Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 551: Smarter No. 0! (New content!)

"Zero, you are our last hope! Live well!"

A woman in a white coat and black stockings looks at the intelligent person who is automatically strengthening in front.

Pick up a chip and place it in the heart of the smart person.

The so-called intelligent person is a person who has just died, and has been reborn in another state before the brain has died immediately.

Perhaps this state is not rebirth, it can only be said to exist in another more intelligent form. The body is composed of the human body and machinery.

The woman took a deep look at the zero number being improved by various mechanical arms: "Your past, I don't care. But our future is in your hands."

Zero closed her eyes and could only hear everything around her, but her hands and feet could not move.

The only thing I can feel is that my body is constantly changing.

what happened?

Why does her voice always carry fear?

"Come on! The alien is going to invade the laboratory!" Someone exclaimed!

The woman finally glanced at Zero and evacuated here with a quick glance at others.

Soon after, the entire laboratory was breached by a special group of things.

Zero eye still couldn't open.

Can't see what it is.

What are they talking about?

The only thing I could feel was a roar similar to the one-beast glance.

Vaguely felt a **** smell in the air.

[89% of the current conversion progress ...]

[90% of the current conversion progress ...]

[95% of the current conversion progress ...]

[The modification is complete, and the energy of the machine is about to run out. 】

In an instant!

Zero opened his eyes, his body exuded a cold breath, and the lathe originally gave the modified robotic arm of Zero to stop moving.

It seems that the energy is exhausted.

Shake his neck.


Look around and see a group of strange creatures. There are cross-breed dogs. The body is close to half a person tall, with extremely sharp claws.

The saliva of fangs dripped continuously.

In addition, there seems to be a black cat of half a human size. The entire creature looks lifeless, but still moving.


The word appeared in Zero's mind, and it seemed that his own memory was lost. Only partial memory.

It looks like a long time ago, someone called himself "the ice machine on earth!"

The creature's nose seemed to be moving, and that movement looked more like it was sensing its surroundings through smell.

And Zero found that the group of creatures turned a blind eye to themselves, making Zero feel again and again.

They cannot perceive their existence.

The atmosphere here is a bit cloudy, and Zero feels too depressed. Ignore this group of so-called aliens and walk out.

Outside are rows of tall buildings.

Many vehicles were parked on the side of the road.

It was already dusk, and the yellow sky was stained with the earth.

No one was seen on the street, empty.

Goo ~

The sound from the stomach made No. 0 cry and laugh.

What kind of existence is he?

Slightly looked around and saw a supermarket. A big billboard was written: Wanfu Supermarket.

Zero entered the supermarket and found that there was no one even at the cash register location at the front desk.

This feeling is like the entire world is empty, only one person exists.

"No one ... just happens to have no money." Zero smiled bitterly.

Rows of shelves, full of things. Zero naturally picked up a bag of potato chips and put it in her mouth.


Very crisp.

It tastes pretty good.

[Energy supplement 1% ...]

Zero looked at his hand, and there was a mechanical electronic watch.

It rang, and a reminder sounded.

"?" Zero looked puzzled.

at this time.

Zero saw some movement in a nearby cabinet, listened carefully, and there was sound.

"You go out and get some food in."

"You go. In case you meet the dog again. It's over."

Just then.

哐 Dang.

The cabinet door was opened by number zero.

The two girls were frightened.

Pick up an iron rod next to it and smash it in the direction of the cabinet door.

The corner of the mouth of No. 0 evoked a radian, and it was very natural and easy to catch the iron rod: "Come out."

The two girls looked at the person in front of them. Very young, with a cold, confident smile on his lips.

"Hoo ~ that scared Aunt Grandma."

Two girls came out of the locker.

It looks like he is fifteen or six years old, and is about 1.6 meters tall. A sister in a white t-shirt and a sister in a black T-shirt.

With a ponytail tied and a sloping bangs.

Both were wearing the same short jeans, exposing Bai Nen's long legs.

"What are you doing here?" Zero didn't quite understand what was going on in the world.

Even a lot of memory is fragmented, and many actions are habitual reactions. It should have something to do with being called a human ice machine.

The girl stood up, looked around with dread, and saw nothing strange. Only relieved.

"You are so daring to run outside? If you are found by those creatures, you will be dead!" The girl in the black T-shirt didn't look angry at the number zero.

Zero had no idea what was happening: "What creature are you talking about? Is it a creature that is much bigger and has tooth decay?"

"Yeah! You've seen it, you're still alive!" Said the girl in a black T-shirt.

Zero was silent: "Aren't you alive?"

"..." The black T-shirt girl was stuffed.

Zero said: "Then you can tell me what those creatures are doing now? Why can't I see anyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ Are you having amnesia? You don't even know this important thing?" The white T-shirt girl said.

The girl in the black T-shirt looked at the number zero: "Hee hee. I guess he was over-frightened and can't remember it. Although Miss Ben was also afraid, she was much better than you."

Zero could not laugh or cry.

Next, the girl probably told Zero about what happened in this world.

It turned out that today, with the highly developed civilization, a biochemical experimental virus has spread. The original source of the infection is called the mother. As long as the mother is alive, there will be a steady stream of new sources of infection.

People began to try to destroy the mother.

As a result, the mother's body grew very fast, and when the human response came, she could no longer suppress the mother.

Gradually, under the control of the mother, various animals began to alienate. Alienated creatures are almost immortal. This again became a problem for everyone.

In the end, the talents discovered that these alienated creatures must die in order to die.

Everyone calls these creatures heterogeneous.

Most of the foreign perception of the outside world comes from the sense of smell and heat.

Among them, the share of olfaction is relatively large. So as long as someone hides somewhere in the bucket, it will be fine in the cabinet.

The premise here is that the smell of the barrel must be strong. Generally new barrels will have a paint smell and be a little safer.

It's just that people can't hide.

Always eat and drink Lazarus, and once it comes out, it will soon be discovered by a different species.

A xenogene is mostly a group of organisms. They will eat cannibal bodies. Everyone is looking for the mother while hiding.

Only when the mother is found can there be hope.

Otherwise, no one would dare to come out.

Zero listened carefully to them and gradually learned more about the world.

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