Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 530: So skinny

The security guard looked at Liu San incredibly.

Call him Mr. Liu?

Generally, are n’t rich young masters called Liu Shao?

What the **** is Liu always?

Liu San said, "Go ahead. I'm still busy with the exam."

"Okay, okay." The helicopter went up again.

The man in the cab muttered, "This is Liu's real money, is he so wayward? Still going to high school."

"Then what do you think you ca n’t spend enough? That Golden City will be enough for him for a lifetime. So, poverty limits our imagination."

"After material satisfaction, it is more about pursuing spiritual enjoyment."

"Yes, that's right. I think President Liu is now enjoying life."

"Yeah. If we could be like President Liu one day, it would be awesome."

"I heard that Mr. Liu ranked first and second in the school."

"With money and good academic performance, it seems that I can't do it."

There was an envy and smile.

Liu San walked into the examination room with a surprised look from the security guard.

During this period, many people from schools also rushed into the examination room. Many people have witnessed the document delivery by helicopter.

"That was his helicopter just now?"

"Sure it is. Otherwise, where did the helicopter come from to get the certificate?"

"I remember him as Liu San of the key class!"

"Unexpected. This guy is so low-key. If it weren't for today, I wouldn't have found it."

"Yeah. I didn't find out. In terms of money, it's really low-key. It's a helicopter whenever you call!"

At this point, Liu San calmly walked into the examination room, and after a series of inspections, he did not cheat.

Sit in your place.

Liu San and Zi Mo are not in the same examination room.

The test paper came down.

The moment he saw the test paper, Liu San's mouth raised a confident smile. Finally waited for this day.

Tsinghua University and Peking University have made a lot of calls before to go to the Department of Mathematics. Liu San said that he wanted to take a major in Chinese language and literature in the college entrance examination.

The other party wanted to major in mathematics or physics. Liu San did not agree.

In the end, the other party expressed great anticipation that Liu San was admitted to Tsinghua University.

Tsinghua University, except for the imperial capital, requires very high scores. And the people of the Imperial Capital have certain points.

In one hundred lectures, one lecturer used to have a perfect score and a zero score. Entered that university.

In other provinces, 0 points means that even undergraduates may not be able to pass.

This is a natural geographical advantage.

And what is the concept of zero points?

It's not impossible to write. Obviously I don't want to write at all.

But it also shows from another aspect that this person has absolute confidence in his other one.

Therefore, there is a person who specializes in the field of surgery, specializing in one area to achieve the ultimate. It's the one who is really in demand.

"Start the exam!" The proctor is a fat man and two female teachers.

After the exam was announced, the classroom was very quiet.

Quiet enough to hear only the sound of the test paper and the sound of the fan turning.

"Don't look around, look at cheating!"

"Don't make any unusual sounds during the exam. I may suspect you are telling each other by secret code."

The fat man is very severe.

Constantly inspect.

The moment I saw Liu San, look at the test paper again.

A cursory sweep.

Almost all right.

The fat man was slightly surprised.

But did not speak.

Continue inspections.

Exams are continuing.

One exam is over, and after a short break, the second is played.

The whole exam was very easy for Liu San.

Until the end of the last exam, Liu San was relieved.

Leaving the examination room with a smile.

The things that I couldn't do by myself have been made up. Liu San is very confident, Tsingda University is fine.

How much depends on the language, after all, it is not their own revision.

"How was the exam?" As soon as she left the school, she met Zi Mo, and she asked.

Liu San shrugged, "OK."

Zhou Jie also came out, carrying a shoulder bag: "Maybe I can also go to Qingda University. This time the problem happens to be within the scope of my review."

Zimo laughed, "You're in luck."

Zhou Jiehao said modestly: "That is, nine points of hard work, one point of luck."

Liu San also smiled.

"Hey, now I've finished the exam. Does it make me addicted to cars?" Zhou Jie said.

Zhou Jie glanced at me: "Sister, you let Liu Ge make me enjoyable. Sports car, I have no chance to touch in my life."

Zi Mo gave him a white look, his face flushed: "Who is your sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense."

After speaking, I glanced at Liu Sanyi and saw that Liu San didn't refute, some ecstatic. Blushing.

Liu San said, "Okay, there is a 4S sports car shop over there. You can open it."

Zhou Jie burst into tears: "That's someone else's shop, how can I open it casually. I'm satisfied to drive your car."

Liu San smiled: "Do you have a driver's license?"

Zhou Jie wondered: "Yes, my dad asked me to take the test in high school. I didn't get a driver's license. What happened?"

Liu San smiled: "Just have a driver's license. That store will be mine later."

Suddenly Zhou Jie was not calm!

"Really fake?" Zhou Jie couldn't believe it.

Liu San said with a smile: "Do you think I'm a kid?"

After speaking, it is natural to take out a pack of cigarettes ~ www.readwn.com ~ just ready to put in the mouth.

"Smoking is bad for your health," Zimo said.

Liu San threw the cigarette directly into the trash can: "I just want to quit smoking too."

Zhou Jie opened his mouth wide, "Brother, the pack of cigarettes you lost was with the world. My dad couldn't bear to smoke."

Liu San said, "Don't care about this detail. Let's go."

"Local tyrant, is there a pendant?" Zhou Jie said.

Liu San said: "Taking medicine saves."

Zhou Jie: "..."

Zimo: "..."

In fact, Liu San has a lot in mind, and now he is a user of the card.

Similarly, there is no need to worry too much about money. Buy when you want.

More time to pursue something else.

The three came to the 4S shop.

Because of wearing school uniforms, the salesperson naturally thought that they were with their hometown.

"Hello. Glad to serve you. Where are your parents?" The salesman grinned.

Liu San said, "I'm here to buy this store. Let your boss come."

The salesman froze.

Are people so skinny now?

Just a word is bought?

It's difficult for him now.

Did you call and tell the boss that a student wants to buy your car shop.

I'm afraid it's a scolding.

Liu San said, "Go. I'm not kidding."

In fact, Liu San visited the school, and this place is in a good location. Can operate.

Liu San's goal is not a golden city, but to build the Liu Group.

The most convenient way is to acquire a large number of corporate companies and reorganize them. The reason for this is all to prepare for college life.

At this moment, Liu San's mouth evoked a confident smile.

Ten minutes later, the owner of the car shop came and Liu San knew him.

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