Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 527: Top learner

The next day, Zi Mo went to school as usual.

Liu San also came to the classroom early. Tang Ming called and told himself that Golden City was finished in a week.

Called the most in history!

The number of people brought in at that time is also a very scary figure.

Liu San said that it didn't matter, after all, he was already a hero, and he brushed money at will. And no problem was found.

Someone has reported himself several times before, but nothing has been gained. Obviously, this card handles the origin of money very well.

"Early!" Zimo said hello to Liu San.

Liu San also smiled: "Early."

The crowd went on to class.

Classes have been taught during the day, and after school, intensive training is conducted with the instructor. He explained to everyone some methods and ideas for solving problems. Everyone heard it with interest.

For performance reasons, Liu San and Zimo were still sitting together. But this time the seat is no longer the last row.

But the first row!

Some people say that thousands of years in return for a smile in this life. Meeting is sometimes a fate.

Whether it is love, family relationships, or even netizens who have never met, maybe there will be time to meet in a certain era.

God said, some people believe, some don't. Everything depends on the fate.

In the following days, Liu San and Zi Mo continued to solve problems. Very easy.

It lasted for two months!

Finally ushered in the day of competition.

Liu San, Zi Mo and Zhou Jie, together with the seven trained, left by car.

Go to the designated place in the city center.

The car arrived quickly.

"Get out of the car. Don't hang up like this in the first round. Otherwise, I haven't seen any gains in the past two months," the instructor said.

Zi Mo and Liu Sansan smiled at each other: "Relax, how could the first round hang! We will cheer!"

"Remember what I said. If time is limited, get the easy points first. Then think about the problem slowly."

The instructor is as shy as a cliché.

Everyone entered the examination room.

ID card and entry certificate.

The next step is to scan the body for any non-compliant items.

Enter the examination room with a pen.

Question after question is almost a spike.

There are other students in the same spike mode.

Only a few frown in the process.

Until the last question, all talents were stuck.

Prove that the square of X + the square of Y = the square of Z, whether the geometric algebraic equation is solvable, and why.

This equation is unusual, and even a little hard to say.

Because this is already out of order.

Most people are stuck here.

Wu Wenxing is the proctor here and the president here. Focused on mathematical problems all year round. See the expressions of people around you. He smiled attentively.

The more able to be a student, the more representative this level is.

Only in this way can we compare high and low.

Liu San held the pen but did not move. Liu San was very clear about this question. Normal students are very difficult to do.

At this time, instructor Sun and other instructors were reading the test paper in a conference room.

"This test is of medium difficulty. It feels like most people will pass it," said an instructor.

"It's just the last question, it seems that they are unlikely." The instructor was a little speechless. This test paper must be Wu Wenxing's participation, so he made such a metamorphosis.

Instructor Sun smoked a cigarette: "This is a BSD conjecture. They cannot solve it."

This problem belongs to one of the world's difficult problems, and it is conventionally impossible to solve.

Wang Dao smiled confidently: "That's not necessarily the case. The student I teach usually has a lot of knowledge. Maybe I still get some points."

Instructor Sun looked at him like that: "You're still the same. I didn't know who wasn't even the top six in the previous few times."

"... You! This time is different!" Wang Dao countered.

Instructor Sun took a puff of cigarettes: "What's different. Your student union, my students must do too."

The instructor has been waiting in the conference room.

At this time, Liu San had no clue from the beginning, and started to imagine with the draft paper behind. The entire draft was full.

Only then began to write the answer.

Liu San only uses divergent thinking, not thinking according to the routine.

Since it is three elements, then there must be some necessary connection between the elements.

One of the most common methods is to imagine some commonly used values. For example, 0, 1, -1, perform algebraic theory. There are many limitations. Liu San tried it in several ways.

Only gradually got the idea.

Pick up the pen and count the seconds.

Jingle Bell!

It wasn't until the end of the competition bell that everyone started to submit papers.

"It is not allowed to write anymore. Now writing, all are treated as a disadvantage!" Said the proctor.

Liu San also stopped the test paper.

The examination papers were collected.

After finishing the examination papers, it was completely over.

The competition lasted seven days. The first day was the first round of screening in all schools in the city. The second day was to distinguish the city after the second round of screening. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

If the results are OK, the group advances.

If the grade is poor, the group fails.

The first two days were at the municipal level, and the next few days were at the provincial level.

It is not until the seventh day that the strongest teams will completely appear. Examination papers include not only math problems but also physics problems. Almost all of the science components ~ www.readwn.com ~ finished the exam. Let's relax, have a meal and prepare for the afternoon exam. Instructor Sun has long been waiting outside.

There are many cigarette butts on the ground. It can be seen that it is also an old smoker.

"Do you know what the last question is?" Instructor Sun asked.

Zimo replied, "It's the BSD conjecture."

"It seems that you are usually very concerned about mathematical theory." Instructor Sun said.

Zimo said: "I didn't have time. Although I've seen it, the idea of ​​solving the problem is a bit cumbersome. After writing more than half, the final result was not finished."

Instructor Sun smiled with satisfaction: "Very good. If you can get some points, you are already ahead of others."

The rest of the staff have never heard of this BSD conjecture. Not to mention how to do it. Thought it was the same as a regular proof.

As a result, I found that my thinking was wrong.

Instructor Sun looked at Liu San: "What about you?"

Liu San said: "I didn't know anything about this question at the beginning. But I think it must be difficult since it is a competition. So I used the Zeta function Z (S) to verify the points."

"But halfway through it, I think there might be answers to this problem. But it probably doesn't matter."

"The reason is that the way of answering has exceeded the high school textbook. Then I try to use the theory in the high school textbook to solve the problem."

"I tried seventeen methods before I found the solution."

The voice fell.

Instructor Sun's face was straight up there.

17 ways?

Oh my god! ?

You have fused the entire math textbook!

At that time, he was not calm, he lit a cigarette and drew it fiercely: "This year, it seems to bring out a top school bully."

Everyone looked at Liu San like a monster.

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