Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 495: Championship glory

International League Finals scene!

Countless audiences are shouting!

Jubilant voices are in every corner of the field, and everyone's focus is on the ten players on the field.

"This is the last game. Winning us is the champion!"

"Failure, we are runners up!"

Xu Ruofei looked around everyone: "What do we want!"


Everyone said at the same time.

Xu Ruofei smiled: "Very good! The last battle! We are fighting against professional! They have systematic training and more standardized operations. We must take this game seriously!"

"I want the first mage!" The secret of speed's eyes is fortitude!

"Then I will be the first gunpowder!" Ye never smiled!

Seeing the rising morale, Xu Ruofei took everyone to look closer to the centerline of Wutai.

"The players on both sides shook hands, and after hearing my countdown, they all went to each other!" Said the referee.

The captain of the magnesium national team, Paul, looked at Xu Ruofei, his eyes showed a trace of fiery, it seemed to be saying.

This time, you lose!

Xu Ruofei smiled slightly and shook his head with a finger: "No, No, No. MaybeI" mthewinner! Maybe I'm the winner! "

The war between the two sides was strong.

"Ready! Ten! Nine! Eight! ..."




Twist the ring and enter the holographic world.

The map is random.

霎 That room!

Everyone looked at this map in wonder!

"It's Sky City Map!"

The audience exclaimed!

Everyone who has played Super God Heroes Island knows that the top boss Redis is appearing in the sky city. In addition, there are a lot of horrible monsters in the sky city. The damage is very high.

Xu Ruofei found that this time he did not disperse with the players, but all the people got together.

Not only that, even the magnesium team.

Everyone came together.

Surrounded by a blue sky and white clouds, like a fortress suspended in the air. The floor is smooth porcelain.

Captain Magnesium looked around, frowning slightly: "Retreat!"

Xu Ruofei said the same thing.

next moment!

The ground suddenly dropped a giant!



Like a giant creature, there are two brown wings behind him, surrounded by lightning around the body. Exuding a breath of terror.

Looking at the scene in front, there were five people on each side, and the Redis boss in the middle. The audience took a breath.

Kiki explained with a sweet voice: "This is the last battle of the league, this battle is the sky city! As you can see, this battle is not just a simple team fight. It is also under the constant attack of the boss. Choose more appropriate opportunities to attack the opposing team. "

The glass nodded: "This test is not only about technology and positioning, but even predictive and weighing the pros and cons will be considered. The participating teams are not just thinking about attacking the other party. They also need to guard against the team that will attack themselves at any time!"

On screen.

After professional training, the Magnesium National Team was in dire straits soon: "As usual, attack as usual!"

"it is good!"

Team members make eye contact and quickly adjust their positions.

And Xu Ruofei's team was not too panic. Although there were some accidents, they were not rushed. I have played so many bosses.

"Calm down! Get away!" Xu Ruruo did not attack immediately, but chose to observe first.

Radis's action must be relatively fixed. Find the flaw quickly!

The players on both sides dodged while preventing the other from sneaking in. Eyes keep moving.

After feeling almost, Xu Ruofei took the lead!


The magnesium national team is not weak!

The two sides directly confronted each other. At the same time, they were also dodging Radis' attack. Both teams performed amazingly. In the duration of this league, each has a lot of experience.

Although Xu Ruofei and others did not have vocational training, they still discussed and studied after watching the game every day. As everyone's understanding of the game deepens, so does the technology.

The captain of the magnesium team squinted and looked at Xu Ruofei: "Compared to last time, this guy seems to be stronger. Terrible game talent!"

"Captain, flash!" Shouted the members of the magnesium team.

Paul stumbled on his toes, staggering his strength.

Xu Ruofei suddenly gathers his energy and speeds up fast!


Redis controlled the huge lightning strike in place, leaving a huge pit.

Xu Ruofei looked at his teammates, competing with the other four. It's clear that the other person predicts a career. The secret of speed has been limited. Not able to show all strength. Now the four are against the Magnesium, and they are all evenly matched.

Yes, Xu Ruofei knows. You must defeat the captain as soon as possible, otherwise the deficiencies of the players will be exposed if the delay continues. Xu Ruofei is very clear that after vocational training, many movements have become instinctive effects, and the influence of both sides in the later stage must definitely fall behind.

Sweat kept dripping from Xu Ruofei's forehead.

The Golden Terminator was also uncomfortable, and last time couldn't go all out for some reason. I didn't expect to go all out this time and failed to completely and quickly resolve this Chinese team.

Xu Ruofei stared at each other.

Both sides are warriors, and they are also paired with Valkyrie and Mad Men.

A hammer gathered in his hand is exactly a madman's skill. After the hammer hits the target, the target will fall into a short stun. However, both parties dare not take the lead in using this skill easily. Once you miss the target, it is likely to be over!

"There is no flaw at all." Xu Ruofei was sweating sweating, avoiding the boss attack and launching an attack on the magnesium team, which was very physical.

Xu Ruofei's heart moved: Since there is no praise, then create praise!

When both sides restrained the 74th move, Xu Ruofei's eyes suddenly turned down.

Captain Magnesium looked down subconsciously, and his mind changed: "Not good! Psychologically guided!"

Quickly pull away from the safety distance!

"You can't move anymore!" Xu Ruofei suddenly used the madman's ability, dizzy!

Master contest, as long as a little detail is enough to guide the whole battle!

Xu Ruofei directly used the big move, the Jedi broke out!

Full body power explodes!


Completely solve the captain of the magnesium country!

Xu Ruofei knew: "It's set!"

as expected!

After the defeat of Captain Magnesium, Xu Ruofei joined the four against the four.


It became five or four!

It is a master in itself!

The gap came out!


Until the magnesium team was completely killed out of the game, Xu Ruofei and other talents were relieved. Winning this battle is not easy. The audience watched this scene stunned, can't believe it, this is true!

Every member was soaked with sweat.


The voice fell.

The five returned to the stage.



The shouts and cheers are tumultuous!

Captain Magnesium looked at Xu Ruofei shining in Taishan and held out his thumb: "You are strong!"

"Maybe, I should train harder ~ www.readwn.com ~ The captain of the magnesium nation patted the players' shoulders and the five returned to the seat together.

This is the only time in the history of the Golden Terminator that he failed. He remembered it even ten years later.

"Dynasty" became the champion of the first International League of Super Heroes Island!

This battle has been talked about by many people, and it has become a historical event on Super Hero Island!

Xu Ruofei and the others looked at the audience under the stage and looked at the partner waving the banner and smiled.

Smiled a little bright.

"For me, the championship doesn't mean the end, maybe just the beginning."

Everyone laughed.


This story ends here, the next content is Shenhao content. In fact, about the plot of this super hero hero island, I feel good in some places, and not so good in some places. Even at the end, many pits were left unfilled. It's like the ability of a writer to show up and ring, and so on. In this plot, I learned a lot.

Being able to see what I said proves that you have been watching. Thank you very much for your support. In fact, this book is really written to prepare for the next book.

Therefore, every time I write a new story, I hope that I can make greater progress in my writing ability. Better control over the whole.

It's for the wonderful, the growth of writing, that's why this book did not choose eunuchs when the recommended data was not effective. Network culture is a product of rapid development, and too many people are more impetuous. Just hit the street, and the **** has one.

Next time, I will bring you a good book.

New book issued in July.

The next story about this book is Shenhao, I haven't written it. But I have read a lot, so I want to change the whole idea and write a new idea on Shenhao.

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