Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 516: Shocking project

The next day, Liu San got up from the bed. Money is in place, and now you have to supervise it.

Although my sand mine also has income, once the money in the middle exceeds the money of the sand mine, I'm finished. In the last two rounds, you have to survive anything you say.

It's cool after I survive it, but it's not easy ... Where does heaven go?

Just as Liu San finished washing and was about to go out.


Snoring ceaselessly.

"My son, open the door. We are back."

The sound outside the door was very familiar, it was Liu San's father.


open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Liu San's father came in with boxes of things.

"What is this?" Liu San asked.

Liu Ming said, "Your favorite fries. I bought them back. A lot, don't play after eating."

Liu San couldn't help crying: "How do you remember my fries."

It was many years ago when Liu San was still in school. Parents work in other provinces. I once took a long vacation and took Liu San there.

When passing by a McDonald's, Liu San stopped. Just watched for a while but didn't.

But the father saw it: "Son, go in if you want to eat."

Liu San said he shook his head and said no.

Father told Liu San, don't worry about parents having no money, they can still afford to eat.

In the end, in order to save money for his father, he ordered only a few dollars of fries. Liu San told his father that it was not easy for you to make money. Buying one is enough.

At that time the mother was beside her, her eyes red and speechless.

That bag of fries was delicious.

After many years, they always remember that scene.

"Son, why did you buy such an expensive car for me?" Liu Ming looked at Liu San.

Liu San said with a smile: "It's okay. I'm not short of money right now. And I'm still worried about how to spend money quickly."

The mother laughed: "You child, can you still talk well. Now anyone is bothered about how to spend money."

Liu Ming wondered: "My son, Dad wants to ask you something. Why do you suddenly have so much money? That's too much for more than one million."

"I worked hard for two times, and I couldn't earn this amount by working outside." Liu Ming's father was sitting on a stool.

Liu San said: "Some time ago, I learned to buy stocks. Then I made money."

"I can hear that stocks are getting rich overnight. Bankruptcy is overnight. This thing is unreliable," said his mother.

Liu San paused and said, "I have something in mind."

When Liu San said that he had something in mind, the two were assured. Father took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked. His face was filled with happiness.

Looking at Liu San's current situation, his mother asked, "Three, tell me the truth. How much money did you make?"

Liu San smiled and stretched out a finger to look at his mother.

"A million?" Mother froze and said.

Liu San shook his head.

"Is it ten million?" His mother was surprised.

Father's face was slightly stiff, and he looked at Liu San.

But Liu San still shook his head.

The mother swallowed, took a deep breath, and said, "Willn't it be a billion. Have you got a two-color ball?"

Liu San said: "After two weeks, I might have more money to buy a planet."

"..." They both.

Liu Ming was taken a sip from the cigarette, and he coughed.

At this time!

The phone rang.

"Boss Liu, I have received the 600 million yuan that you called over here. Please start here for specific construction work."

The voice fell.

The smoke in Liu San's father's hands fell directly from his hands and instantly turned into petrification.

Nani! ?

Am I right?

Already called to give each other 600 million?

Oh my gosh!

Liu San's current situation is as dead as a chicken, like a thunderous thunder.

Silly eyes are there.

Liu San said, "Okay. I'll pass after breakfast. As I said, don't save money. The best materials are the most expensive gold and other rare materials."

"Okay, just start as planned. But it won't take long for 600 million," said over there.

Liu San said, "Say, money is not a problem. Go ahead."

"Okay, boss Liu." The phone was very polite.

Just talking a few words before hanging up.

Looking at the petrified parents there, Liu San called his father several times.

Only then did the father return.

"How much money did you ...?" Liu Ming looked at Liu San in surprise.

Liu Sanxiao Yinyin said: "Anyway, money is too much to spend. Go, I invested in a big project. Let's go together."

"OK." Father took a deep breath.

Thinking of what Liu San said just now, he secretly murmured, this stinky boy, shouldn't he really have enough money to buy ... a planet.

Shook his head.


Absolutely impossible,

It can't happen.

The two followed Liu San behind.


And this day is the entire Shabai Village, a historic day!

On this day, there are many helicopters and private jets in the sky. There were many vehicles on the ground.

Many trucks use hoods to cover the loading location.

The tall carport stands out.

Not only that, there are many troops and police around the area. Hold on to those cars.

"What's this truck delivering?"

"Yeah. Why are there troops coming?"

"The village saw this battle for the first time."

"Go and wake up the old man. Don't miss this wonderful day."

There are boxes in the air.

Lord Shi Si smiled brightly, and this time he must have appreciated.

This performance is totally amazing ~ www.readwn.com ~ even said that it can shock the world.

Expected to use more money than the Forbes list!

"Boss Liu, President Liu. You are here." Zhao Laosi smiled and looked at Liu San half-arched.

Liu San said, "Siye, don't be so polite. Introduce, this is my parents."

Father and mother also made a brief introduction.

"It was President Liu and President Wang." Zhao Laosi smiled to Liu San's parents.

Liu San's parents swept their heads.

Lived for decades.

The first time I was called like this.

President Liu.

President Wang.

It sounds wonderful.

Zhao Siye said: "The initial amount of 600 million is almost spent. You can check it. If you did not give 600 million deposit, I can't believe it."

"Someone can do that."

Zhao Siye praised Liu San for being young and promising.

"You see the helicopters are following the requirements, spending the money at the fastest speed possible."

"The goods above are the ones you asked for. We could have saved a lot of money by passenger transportation. But since you have deliberately accounted."

"Then I have to do it."

"Others, I paid tens of millions of deposits separately, in the face of me and the old leader. They only agreed to pay again in a few days."

Zhao Siye looked at Liu San.

Liu San said: "Very good. You did a good job. Take me over to see the goods."

Liu Ming heard what was in the clouds and fog, what goods cost 600 million yuan, and was just a deposit?

What the **** is going on?

And what are the cargoes from those planes in the air?

And those trucks, why are there guards?

Increasingly curious, what the **** is going on ...

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