofei's technology. Not only the position, but also the cooling interval for anticipation and skill release.

After several confrontations, Black Wind was passive.

at this time!

Xu Ruofei went straight in a straight line!

"Dare to fight me directly!"

Black Wind is paired with Valkyrie and fanatics, which are bursting out!

As a result, Blackwind found something wrong!

"Your blue can't support your skills anymore!" Xu Ruofei sneered.

Black wind sounds!

Next second!

Xu Ruofei's big rookie appears!

A void energy ball burst out!

Kill Captain Heifeng directly!

Black Wind is still in an incredible sense.

I ... actually lost! ?

After death, leave the holographic world. Back at the participating seats, standing still, silent.

The other four were defeated by Xu Ruofei's team!

"The dynasty wins!"

Until the last moment, the referee announced that all the people had come back!

I really won!

"Please shake hands of both participants!" The referee announced.

The audience applauded warmly.

Heifeng wore a black mask, looked at Xu Ruofei, and said in Korean: "Why would I lose? This cannot happen!"

Translation is paraphrased next to it.

Xu Ruofei said: "Have you ever heard of Shang Zhongyong? Genius doesn't work hard, but stays at that level after all. I can feel that your technology is not at the same level as me at all. You are sure to lose."

Wen Yan,

Black Wind was silent.


It seems that I have been used to glory, but now I have failed, but it is unbelievable.

May have been at the peak before seeing the surrounding scenery.

It's too harsh on members, and I'm negligent in practicing.

Defeat the Giants and let Xu Ruofei's team show their edge!

More attention has been paid to this team.

Personal warfare cannot change any facts. After all, teamfights account for five points. As long as you win one point in individual battles, you will win.

The next half month is a wheel battle!

Including other teams, those who have lost one or two are still playing.

With rounds of battles, many teams were brushed off.

Xu Ruofei's team is not all victory. Just lost it once, and that was when the Tyrannosaurus Rex wheels with the Magnesium team. After returning, everyone summarized the reasons. Looking forward to the next battle.

The dynasty is like a dark horse!

Enter the top 50!

Enter the top 20!

This is followed by the quarterfinals!

Sprinting all the time!

Tired and happy!

Until the last day of the contest!

Decisive Champion!

Five people from Xu Ruofei put their hands in front, and each one lay on the back of each other's palms: "We came for the championship! If we lose, we are just runners-up!"

"Come on!" The little fish skeletons outside the field and for whom love is dancing and waving flags!

Glass and Kiki are still explaining.

"Who do you think this championship is?" Kiki said.

Glass said: "It's likely that it was the Magnesium team. After all, the last match failed."

"Really? Last time it was because team member Arian Hurd was uncomfortable, you know, there are always a few days in a month." Kiki is not taboo.

Caused a wolf friend howl!

Glass said, "Really? Then which one do you think is more likely?"

"The captain 氪 Jin Terminator ~ www.readwn.com ~ is the top player in the technology stream. It is difficult to surpass him. The seraph of the dynasty team is also the technology stream. I heard that when he happened a lot in the game They are all training. They have such strength. One is professional training and the other is game training. "

"I personally feel that the professional training is more professional, so this dynasty team may only have a runner-up."

The topic of the two anchors is also the thought of many viewers.

Professional-level and self-practice reach a high level, and systematic training and theoretical knowledge may be lacking.

"Last game. This battle! The final result!" Glass is very serious at this moment, even if the snakes often bombard the team members, it is because of the work needs.

Off the field!

The little fish skull voice and some hoarseness, these are all exhausted to cheer. I can't stand my throat. Contains a moment of lozenge and bites. Keep shouting.

"After hearing the host's words, I was a little hesitant." For whom to find love, the fingers were turning.

At this time, a large hand patted the shoulders of several love-seeking: "Don't worry, we have to believe him!"

For whom looking for love turned around and was a middle-aged uncle.

"I am the commander of the Red Army," said the middle-aged uncle.

Who am I looking for? Amazing: "Pighead !?"


Laughing around.

"Uh ... this is the game ID. You can call me Huang Jiexi." The middle-aged uncle shook his head awkwardly.

Many people feel that the dynasty is likely to be only runner-up.

Being able to reach this level is already remarkable.

However, there are a group of people with hot eyes!

Because they believe!

"Yes! I believe them!" Everyone watched the stadium closely!

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