Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 505: Yao Guoyi's Once

160,000 yuan, for Liu San, this is already a lot of money.

Looking at the information on the mobile phone and the Shenhao Agricultural Bank card in his hand, Liu San felt that his life was really completely subverted. From the moment you get this card, life begins to turn around.

Either reeling in a counterattack or peasants turning over, Liu San's eyes were determined.

"I will definitely seize this opportunity!"

Under Liu San's counterattack, Yao Guoyi's offensive further disintegrated.

Originally the next day, Yao Guoyi drove out to want to see Liu San's helpless appearance and laughed at it. As a result, there are busy people all around.

"Actually outside. Good boy, it will be broken so soon." Yao Guoyi did not get out of the car.

Liu San turned around and looked at Yao Guoyi's car.

"Well, I didn't see the results you wanted to see. I'm disappointed." Liu San smiled.

Yao Guoyi said, "No, what I do now is what your family owes me!"

"What do you mean?" Liu San frowned.

Yao Guoyi said, "Don't you know? Your grandfather sent my brother to prison by hand one year ago. Your family can't get out of this matter. As long as I am Yao Guoyi, your Wang family and Li family will not want to be in the sand Rise of White Town! Fight with me, you're still tender! "

"Wait! You made it clear to me! My grandfather sent your brother to prison a year ago? What the **** happened?" Liu San's brows froze together, tightening her brows.

Yao Guoyi said: "At that time, I happened to be talking about the project in the field. It was your grandfather who personally sent the report letter to him, and this also killed my brother's life. In the second half of his life, he could only squat in jail."

Liu San said: "I believe that my grandfather is a human being. Since it is a report letter, it must be a matter of course. Since this is the case, if you have any contention and what you have done, you have to end it!"

"Fart! Although Yao Guoyi's methods are not bright, they are all walking on the edge of the law. I never do anything illegal, which I learned after I returned, so my brother's company has taken a group of people. The company He collapsed and he was also arrested. The children in the family still use my money every month. You say such things are not your family harm? ”Yao Guoyi said rightly.

Liu San stood there and vowed, "I believe my grandfather is a man. He is definitely not such a person. Since I was very young, I have not followed my parents to go outside. They were brought up in my hometown. My grandma's body Not good. Grandma and grandma often come to see me. "

"This only shows that he is good to you, not the slander he did!" Yao Guoyi!

Liu San stared angrily: "Take care of your mouth! One time, his own son did something wrong, and no one knows it. But grandpa just brought his son to the house to apologize and apologize. This is one day! I never believe that, Such people will do stigma! "

"What happened that year! I will definitely investigate!" Liu San said.

Yao Guoyi sneered: "There is no truth or untruth. It is definitely a public nuisance. Don't tell me the big road. You don't have to say you are you. He is him. He killed my brother. Why should I suppress your family? These words won't work for me. "

"Our two brothers have been dependent on each other since childhood. Our parents died early. In addition to the subsistence allowance in the village, we barely supported us. At that time, we begged to go to school in order to learn. At that time, the school refused. It's only been six years. We went to primary school and we couldn't go to school again. What's the reason? "

"That's because we ... have no money!"

"But I am Yao Guoyi, not a person willing to spend my life under someone else. I want to learn, I ca n’t learn. At that time, my brother helped me steal the book. When he came back, he was injured. I really do n’t understand. In the village. Borrowing books is unwilling to borrow. Is it because our two brothers are dirty? At that time, my brother and I secretly got into a truck going to the city. "

"I was penniless in the city and turned into a beggar. At that time, who helped me? Except my brother was always by my side."

"City bookstores sell books. When we went there for the first time, our two brothers were kicked out. They said that they were beggars, which would affect the store's business. Later, the two of us thought about it too. During that time, We also pick up trash everywhere for a living. We saved money and managed to save a little money. We bought a decent piece of clothes. "

"Every day we take time to change into new clothes and go to the bookstore to read books. The rest of the time, we are reluctant to wear that clothes. Days passed and we learned a lot from books. But my body is not as good as my brother. It ’s good to say that my elder brother is like a father, but my brother took care of me instead. On the day of the fever, I watched my brother cry. On that day, it was raining. "

"I feel ... alive and tired ..."

Yao Guoyi said this, his eyes were a little red: "It was finally a turnaround when I was fifteen. Most people at fifteen are still in school ~ www.readwn.com ~ But my brother and I have been out for many years . I don't remember how many years. Before that, we could not use our two brothers everywhere. "

"Child labor is not accepted, so it ’s unfortunate to meet a family that keeps it, but the money we give is pitifully small. It ’s just a little bit exhausted. That is, at the age of fifteen, I entered the construction site. Because I read a lot before For many reasons, I am better than others. Little by little, I changed from a small worker to a large worker, and then to a contractor. "

"By the end, I can already contract the project alone. My money is accumulating more and more. And I have always lived with my brother."

"Later I made money, my brother told me that he wanted to develop in his hometown. People are rich and can't forget the book. I said nothing and brought along the people who followed me at the time."

"The backward resources here have become the root of my development. I am also growing bigger and bigger. However, I did not expect that my brother was sent to prison after a business trip! His company went bankrupt! And all this, all It ’s you! I do n’t want to suppress your grandfather, I still want to suppress all your relatives, even his grandson! ”

Yao Guoyi was a little excited when he said this.

Liu San didn't say anything, because he never believed that this would happen. Foreign guild slander? If he changed to another person, Liu San could not guarantee it. But as his loved one, Liu San was very clear about his father's temperament.

It is impossible for him to defile.

If it is a report, then something must have happened in the middle!

What happened a year ago, Liu San had a very strong hunch, which must be extraordinary.

Yao Guoyi didn't want to continue talking.


go away.

Liu San watched the direction of Yao Guoyi's departure: "I will definitely investigate everything that happened that year!"

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