Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 519: Jiangbei is straightforward and alive

Four days later.

Liu San left Shabai Village to let his parents be the boss behind the scenes. Professionally, as long as they supervise.

There are professionals responsible for other things. If you have trouble or doubt, you can call yourself.

And he has become a real user of the Kobe Agricultural Bank Card, and there is no shortage of money.

Spend at will, no limit, no penalty.

Once Liu San had many things that he would never dare to dream, now he finally has a chance.

No worries.

Although Liu San is in his twenties, his face is immature, similar to the love of seventeen and eight.

Liu San was a school fighter before, but did not take the college entrance examination because of lack of money.

In a sense, it gave up on its own initiative.

Get on the high-speed rail and head to Jiangshi!

And Liu San's goal is the first high school in Jiangbei! High school senior class!

Liu San bought a Lamborghini and didn't want to be too arrogant. Lamborghini is enough.

Hired some bodyguards and bought another villa.

Don't ask why, because it's so wayward ...

Then contact the principal through Zhao Siye to enter the transfer.

Naturally, it is impossible to drive Lamborghini to school. At present Liu San does not think it is necessary.

The low-key is the low-key, the face is the face.

How cool, how come.

The headmaster patted his chest directly and said, "As long as you are willing to learn, you can come without four grandpas."

Liu San knew this kind of superficial discourse.

After completing all the formalities, the Fourth Lord Zhao left Liu San.

The headmaster cold sweat DC, I heard that Zhao Siye did a big project. So it got reused and was ready for promotion.

How did this guy accompany such a young man?

Liu San and Zhao Siye followed one another. Liu San is in front, and Siye is behind.

Siye told him.

Wait until the day of school.

That's it.

Siye Zhao said respectfully: "You are so rich already, what are you going to school for?"

Liu San smiled: "Can't you go to school if you have money? It doesn't matter."

"It's just because I have the money that I do it. Those things that I used to do but didn't dare do, all do!"

Liu San handed him a cigarette.

He took the cigarette and said, "I don't understand the world of rich people. But it is true to live in the present, just happy."

"Thank you, I'm going to be promoted. I didn't expect that I could be promoted before I retired."

"And it's a big promotion. Your Golden City project has a huge impact on the entire tourism market."

"It's going to be a day of gold."

Zhao Siye looked at Liu San gratefully.

Liu San put one hand behind him: "What about Rijin's fight for gold. If one day this world can't hold me."

"It's not that I have been cast aside by the world, but that the world is no longer qualified to accommodate me!"

Words are full of domineering.

In this month, life has changed dramatically due to a shrine agricultural bank card.

Someone kept challenging himself, and for the first time almost died. If there were more surplus at that time, it would be ... See you in heaven.

The fourth time was an opportunity to seize the problem and survive it little by little.

Time can not make people mulberry, only old.

Only experience and vision can make people mulberry.

One month is not long. Liu Sandou fights wit and finally ushers in the spring.

In just one month, Liu San walked faster and more steadily for most of his life than others.

Now is the real deity!

The shrine life of a counterattack from the countryside!

Xia to Qiu, soon ushered in the day of school.

Liu San faded his gorgeous suit and put on Jiangyi's first high school uniform! Feeling youthful.

It's just that Liu Sangang started to feel a little uncomfortable. After all, I haven't felt such a school for a long time.

It took some time to get used to it.

In high school, my classmates have been together for two or three years.

Traditionally, the first year of high school is divided into liberal arts and sciences. So there may be new students after high school.

It may not be possible without new students.

So have known for at least two years.

Sun Feng is the head teacher of Jiangbei's first high school and senior high school.

The leader called him Xiaosun,

A colleague called his grandson,

The student called his grandson ...

He teaches geography. Normally, the class teacher is usually in English, Chinese and English. But he is not.

Thanks to the number one champion he took with him twice.

Sun Feng looked at the bottom still lazily, and said, "Look at you, you have the holiday syndrome one by one."

"When you come back from vacation, it will become like this. Next year, you will have the college entrance examination! The college entrance examination will determine your future days.

Sun Feng knows, in terms of educational psychology. Immediately after the holiday, it is difficult to get involved in the learning state.

It takes a little getting used to.

Some students asked, "If the college entrance examination is broken, is there no future?"

Sun Feng said, "This ... Take me as an example. I came to this school for an interview."

"School recruitment requirements, a minimum of 985, 211 college graduate or above are eligible for interview."

"If I didn't go to a key university, do you think this school will let me interview and teach you?"

As soon as the words fell, the classmates remained silent.

A classmate asked: "Whether we finish college, we can only find a better job. Like you ..."

Sun Feng wasn't angry, and wanted to say something, but stopped talking. Finally failed to say.

"Maybe not necessarily. It ’s better to learn than not to learn. If you do n’t think, do n’t think.

"Learn more ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Go further in the future."

"Yes, classmates, there is a transfer student in our class today. It should be coming soon."

After Sun Feng just finished speaking, the students talked a lot.

"You can still transfer in high school? And there are also students in key classes!"

"Yuan Fang, how do you see."

"In my opinion, it's the back door."

Hahahaha, the class laughed.

At this point, Liu San stepped into the uniform with a confident pace. Wearing a white watch on his hand, he was very handsome.

Hair is also trimmed by top barbers. Three points look, seven dress up.

If people with eyesight can find that Liu San's shoes and watches are invaluable.

A watch alone is more than several times more expensive than a Diga Dragon.

Sun Feng looked at Liu San's shoes and always felt that he had seen them. Can't remember.

Classmates are also yours, me.

"It looks pretty good."

"Looking about the same age as us."

"Nice looking. Not bad ~"

"Cut, come back to the key class. Maybe it's a scum. Buy a pheasant university then."

"I think you are eager to be ugly in the newcomer, so that you are even more ugly."

"Fart! I guarantee my math. My handsome thunder thunder!"

"No no no. You are an ugly sky thunder."

"your sister!"


Liu San walked to the podium.

Sun Feng said, "You introduce yourself."

Liu San was very calm, with a gentle smile: "My name is Liu San, and we will be one year classmates in the future. I will take care of them in the future."

Very simple words, without any pretense.

Because of Liu San, he wants to truly enjoy life and enjoy the present.

Let yourself live in a refreshing and comfortable state, and act rashly!

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