Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 518: 2nd survivor

Yao Guoyi parked the car at the door and returned to the villa.

"Boss Yao, what's wrong?" The secretary came over.

He sat on the couch with his butt, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Take a sip: "It really surprised me. A young man like this has so much money."

"What's so much money?" The secretary heard the fog and couldn't understand what Yao Guoyi said.

Yao Guoyi pulled down the secretary and pinched her waist: "Liu San is going to make a big project investment."

"The investment in this project is to build a golden city as the biggest selling point."

After saying this, the secretary also stunned: "Golden City? Want to build a movie Golden City? Paint a city with golden paint?"

"It takes a lot of money. He wants to make a movie. It's very promising to make a prop movie."

The secretary lies in the arms of Yao Guoyi.

Yao Guoyi said: "No, I'm not talking about props. It's a city that is really made of gold."

The secretary was bad at the time.

Why are you so stupid as an old lady.

Who would make a city with gold!

Even the first person at Forbes didn't dare to do this!

"You're teasing me. This joke isn't funny at all." The secretary muttered.

Yao Guoyi looked seriously: "Yeah. I also feel a little incredible. If it wasn't for my own eyes."

"I can't believe it."

He took another puff of cigarettes: "A month or so ago, he was still an apprentice. It took only one month to reach this level?"

"It's too unusual. Even stocks, I don't believe he can reach that level."

When he said this, he looked sad.

The rise of Liu San is the last thing he wants to see.

But now, how did it rise?

Now the city has attracted the attention of the entire upper class and construction is already underway. The initial investment alone is no less than 100 billion yuan.

"Boss Yao, what do you mean, isn't his money clean?"

The secretary said something to his mouth without continuing.

After a while.

She said, "But for such a large sum of money, it is impossible to rob a bank."

"Yes. This is where I find it strange. I decided to report jointly."

"And it was reported. The last report seemed to be unresponsive."

"I don't believe it this time! How did he get this money from Liu San!"

After talking about Yao Guoyi, he stood up and said, "To arrange it, I will meet other shareholders and bosses. Call those people I know as much as possible."


Two days later!

Yao Guoyi and others discuss things in a hotel in the city.

"He has too much money now. Do you have any opinions?" Yao Guoyi said.

Others are also talking.

"As previously said, let's report it together."

"I know some people and should be able to report success."

"With so much money, it is impossible to sell stocks. Although the market is huge and global, it is not difficult to do so."

"Lao Su is right."

Finally, after unanimous agreement, Yao Guoyi reported in person.

I bought a plane ticket and went to the Imperial Capital.

Coming directly to the Empire Whistleblower.

Yao Guoyi took a confident step and walked towards the hall.

"Hello, sir. Is your material ready?" The staff looked at Yao Guoyi with a smile.

Yao Guoyi took out a stack of documents from his briefcase.

A stack of thick documents.

"..." The staff member twitched.

"Uh ... sir, please take the liberty to ask you why your report file is so much money."

Yao Guoyi said: "These things, in addition to my report. There are many corporate bosses report together."

"Joint report?" The staff member froze.

Yao Guoyi nodded: "Yes, I just want to report this guy named Liu San!"

"What happened to him?" The staff asked.

Yao Guoyi said, "He lunatic wants to build a city with gold!"

"That's someone else's business. It doesn't seem to have a great relationship with you." The staff hesitated for a few seconds.

Immediately after, Yao Guoyi shook his head: "It's not like this. But this guy was an apprentice working for another month."

"In just over a month, the earth-shaking changes have been achieved. It is too unusual." Yao Guoyi gritted his teeth, remembering the scene when Liu Sanyi punched him to the ground that day and he was unwilling to write.

Although he was the cheapest, he didn't want Liu San to rise at all.

The staff noticed the seriousness of the situation and dealt with it quickly. After processing, full of documents to report.

"You go back first, and one day later, we will reply to you. This is your report acceptance form. Please keep it."

"Follow-up, please come with this number."


Staff and leaders are out.

They started using big data to investigate.

Including Liu San's identity and personal information, all investigations.

Everyone was shocked.

All the money was remitted by one person. And this person is a very scary existence.

"It's him!?"

The leader of the whistle-blower was stuck in place, thinking about it, and struck a cross directly on the report letter.

According to the above, the surname is Shen.

Don't provoke him, his wealth is terrible. Don't trust Forbes either. Now the real rich are hidden.

This world hides some people's wealth reaching an astonishing level. It is difficult to think about how much money they have ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as they do not violate the rules of this world, don't provoke them.

one day later.

Yao Guoyi was directly informed by the staff that the other party did have the money.

And its origins are bright.

It's all true.

Yao Guoyi left the imperial capital with incredible and loss.

After returning, the others seemed to be severely punched.

As if nobody could stop Liu San's footsteps.


Liu San looked at the amount on the bank card and took a deep breath. Just stick to the last round. The real life begins. If the previous money is to force Liu San to spend money.

Then, after becoming a real user of Shenhao Agricultural Card, it is a comfortable life.

People should be free and chic!

Liu San held his mobile phone and kept sending money.

Pay for each of the gold masters on the list.

After receiving the money, the others smiled.

The number of people needed in Gold City is even greater. Liu San needs to build it in the fastest time.

So the price paid is also greater. But this is exactly what Liu San needs.

The last round.

Seven days keep shrinking.

Liu San's money kept going down, but he laughed happier.

Six days.

Five days.

Four days.

Three days.

It's finally the last day.

All money is spent.

Liu San held a laugh at the Shenhao Agricultural Bank card and said, "This time I become the second survivor of the 56th user."

"I want to know, what age was the first survivor?" Liu San asked.

Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card: "The host level is not enough. Only the other party's surname can be revealed."

Looking up at the sky, Liu San finally gave Changshu a sip: "This is the life of Shenhao!"

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