Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 515: Big project (below)

"Do you say Sister Zhang? She is a bit bad. She's in the bathroom now, wait a while." The staff told the lobby manager.

These things are strictly controlled by the bank. Some are in charge of calculations, and others are in charge of seals of authority.

Liu San was a little speechless.

Originally wanted to prove by phone, but they definitely don't believe this thing. So it goes both ways. This is the proof.

The results did not expect to wait.

"As soon as possible." Liu San did it there, and it was done.

at the same time.

Street office meeting room.

Yao Guoyi and others arrived at the conference room long ago.

"Why hasn't Liu San come yet?" Yao Guoyi sat there.

Another said, "It won't be that we can't afford the money. It's for us. How can it be so young?"

Everyone say something, I say something, there are many opinions.

Siye Zhao sits at the front: "One of you, one less word. Wait a minute. You don't know when the bank opens."

He didn't know when he said this.

Ten minutes passed.

Thirty minutes have passed.

Forty minutes passed.

"It's been an hour. Why haven't you come?" The others started to get impatient.

A project that was pretty good. Everyone made a few tens of millions. It can definitely be expanded. Now insert a Liu San.

It's all a mess.


The door opened.

"I'm here." Liu San pushed open the door and smiled.

Yao Guoyi said, "Do you dare to come?"

Liu San didn't make any nonsense, and took out the proof directly.

Then he took out the phone and said, "I know you definitely don't just believe. The phone can also inquire."

"This is the phone." Liu Sanhuan looked at everyone.

Yao Guoyi stood up with the others and went to see the proof.

It covers several chapters, and it is a special chapter. Have certain anti-counterfeiting ability.

The audience was silent.

There was silence.

Liu San looked at the crowd and said, "Now, I am the biggest investor. I have this capital. I fully fund this project!"

"Now, are you satisfied?"

Liu San said.

Master Zhao Siye smiled, and he guessed right.

Liu San said, "Yao Guoyi, to be honest. I do this for you."

"I don't understand your grievances with my grandfather. But you have to understand that money can be earned again. This man loses his soul and is gone.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Think about what you've done in the village these years?"

"Although I was just an apprentice at that time, but everything you did. The people in the village were watching."

"As long as it's for money, you can do everything."

After a pause, Liu San said, "Today, I have straightened out my words. Some people you look down on, you want to be whole."

"Maybe I will surpass you someday!"

"Money brings happiness, but it also brings destruction!"

Yao Guoyi listened to Liu San and was silent.

Taking a deep breath, Yao Guoyi took out a cigarette and started smoking: "You want to know, why should I take your land?"

"Since you want to know, let me tell you."

"What I told you was true before, but I changed a bit."

"My brother did go to jail, but that's what I reported."

Everyone froze.

"You reported it?" The bald man knew Yao Guoyi's brother.

Yao Guoyi took a sip of cigarettes, his eyes a little stunned: "Well. But that involves my family affairs. Inconvenience to tell you."

"And the land that your grandfather took down is because of my wife. My wife liked your grandpa's land very much."

"Now she's gone and her life is continuing. I want to realize her wish before starting a new life."

"Starting a new life like this, I will not feel ashamed of him."

"In the beginning, your grandfather rejected me many times. Finally signed a name. It happened that there was no watermark that day."

"I can't press my fingerprint, I say let people buy it."

"After buying it, he told me. He still doesn't sell it."

"I'm angry, this stinky old man suddenly changed his mind."

"He told me that he thought about it for a long time. Homeland is hard to leave, not really want to sell."

Yao Guoyi smoked another cigarette: "I didn't expect to die soon."

"Ha ha ha ha, this is the retribution." Yao Guoyi laughed!


In a boxing.

Fall to the ground.

Liu San stepped on Yao Guoyi fiercely: "You should have respect for an old man!"

"It's your business to buy land to pay for your sins! I tell you, as long as I have Liu San in one day! You can't buy it!"

"Now you can go!"

"It's better than money! Come here! I'm Liu San!"

After speaking, let go of Yao Guoyi.

He immediately got up, his face a little angry.

Seeing that the crowd did not leave, Liu San said, "Would you like me to ask you to leave?"

Everyone looked at each other before finally leaving.

Yao Guoyi's face was iron-blue, and he gritted his teeth: "Good boy, let me see!"

Liu San sneered: "Come, just come. See who laughs last!"

This time everyone left.

And offended all at once.

Yet Liu San is fearless!

Then discuss the details with Zhao Laosi, and ask that the sooner the start, the better.

money is not the problem.

Six hundred million is just a starter, and a lot of money followed.

Liu San hopes to invest more manpower.

The reason is simple, if ten people need one year to build a house. Then for a hundred people, the number has increased tenfold.

The same time naturally shrinks tenfold.

The more people there are, the faster the speed and the higher the efficiency.

Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is a major premise here, the cement setting and watering frequency will not change due to this.

It's very clear that I've been through the house. This is the theoretical state without interference.

The entire project is busy.

Liu San has been busy with the details of the project until late at night before going back.

Zhao Siye stayed asleep all night in excitement. For the first time, he encountered such a rich owner.

This time the achievements were full and a great thing was done.

Can't hold back the excitement, and called his old leader at four in the morning.

Don't look at everyone calling him Siye, the real age is not very old.

"It's so late, you still call me." The phone was a little sleepy.

Zhao Siye said with a smile: "I made a big project today."

The other end of the phone didn't get angry because of being disturbed, because everyone knew each other well: "What project makes you so excited."

"How much is the item?" The phone asked.

Zhao Siye laughed: "600 million! Sole investment!"

The other side of the phone was shocked!

"What !? Sole investment of 600 million !?"

Unparalleled shock!


Who is so good!

Is this too amazing?

Zhao Siye said with a smile: "I'll tell you another big news and be ready to save your heart."

"Don't worry, it won't work. I can still afford it." There was no air on the other end of the phone.

Zhao Siye said with a smile: "The investor said that 600 million is just a starter. Next week, he will directly give out 500 billion trillion."

"And 600 million funds have been spent on public funds and the project is ready to start!"

There was only a bang on the other end of the phone, but there was no sound.


Siye Zhao was speechless: "I didn't believe it after saying that I was preparing Jiuxin Wan. I had to call Xunzi. Let her take Jiuxin Wan downstairs ..."

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