Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 525: Sun instructor

Everyone stared at Liu San.

"Really you?"

"No way!?"

"Here is another Super Learner, how does this make us live ~"

"Mr. Sun, is it true?"

The classmates are a bit unbelievable. After all, the results of the last exam were announced. For new arrivals, everyone is very clear.

Sun Feng smiled: "If you haven't cheated, this time it will be like this."

Before coming to the classroom, Sun Feng was surprised at the results. Then I asked the invigilator.

As a result, the invigilator was very impressed with the student and praised the state at the time.

After hearing this result, Sun Feng was determined.

"Before class, I announced one thing. The top five of the whole school this time will participate in the Olympics. Those who have performed well in the Olympics will be awarded university places in advance."

"Of course, do n’t be discouraged if you have n’t attended, you still have the college entrance examination. After class, please ask the top five students to come to my office this time.

"Yes, it's the top five in the school. It's not the top five in our class. This time, we occupied three of the top five. The remaining two are in other classes."

"It's two dark horses. Let's go to class now. Everyone cheer up."

After that, Sun Feng began a formal lecture.

Because of the college entrance examination, and after some time, everyone quickly adjusted to the state of learning.

After the class, Liu San, Zi Mo and another student walked into Sun Feng's office.

"You should know why I want you to take this exam well." Sun Feng said meaningfully.

Everyone then remembered that Sun Feng asked everyone to grasp the test well before the test.

"Here, I was surprised by Liu San. The progress made me a little surprised. The original failure, after these times."

"Such progress has actually been made."

Sun Feng sat on the chair: "One of the more difficult subjects in the original subjects was Chinese and the other was mathematics. However, I did not expect it."

"This time there will be two full marks in our class. Zhou Jie, you are also very good. I lost a bit here in Chinese. In math, I also lost a bit."

"Nevertheless, your performance is still dazzling. Zimo needless to say, the first regular of the grade."

He praised them one by one, and then entered the theme: "This Olympiad competition is mainly based on science. So the main assessment is physics and mathematics."

"You are doing well, Qingda and Peking University are entirely possible. I heard the English teacher said that your goal is there."

"One of the best schools in the country. I'm right."

He looked at everyone.

"Next, after class every day, there will be a dedicated teacher to help you. Communicate with your family at that time."

Immediately afterwards, Sun Feng handed everyone a form and information: "After filling in the information, leave it to me. You can go back and look at this information."

After filling in the information, everyone left with the information.

"Do you want Shangqing University or Peking University?" Zi Mo asked.

Liu San looked up at the sky: "It's not decided yet, it should be between these two schools."

Zhou Jie said: "The eight characters haven't been put aside. It's not just one of our schools competing. Several key high schools will also participate."

"Come on, then," Zimo said.

The three looked at each other and smiled.

After class, everyone followed the classroom where the teacher came.

There were seven people in the classroom.

Together with Liu San's class, the total is ten.

An older man with glasses looked at ten people during the lesson. It looks a bit like retiring.

"Here I introduce myself briefly. Actually I have retired. For this Olympic Games. The school specially invited me back."

"I have led three runners-up and one third. I hope to be the first in the last Olympics."

"I wonder if you have faith?"

After speaking, the instructor looked at ten people in the audience.

The crowd did not speak.

"No confidence? Tell me, do you have confidence!"

There were some responses this time.

Everyone said, "Yes."

The sound is not loud!

The instructor said, "I can't hear you! Say it again! Didn't eat!"


This time everyone responded loudly.

"If you lose, don't lose! The momentum must be enough! Of the ten of you, the first five are contestants. The last five are candidates."

"Don't fall behind as a candidate. Maybe there is a chance to play. Be watched by other universities."

"If you don't sprint to the end, you only need to work hard to get the position. Get the award. The college entrance examination can add points.

"Our goal is this time! Champion!"

That being said, the instructor actually knows it's hard. After all, I have taken it so many times, it is still very clear. The runner-ups had worked hard before.

To win the championship, it's a horde of flocks and difficult to survive.

But, confidence is still needed!

Otherwise, even confidence is lost, let alone the top three. Even the top 12 is difficult!

Sun instructor said: "You can call me Sun instructor, or Sun instructor. It is the same name as the head teacher of the key class."

"Since this is our first meeting, I want to get to know you. It doesn't matter which class you come from."

"It's not important to focus or not. What's important is that your results are in the top ten!"

"The next step is to answer! Mental arithmetic! Answer as fast as possible! After the countdown is over, no answer is allowed."

Instructor Sun took out the chalk and wrote on the blackboard while saying, "Three vertices of △ ABC are known in the plane rectangular coordinate system ~ www.readwn.com ~ Point p moves on a straight line BC. The moving point Q satisfies PQ = PA + PB + PC is the trajectory equation of point Q? "

Suddenly everyone was aggressive.



Trajectory equation mental arithmetic?

Are you kidding me?

"Ten!" Instructor Sun started the countdown.





At the last second, Zimo raised his hand: "Q's trajectory equation is y = 2x-3!"

Instructor Sun smiled when he heard the answer: "This session is still very good."

Liu San stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "It's really strong."

In fact, Liu San also figured it out just a moment ago, but he didn't have time to say it yet. One second slower than Zimo.

"What's your name?" Sun instructed.

Zi Mo returned with a smile: "You can call Zi Mo."

"Very good. You are the first. I remember there is another tied first." Guiding Sun smiled.

"Then the second question! Please listen! You only have five seconds to respond! Because this question is relatively simple."

The words fell!

"It is known that the domain of F (2X-1) is (0,1). Find the domain!"

Just finished!

Liu San raised his hand and said, "(-1, 1)!"

Director Sun smiled: "Great. What's your name?"

"Liu San." Liu San said.

"It turns out that you are the one who is tied for the first. That's good." Instructor Sun praised.

The remaining eight looked at the two like monsters.

Nima! ?

too strong!

Get it in less than five seconds!

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