Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 531: The dusty past

At this moment, a middle-aged man, wearing a white shirt, came over with a beer belly.

"It's you!?"

The middle-aged man froze.

"Uncle." Liu San said with a smile.

The middle-aged man is his father's brother, but the two relationships don't actually have much intersection.

There won't be a phone call all year round.

It can be said to be the type of flying yellow Tengda, do not want to know the type of relatives.

"Originally A San, why are you here to sit with Uncle when you have time?" Uncle said very lightly, and did not seem to regard Liu San as a person at the same level.

People gather by class and things divide by group.

Liu San said, "Get a price. I bought it at your store."

As soon as the words came down, the middle-aged man hesitated for a few seconds: "Don't make a joke. I forgive you for my nephew's sake, no surprise."

"Go to work." The middle-aged man told the salesman.

The salesman nodded: "Well, then I'll be busy."

Immediately left.

Zimo and Zhou Jie are also stunned, is it your uncle?

But looking at the relationship is not particularly good.

"Would you like to have a cup of tea? Don't say, you won't even have a cup of tea when you come to Uncle." Uncle sneered.

Liu San waved his hand: "I was going to buy it. But I changed my mind now. You have a 4S shop. I will build 8S, even larger."

"Let's go. Zhou Jie. Go back. I'll lend you my sports car first, get it out later, and drive you something else."

Zhou Jie was very excited to hear what Liu San said.

Zimo did not speak, and followed Liu San.

Uncle sneered: It's a sports car, I think it's a bicycle.

Although I thought so, I didn't say it.

The relationship between the two brothers is actually due to previous events.

Leaving the 4S shop, Liu San made a phone call to ask Tang Ming and others to prepare and buy all around.

How much money is not a problem.

Now Tang Ming is one of Liu San's capable assistants.

"I don't think you have a good relationship with your uncle." Zi Mo said.

Liu San nodded and told her what had happened.

In Shabai Village, Liu San's father was an honest man. Because of lack of money, junior high school has been in school for a year and there is no way to go to school.

I left my hometown and went to Shaoguan to work. Mine for others.

Because I am honest and willing to work, I have saved a lot of money over the years. However, Uncle bought a sand mine at his hometown and lost money. Make joint lime powder with others.

Lime powder can be used in many places, such as building materials.

Uncle called and asked Liu Ming to go back and do business together. The money we earn together.

Liu Ming didn't say much, neither of the two brothers would harm themselves. Resigned and left, taking his hard years of money.

It didn't take long for the lime powder business to die. Face a loss. Uncle discusses with Liu Ming.

You see, I do n’t have any money around him now, otherwise ...

The more honest Liu San, for the sake of his brother, gave the money directly. When I came back to do business, I didn't make any money. Instead, the hard-earned money was lost.

After discussion, the two brothers took the house as collateral and borrowed a sum of money from the bank.

Use the money to open a restaurant.

At first the restaurant business was very good, after all, my hometown was less then. And young people don't go out to work as they do today.

Many people are too lazy to do it themselves.

Business is very good.

Good return, but just no money.

Liu Ming wondered, where did the money go?

The problem was soon discovered, and Uncle liked to make friends outside. Many people are even exempt.

And uncle sometimes withdraws money directly from the cash drawer without registration.

This led to good business but no money.

Liu Ming felt that this was not a solution, so he asked Uncle to bounce things off. In the end, Uncle said that if two people cooperate, does he not even have the right to do something?

Soon Liu Ming could not say that uncle, but Liu Ming said that this way sooner or later lose money!

In desperation, I had to continue business.

But the result was as expected, not much income at first, but as the number of people working outside increased.

Business is losing money.

Eventually the two brothers couldn't manage it anymore.

Liu Ming said to the uncle, "I have been telling you that this will not work, you still don't believe it."

Uncle said nothing.

Then came to the bank to collect the house. The two brothers need to repay the money.

At that time, their fathers were still there, scolding them for despair.

Liu Ming told his father that he would go out and make money.

Earn this money back.

No other ability, went out to work again. After a year of saving money, I finally returned the money.

At this time, the gap between the two brothers was not great. A few months later, their father died suddenly, leaving a will.

Because the house was redeemed by Liu Ming for making money, the house belongs to Liu Ming. The uncle has only the right to live, but no ownership.

This makes Uncle very upset.

I want Liu Ming to write the names of two people in the house.

Liu Ming questioned the uncle, what did he do the year he earned the money to get the house back?

He said that he played cards with others, stirred up business, and maybe he could make a lot of money in the future.

Liu Ming is a real person, but this time he did not agree.

Caused the relationship between the two began to froze on this day.

Uncle left his hometown without a piece of land, and stayed here for nothing.

It's been decades since going out ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two brothers almost never meet. If someone other than the immediate family member dies, you need to go back to your hometown.

Uncle didn't even know Liu San.

Speaking of which, Zhou Jie said, "You uncle is nothing like this. Obviously he did something wrong!"

"One more thing, I'm brother, you have to listen to me."

Looking at Liu San, Zhou Jie asked, "Don't you really want to buy around."

Liu San smiled: "Do you think I'm a joke? My sports car is over there."

"Do you really have so much money?" Zhou Jie froze.

Liu San said, "Well, it's too much for you to imagine. But don't talk to too many people, because I trust you."

"Rest assured that if Zhou Jie talks nonsense, he will definitely go down to eighteen levels of hell."

Liu Sanxiao: "In fact, it's okay for others to know. Just don't want too many people to know."

Zhou Jie took the key and happily went to drive.

Zimo looked at Liu San and said, "Your money ..."

Liu San knew what Zimo wanted to say: "Rest assured, I made all this money."

"Oh, if you really have a lot of money, I hope you do some hope projects. After all, there are still many poor places." Zimo said.

Liu San nodded: "In fact, I have always planned this. I'm already preparing. Only the intermediate process is more complicated."

"And I don't want to let this money fall into the hands of some unclean people. So wait a while before I start to act."

Liu San looked at Zimo with a smile and said, "I never thought you were kind."

Zi Mo looked at Liu San angrily: "I'm so angry, I've been very good, how can you see that I'm not good."

With hands on hips, waiting for big eyes, he looked at him mutteringly.

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