Through the girl's explanation, the number zero was finally clear.

"That is to say, solve the mother, can all this be restored?" The corner of No. zero evoked a radian of confidence.

The girl picked up a pack of marshmallows and tore open the entrance: "Well ... it's really light. N and Z countries can't solve it with laser, and let the mother escape smoothly."

"It's so easy, and it won't be so." The girl was ready to tear the seaweed after eating cotton candy.

The girl put nori in her mouth: "Yes, what's your name?"

Zero number froze, and then said, "Should be called zero."

"Well, this zero number really looks like a robot's name. But you look no different from us. This name is weird," said the black T-shirt girl.

The white compassionate girl rarely spoke, and her big eyes just looked at the zero.

The girl in a black T-shirt smiled and said, "My name is Luo Yue, and her name is Luo Xin. Guess who is the sister and who is the sister?"

"... I still won't say it." Zero can sense the age of the other party.

The girl in the black T-shirt said, "Hurry up and hide after eating. Wait for the Alliance to come and rescue us."

"Alliance?" Zero wondered.

Luo Yue said: "Well, because alien species rely on smell and heat. There are enough facilities in some places to make the surrounding area relatively safe."

"And the alliance is the people who specialize in managing such areas."

"They will take us away." Luo Yue said.

Zero said: "But you have been hiding in the locker. If nothing happens, who can find you."

"..... Uh ..." Luo Yue held his forehead, "I seem to ignore this matter. But going outside is terrible."

"I saw my classmates being eaten alive, but I couldn't help it."

"I don't even have the courage to rush to save them." Luo Yue bowed her head, a little embarrassed.

Luo Xin patted Luo Yue's shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Luo Yue raised her head, barely showing a smile: "I'm really unproductive as a sister. I also want my sister to comfort me."

"Where are the alliance locations you said?" Zero said.

Luo Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not very clear. Maybe there is one near the school. I don't know exactly."

"I didn't see the alien on the street just now, we can try to find out." Zero said.

The two sisters stared at each other, and then they were happy: "Really? Isn't there outside?"

Zero nodded: "I didn't see it when I came just now. It's better than staying here."

Luo Yue picked up a small shoulder bag and stuffed a lot of snacks into it.

"Sister, you can also dress up, and if you go outside and suddenly meet. We hide, we won't starve to death." Luo Yue, wearing a black T-shirt, urged Luo Xin to move.

Luo Yue took a moment, and then began to take things.

The response looks slow.

"Aren't you getting something to eat?" Luo Yue asked.

Zero said: "Let's say it. It's not needed now."

The two carefully followed behind Zero and looked around.

Seeing that it was empty, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As the two approached the school, two alien dogs came around the corner. The fangs dripped saliva, watching Luo Yue and Luo Xin.

They naturally leaned behind No. 0, showing an expression of fear.

"I want to try my strength too." Zero felt that his body was a bit unusual.

Take a step and walk towards the two cross-breed dogs.

The two alien dogs looked like Luo Yue and Luo Xin as they could not see the zero number.

"?" Zero is even more convinced that this kind of xenobiotics cannot perceive their existence.

next moment!


Two alien dogs ran towards Luo Yue and Luo Xin crazy.

Zero stepped away slightly.

This moment.

A fast-running alien dog encountered obstacles in its legs and rolled over a few times with a pinch.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin were stunned.

This courage is too great.

Actually stretched out his feet and wrestled.

Are n’t you afraid of feeding other dogs?

"Sure enough I can't see me." There was a sneer in the corner of Zero's mouth.

"Throw the iron rod to me." Zero fell to Luo Yue while the wandering dog fell down.

The moment he opened the cabinet in the supermarket, Luo Yue just wanted the iron rod to defend himself.

"Catch it!" Luo Yue threw it over, stepping back.

Obviously, before seeing the brutality of the heterogeneous dogs, he still had some fear.

Zero reached out gently to catch it, catching the iron rod in the air.

Two alien dogs rushed over again, very fast.

"Be careful!" Luo Yue exclaimed.

Zero suddenly picked up the iron rod and smashed it with a stick!


Just smash the entire dog's head down.

The movement of the xenograft dog was stiff, and it took a long time to recover.

However, there was still no attack on Zero, which was completely ignored.

He even said that he could not feel the existence of the zero number.

Zero stopped the two dogs again and picked up the iron rod to smash it.




Smash the two dogs' heads directly!

It was just that No. 0 was splashed with a lot of blood, and the iron rod had already been bent.

Luo Yue and Luo Xinxi watched this scene.

This scene shocked them too much.

The first time I saw such a powerful scene.

In the past, everyone saw desperately trying to escape.

Can actually fight against each other!

"This iron rod can't be used anymore." Zero smiled bitterly and threw it directly.

Bend like this, and break it a few more times.

Luo Yue said: "You have so much strength ..."

No. 0 speechless: "I'm not sure ~ ~ I glanced at the mechanical electronic watch in my hand, and the red text is displayed on the top.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Zero said.

Luo Yue held her forehead: "At this time, I still want to eat. Fortunately, the girl brought some food. Come, there is a chicken leg."

"Pickled chicken legs. You eat them first." Luo Yue passed the number zero.

Number zero took it, opened the package, and ate it in his mouth.

The red words gradually turned yellow.

[Energy recovery 1% ...]

Zero is speechless, it seems to really eat to replenish energy. I knew I should have been eating at the supermarket just now.

Forget it, send them to the league, and slowly eat them yourself.

Anyway, these alien creatures simply don't see themselves.

I just walk around at will.

The two continued to walk, and sure enough, they saw an area with many people nearby. There were people in uniform standing around them, who had various firearms in their hands. From pistols to submachine guns.

"The league area you are talking about is that right?" Zero pointed and said.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin nodded: "Yes, that's it!"

Zero took them over.

At the same time, the number zero was carefully observed, and some things like cans were placed around it. Some smoke was constantly emitted. There seems to be a faint taste.

There were several strange machines around.

It looks a bit like a juicer.

There are lines all around.

"We're here!" Luo Yue rushed over in excitement.

Zero was frowning, because he found that many of these people were thin and yellow.

It looks more hungry ...

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