Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 506: Surface (above)

Liu San now spends money every week and must spend it. More than 100,000 yuan, I only paid a part of the mine and equipment before, so I immediately took the remaining money to pay the bill.

After doing these things, Liu San's first place to go was grandma.

After all, grandma and grandpa are the ones who have been in contact for the longest time.

What surprised Liu San, however, was that grandma knew nothing about it. Liu San lost his way.

at this time.

A girl happened to pass by.

"Heart as?" Liu San froze for a moment.

Xinru happened to see Liu San: "So clever? Why are you here?"

Liu San said: "There is something a little bit confusing, so I want to take a look. But there is no gain."

"Oh, if you do n’t get it, just forget it." Xinru smiled sweetly, "Maybe it is still a good thing. Sometimes, like the police handling a case, there is no clue during the break. Suddenly one day everything is linked , All mysteries have been resolved. Too concerned, sometimes it may not be a good thing. "

After hearing what she said, Liu San thought about it, too. Putting this aside for the time being, maybe we can solve the problem. Until the reason is resolved, Yao Guoyi will always target Wang and Li.

After hearing what Xinru said, Liu San suddenly wanted to understand something!

Hello, Yao Guoyi!

Give me this set!

According to Yao Guoyi's discourse thinking, Liu San is definitely going to investigate the truth of the year and go around. It is not necessarily true whether the truth is there in the end. This thinking is based on the way Yao Guoyi did not lie.

From a different perspective, if what Yao Guoyi said was false from the beginning!

Then he has another picture!

It is likely that his grandfather blocked his attempt!

All Yao Guoyi did was to cover up what he was doing.

One of the most important reasons is that even the closest people don't know about it. So that's the point.

"That's right. You said you were invited to dinner last time, so let's do it now." Xinru interrupted Liu San's thinking.

Liu San came back to God: "Calculate at any time."

"Then Lu Ye's house where we went to the village to eat hot and spicy, cheap and delicious." Xinru laughed.

Liu San said: "You are the same. You always think about saving money, otherwise we will go to that four-story restaurant for dinner. I ate it once last time, and it still tastes quite delicious."

Xinru didn't know the price in that place, and when Liu San said it was refreshing, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Talk while walking.

"How were you at college?"


"How about you?"

"Not quite the same."

The two paused for a moment, and then went on.

Xinru looked at Liu San's side face: "I have one semester to graduate."

Liu San said with a smile: "I didn't expect that time passed quickly. I don't remember it, I thought it had just passed a year."

Xinru said, "I never talked about my boyfriend."

Liu San: "..."

Xinru smiled quickly, alleviating this embarrassment: "The main reason is that there are too many people chasing me, and I don't care."

Liu San smiled: "You have a high vision. So many people, you have refused. But just by your appearance, it is definitely a company to chase you."

Ru Ruxin smiled: "You're kidding me again."

The two walked, and suddenly followed a car next to them. Blue cars, this color is not particularly common, especially in rural areas.

"Heart is like a classmate! No surprise, no surprise!" A man wears sunglasses, pretending to take off his sunglasses slowly.

Xinru frowned: "Why are you again, haven't I rejected you many times?"

The man smiled: "Why, can't I invest here?"

"So many villages, why are you here?" Xinruo approached Liu San intentionally.

The man looked at Liu San and was full of hostility: "So many people don't like it, you just like a country guy. If you like a slightly better person, you can, but you like this person ...

Liu San sneered: "Go. Eat. Don't care about this silly hat."

Faced with people who are not polite to themselves, Liu San is also polite.

Xin Ru held back Liu San, and the two left.

The rich man was gritting his teeth, his eyes were a little angry, and he stepped on the accelerator to leave. I came here this time for investment.

"Who is that person?" Liu San asked.

Xinru said: "Jiang Yingda, a wealthy man in our school. Everyone likes to call him Jiang Shao. It is said that his dad was a business and started a big company. But I often heard him when he was at school. Playboy. I don't like this person very much. "

Liu San smiled: "Let's go. Let's go to dinner. Leave it alone. But he said to invest here? Is it also a sand mine?"

"Sand mine is not always the same as gambling ... Bo, is the risk very high?" Xinru said.

Liu San didn't speak, and the word of risk didn't matter. Because this is counted in the consumption of Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card, this is also a scene that I prefer to see.

Unconsciously, we have reached the restaurant.

"Boss Liu, you're here again? This time you brought a young girlfriend?" The front desk has a deep memory of him, and it didn't come long ago. And spend more than 10,000. For places that haven't been developed yet, so much money can be spent ~ www.readwn.com ~ It must be memorable.

Liu San said, "She's my former classmate. It's still on the fourth floor. Give me two pages according to the last dish."

"..." The front desk twitched, ordering was still so simple and rude.

After hearing Liu San's words, if he didn't know why he felt sore, he might have been expecting too long. Instead, at the moment of disillusionment, it seemed a bit sour.

But also, there are graduate students after finishing college. It's been many years, and parents don't want to marry in the village themselves. Marry into the city.

Although she doesn't care about the city and countryside, her mother cares.

Forget it, hide it in your heart.

Liu San went to the fourth floor with his heart, in fact, Liu San was very clear about the relationship between the two. But it's obviously not right now because the two have known each other for many years. It's very clear about her situation.

At least mix it up yourself.

I used to feel that I was not worthy of him, and I could only learn a craft in the countryside. It's different now. People need to have ideals. Otherwise it is no different from salted fish. Liu San's goal is very big, first of all is to make the entire Shabai Town into an industrial chain. And he is the big boss behind the scenes here.

"The restaurant here is very well decorated." Xinru found a spot and sat down.

I did not expect a small village in my hometown, there would even be a restaurant with such a good decoration.

Soon, piles of side dishes were sent up.

Xinru pinched a small piece and put it in her mouth.

Very refreshing.

The two talked as they ate and seemed happy.

"Isn't this place cheap?" Xinru asked.

Liu San didn't say the price: "Money is not a problem, just delicious."

The two smiled similarly.

A meal that was very bland, but the moment Liu San's phone rang!

Make the whole situation suddenly tense!

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