Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 526: Bright smile

Instructor Sun was very satisfied and continued to make questions.

This time other students were also mobilized!

Other people also started to react and participate. It's just that it's not the same level as Liu Sanzimo.

Most of them were answered by Liu San and Zimo.

Through this quick mental arithmetic, instructor Sun had a preliminary judgment on their ability.

Zimo and Liu San have great potential and can dig them deeper.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, Zimo's home had called and asked why he hadn't returned.

She said go back and talk again.

The family didn't ask much and hung up.

"Your house is very strict. There will be no forbidden door." Liu San joked.

Zimo smiled: "Yes. But it's not what you think you are. It's just not safe for a woman to go back at night. Otherwise, would you send me?"

Liu San smiled: "Okay. I'll take you back later. Classmates."

Zhou Jie said, "Let's go together. I also live on that street."

Liu San doesn't matter, one is contained, the other is contained. Not a pick-up.

I do n’t like light bulbs when I am a girl, but not now.

So Liu San nodded and agreed.


It's already night, and only street lights are left.

"You are waiting for me," Liu San said.

Zhou Jie said, "Well? Aren't we walking together?"

Liu San: "Ha?"

"Aren't we three going back together, are you safe?" Zhou Jie said.

Liu San then reacted and smiled: "It's okay. I have a car. Take you back. Anyway, I will go back soon."


They were aggressive.

Nani! ?

You have a car! ?

Are you still a high school student?

"You seem to be under age ..." Zimo said.

Liu San smiled: "Here. Rest assured. Just wait for me."

The two waited under the night light.

The city at night was not very quiet and brightly lit. It's just that the school section is a little bit leisurely. Street lights accompany the night, waiting for dawn.

Soon, a sports car is coming!

Instantly attracted the attention of two people!

Especially Zhou Jie!

I really liked cars, and screamed at the sight of a sports car!

"Crouch! This is a limited edition sports car! Tens of millions can't be bought!" Zhou Jie exclaimed excitedly.

Zimo doesn't know much about cars.

At best you can see that the car looks really extraordinary right now.


The door opens.

A man stepped out and looked very handsome in the light of the moonlight.

For a moment, both of them were stunned.

"Get in the car." Liu San said.

Zhou Jie swallowed: "This car is yours? It's not cheap."

Liu San said, "It's okay. I didn't drive this one before, but later I want to change it, so I change it."

Zimo was also in situ on the spot.

"Your dad started the gold mine?" Zhou Jie wondered.

Liu San shook his head: "No, they used to be farmers. Then they went out to work. After getting rich, they returned to their hometown."

Of course, Liu San did not directly say that I made all of this money.

Afraid to say it, it's not good to scare them to death.

"Why not get in the car yet?" Liu San said.

Zhou Jie said: "I'm afraid to spend your car. Can't afford it."

Liu San was speechless at the time: "Money is a foreign body. Come and sit. You don't have to pay for it if it's broken."

Zhou Jie was dumbfounded.

It is really amazing to have a rich student.

Zimo said in a voice he could only hear: "No wonder the travel was the money you paid."

Liu San said: "Don't care about this detail. Just be happy in the moment."

"Get in the car."

The door opens automatically and folds to both sides.

They got in the car.

The first ride in this kind of car was a bit unreal.

But I did feel it.

Looking at the various buttons on the sports car, Zhou Jie was jealous of Venus.

When I arrived, nothing happened.

Zimo couldn't help but be funny, you guys, just love cars.

"It's here," Liu San reminded.

Zhou Jie was surprised: "Oh, I like cars so much. I didn't pay attention."

Liu San said: "It's okay, if you like, I will have fun for you then. But you must keep it secret. Don't tell it."

For Zhou Jie, Liu San is also very familiar.

After all, in the school for some time, the character of the people in the class is well understood.

Zhou Jie expressed surprise.


Zi Mo looked at the sports car, his eyes flickered a little, and the gap might be too big. It really is inappropriate.

Liu San actually saw it.

The reason for this is that Liu San has his own deep purpose.

Regarding money, it was kept secret.

I believe there are still some interested people who will try their best to investigate.

The project in the Golden City has already gotten a lot of money. They are all clear. Concealment was only temporary.

Liu San needs them to adapt slowly.

Security must also be in place.

He also needs to learn judo, but Liu San is very clear. It's the job that matters. If people want to be all-powerful, they still have difficulties. But if it is specific.

Then you can definitely climb to the top!

This is the inspiration that Shenhao Agricultural Bank Card brings to itself!

All counterattacks start from that day in the countryside!

The sports car drove another way.

Sent to Zimo's house.

Zi Mo looked at Liu San absently: "Thank you for bringing me back."

"It's all right."

After a brief farewell, Liu San drove away.

At this moment, a middle-aged man outside the window saw Zi Mo getting out of the sports car through the window.

He knew the sports car.

True value memory.

The middle-aged man's eyes were puzzled, and Zi Mo was not the kind of person who likes to have money but no money ~ www.readwn.com ~ but didn't care about material.

For his daughter, the psychology is very clear.

"Dad, mom, I'm back," Zimo said.

Zimo's mother said, "You are back. The rice is warm."

Dad also came downstairs: "Let's eat."

The two did not mention a word about Zi Mo coming back so late.

After all, her daughter's personality is very clear as a parent.

Zimo has been eating while eating.

"Dad wants to ask you something. Who was that sports car just now?" The middle-aged man looked at Zi Mo.

Zimo said, "It's one of my classmates."

"You classmate is not easy. As far as I know, this car is a limited edition." The middle-aged man said.

Zimo didn't say: "Do you think money will affect a person?"

The father laughed: "Stupid child. Money can buy anything, but not really."

"And your priority now is to go to college. If the boy liked you just now, he showed it on purpose." Father didn't evade such things.

Zimo's face was bewildered: "He hasn't said it all the time, no one will know. Isn't this good?"

The father smiled: "Stupid child. After all, paper can't hold the fire. If you like someone, you should show them all to each other."

"So he let you know that he is rich. As for what you think, that's your business."

"Material cannot really be bought. He just wants to know your reaction. As your parents, we are all here."

"We have no objection to falling in love with you, after all, there will be a day after all. But I hope you will talk after you have finished college. And confirm whether it is like it or not.

After hearing this, Zimo smiled immediately.

Smiled a little bright.

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