Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 514: Big project (on)

The whole room was dumbfounded.

600 million! ?

Are you kidding me! !!

Zhao Laosi was stunned on the spot and encountered this for the first time.

Everything else is subject to financial calculations to calculate the compounding coefficient and other risk ratios. I saw it for the first time, and only heard the introduction for the first time.

It's totally rich and willful.

"You didn't make a joke." Zhao Sisi finally took it easy.

The next sentence.

Let Zhao Laosi directly petrochemical.

"600 million casual play. If the project is good, 500 billion can be."

500 ... billion.

Crashing ...

Yao Guoyi stood up directly: "Don't blow it! I'll tell you! Don't say you have 600 million, it's useless to say more.

"If you die, it will be 60 million at most!" Yao Guoyi became angry, and could hardly believe that this was true.

No one believes!

Liu San clapped his hands: "Did you just say that I would have millions at most? Now say tens of millions."

"How much money I have has a half dime relationship with you. Then I put it here, 600 million, I can easily get it."

"But I have attached conditions. I don't want to see any moisture in this 600 million. Otherwise, it is not the reason for breaking the capital chain."

"Even I will stand on the opposite side and do things you don't want to see!"

Liu San speaks very strongly, and there are reasons for doing so. After supporting the last two rounds, he completely completed the final two rounds of the card.

Become a real card owner.

By that time money is willful, and do whatever you want without violating big rules. Now the biggest difficulty is spending money and not allowing greed. Otherwise, you end your life just like the previous user.

At this moment, he used this strong to suppress the situation.

Zhao Laosi asked again: "You can really take out so much money?"

Liu San nodded.

"Okay. Then you make the decision yourself. I will let the secretary fund plan out in two days. You will supervise these projects yourself."

Yao Guoyi looked at Siye Zhao: "Siye, do you really believe that this guy has so much money? A young man, just throw away 600 million?

Zhao Laosi said: "If I can contribute to this village, then I choose to believe."

The rest were silent.

The more money Liu San contributed, the greater the proportion of shares he held. And the rest will have very few shares.

However, Liu San does not intend to involve them.

"Sir Lord, if you believe me. Then all letters! I will have the bank print out 600 million of the card tomorrow morning and stamp it.

"Similarly, I don't want to participate in this project with their funds. I want to really grasp it."

Yao Guoyi stood up with others: "No! You are driving us out of this project!"

Liu San didn't budge: "I just want to do this. If you have the ability, you will give more money than I do!"

The rest were embarrassed and somewhat angry.

The scene was a bit out of control.

Ye Si was a little bit embarrassed. Liu San's tone seemed to be true. But it is difficult to evict others.

If Liu San cannot get the money, the whole project will be changed because of this negotiation. Even ruined once.

"Let's go. This matter, decide again tomorrow. Let's go back and calm down. Liu San, you come with me." Zhao Siye said.

The others saw Zhao Siye saying this and did not dare to stay longer.

"Okay, then we will come back tomorrow."

After everyone left, only Liu San and Zhao Siye remained in the room.

"Are you sure you can take out this money tomorrow?" Zhao Siye asked.

Liu San nodded: "I know you're using a trick to slow down soldiers. They know too well. They are waiting to see my joke tomorrow."

Siye Zhao groaned: "You know just fine. You can take it out tomorrow, just as you say. No, you just make trouble."

"You should be very clear about this," said Siye Zhao.

Liu San said: "Rest assured, I have something in mind. I will open the bank's certificate tomorrow morning. You can call for real-time information at that time."

After the two talked about some details of the project, Liu Sancai left completely.

As long as 600 million are spent on the right path, they can survive the next round. Only this last round is the most troublesome place.

Zero at night.


phone vibration.

Is a message.

Open the message: "Dear customer, your ABC account number ending in 62XXXXXXXXXX was transferred to 600 million yuan at 00:00, and the current account has 60 million 0.02 yuan remaining."

"Sure enough, it is 600 million." Liu Sanyue was more excited and excited at the last round, but also a little nervous.

The tension is because the number of the last round is very large, and then it will not be so easy to find investment projects of this amount. In case it is not found, it is over.

If you survive, you are the owner of the real Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card!

No words overnight.

The next morning, Liu San went to the bank in the morning. Liu San didn't wait in line, there was a VIP room next to it.

"Hello, sir. I'm the lobby manager here. Here is the VIP room. If you need to handle business, click here to arrange."

After that, the woman pointed to a machine next to it, specifically a queue machine.

Liu San said: "I need you to open a certificate. I have more than 600 million in Cali."

"?" The woman froze.

The people standing in line around them also froze.

"In the morning, this person is nervous."

"600 million, just kidding. How can there be such a rich man here ~ www.readwn.com ~ Isn't this Liu San in the village over there? Their village has to catch up not so rich. How could he be rich?"

"Liu San? I haven't heard it. I'm from the river. How can a young person forget to take medicine early in the morning?"

Facing the uncle's uncle's concubine around, Liu San frowned slightly.

The lobby manager responded, "Oh, let's do this. Show me your ID, and I'll verify it for you."

Liu San took out his ID card and handed it to her.

She swiped on the machine, pressed some keys, and her eyes were unbelievable. Wiped his eyes.


It really is.

Tyrant! !!

My mother asked me to marry a rich man, and I look good at the lad. Rich and have looks.

Then she said enthusiastically to Liu San: "Hello, please wait in the VIP room."

The enthusiasm of the lobby manager changed the rest of the eyes.

Is it?

No way?

Shouldn't it?

Really so rich!

Immediately looking at Liu San, he felt that the grades were different, and it seemed that he walked like a big boss. Liu San glanced and didn't care.

Psychologically speaking, this is a kind of light wheel effect. The same thing, handsome people do, ugly people do.

And those who have money, and those who do not have money, will bring a completely different change to the first impression.

"Help me prove it." Liu San had to hurry back soon after finishing.

The woman laughed warmly: "Okay. I'll get it for you."

Tap, tap, the keyboard keeps pounding.

Squeaky, the printer started printing.

After finishing this, she is ready to stamp. It turned out that the person in charge of the bank control authority was not present.

"Where did Sister Zhang go?"

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