Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 517: It's hard to forget the lifetime!

With these doubts, Liu Ming followed behind his son Liu San.

Liu San and Zhao Siye walked forward, talking and laughing.

Unconsciously, Liu Ming had a hallucination. He saw as if he were a hero, and there was a pile of money flying around him.

Shook his head.

Your eyes may be looking at flowers.

Look again.


Continue to follow Liu San.

Soon, they came to the center of the project.

Immediately afterwards, more troops came over and were stationed.

The people in the village were very puzzled.

When did you see such a big battle?

"Why so many people? Old man?"

"I don't know. I've lived most of my life and have never seen this show."


Yao Guoyi and other bosses parked beside the car, frowning and watching everything around them: "What the **** is going on, how can there be so many troops?"

"Do you still want to be a leader? I want to see what the boy Liu San wants to do?" Yao Guoyi's face was hazy.

Zhao Siye took Liu San to the middle, and Liu Ming and his wife also saw so many people for the first time. Such a big battle.

It's impossible to say not nervous. The wife also deliberately grabbed Liu Ming's clothes in an attempt to ease the tension.

On the contrary, Liu San's face was calm, and there was a touch of confidence in the corner of his mouth.

"I have asked for the funder of our project. He is the boss here. Starting today! We are officially working! Welcome applause!" Said Siye Zhao.

Thundering applause emanated from the troops and the surroundings.

Zhao Siye handed Liu San a microphone.

Liu San took the microphone: "Now officially start work. Unveil the curtain!"

The words fell!

Huh! !! !! !!

The curtains were opened directly and the carport was opened!

The sight of gold is gold.

The audience was excited and shocked!


"A lot of gold !!!"

"I saw so much gold for the first time!"

"Daughter, hit me! This is dreaming!"

"It hurts! This is true!"

Liu San's father and mother were dumbfounded on the spot.

"This is a project I do. From now on, this place will become a tourist attraction." Liu San held the microphone.

Taking a step, watching the crowd continued, "This project."


"Golden City!"

There was an uproar in the audience.

"Golden City?"

"What do you mean? Do you want to put a lot of gold here?"

"No, it must be a city made of gold!"

"Fart, do you have so much money to do? Gold City, this money is so much that you can't finish it!"

Liu San smiled slightly. "You guessed it right. I just want to get the Golden City. So construction started today."

"From now on, this is a brand new era."

"And at this moment you will witness a historic scene!"

"I Liu San! Do things in history that many people would never dream of!"

"I Liu San! Do what others can't do!"

"I Liu San! Let this moment be remembered forever!"

The thunderous applause comes from all directions, endless!

Everyone thought about it, how much it cost. One gram of gold is calculated at 300 yuan per gram, and one pound is 500 grams.

That is 150,000 yuan.

Ten catties, 1.5 million.

One hundred catties, fifteen million.

The calculation of this car-by-car, plane-by-plane, this number is scary to everyone.

Liu San ignored the surprise of the crowd and continued: "Besides this, there will be two groups in the whole project. One is the Golden City and the other is the Civilized City."

"I will go to an expert for unified processing. I can try to keep the original flavor without repairing. If you need to do it, try to use materials with a certain historical time."

"From now on, the fate of Shabai Village will change from this day."

After Liu San finished speaking, he returned the microphone to Zhao Siye.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief and couldn't believe it was true. Specific people have enough money to build a golden city!

Yao Guoyi and others even took a breath in the car.

I'm dripping

How could this money be so much!

In fact, Liu San was sweating profusely. The reason why he was so decent was to suppress some people who tried to make trouble.

Now is the crucial time, and it will be up to these two weeks to live or die.

Without Zhao Siye, others in Liu San's project would not buy it. As a result, Liu San was strongly crushed, showing that he was not bad at money.

It was the one-time amount of 600 million hits as a side dish, which shocked Zhao Siye.

Excited to call the old leader directly.

In my lifetime, we can see the Golden City!

A city truly made of gold!

"Dad!" Liu San turned around and saw that Liu Ming was standing still.

After shouting several times in a row, Liu Ming came to his senses.

Staring at Liu San, it felt like he was not seeing his son. But God of Wealth. Who would do this!

Only God of Wealth can do it!

"Son ... how much does it cost to build a gold city?"

Liu Ming swallowed.

"One thousand catties of gold, if 100 million are needed." The load capacity of a car is usually a few tons to a dozen tons.

"This is no longer something that trillions can do. With that said, you should understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu San said.

"And before that, I had bought all the plots around my home. The entire Golden City is under my land."

Liu San bought the land, but it cost a lot of money. For this, Tang Ming did not run less. At first they disagreed, but later the money was enough for them to buy a house in the city.

Those talents are willing to sell the land to them.

The result was unexpected. After Liu San bought the land, it turned out to be used in Golden City.

Everyone knows that once this Golden City is established, there will be many tourists from all over the world.

They are not just looking at ancient civilizations, they are looking at this golden city.

Therefore, many people are looking forward to this day coming early.

"Are you satisfied with the car I bought for you? If not, I will give you a brand new limited edition?" Liu San smiled.

Now he is simply rich.

Liu Ming's father felt a little untrue: "No. That car, I heard the salesperson said that it will cost more than one million."

"I'm just curious, how did you get this money? Why is there so much." Liu Ming's father is still relatively honest.

Worried that Liu Ming went astray. The story of Shen Wansan in ancient times is still clear in his mind.

Wealthy nations can be very unwise if they confront them.

At that time, the talents are empty.

On the contrary, sometimes cooperation is better.

Yao Guoyi's face is a bit bad, this kid is too rich. There can be so many stocks!


I will report this time!

And report to a higher level!

The cigarette **** in his hand was thrown out of the car window.

Step on the accelerator with your feet, the vehicle accelerated, and left the land directly!

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