Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 553: Earth Ice

Zero looked carefully at everything around him.

It stands to reason that there are special protected areas and food supplies should be backed up.

When Luo Yue and Luo Xin appeared in the vision of the Alliance area, the uniformed men waved their hands at them.

"Come in here! Hurry!"

"Yeah, there are still survivors!"

Luo Yue and Luo Xin ran to the past with a smile on their faces, and No. 0 was also behind, marching forward.

"Hee hee, finally safe." Luo Yue finally relieved.

Luo Xin looked at the people around him and felt something was wrong, but didn't speak.

At this time, a stout middle-aged man frowned and walked: "Why three more? It's really troublesome."

The man next to him said, "Captain, the alliance's job is to give everyone a safe habitat. At least until the mother is found, we are all together."

"It's so nice. They give orders. Why do we have to execute them. Besides that there is a shortage of food here."

"Some supplies are already unavailable. We must move to the next location."

The captain glanced at the running machine: "Again, that machine is starting to have some problems. If we continue this way, we will all die under alien species."

"New arrivals, we don't send food. We send it only a day later. Food is in short supply, temporarily." The captain said.

Luo Yue glanced at No. 0 and said, "That ... Actually, there is a supermarket on East Street. We just came from there. There are a lot of food."

The captain's eyes brightened: "How far is it from here?"

"I didn't notice the time just now, it should be between half an hour and two hours." Luo Yue was not sensitive to time.

The captain frowned, watching a lot of people with thin yellow muscles around him: "The journey over half an hour is too far. Let's go. Let me arrange someone to pass by."

"Along, Afei! You two are going to find food together. They lead the way," said the captain.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin looked indifferent.

"Why do we go? We just arrived here very hard. If we go now, we will be dead if we encounter a different species!" Luo Yue insisted.

The captain said: "You can save time and save the wrong way. If two people don't want to, go alone!"

"Otherwise, so many people here will sooner or later starve to death!"

The captain shouted several people's names in succession, and they resolutely shook their heads: "Captain, go to yourself. Anyway, I will not go out to take risks."

"That is, every time we go. Captain you are here, why!"

"Do you think you are still the former captain? Not a captain. I want everyone to die."

The captain frowned. "What? You want to disobey the order? I have the big picture and you go ahead. What's the problem."

"You think you're old!" Said a member of the uniform.

The captain became angry and took out a pistol: "Come, come, come, let me tell you, I'm an old man!"

The man was still not afraid: "Come, there is something to kill me! It ’s dead to go out, it is also dead here! Come!"

Hearing this, the captain was silent for a while, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth: "Forget it, I owe you. I'll go by myself!"

"Don't forget that machine. The solar panel above is broken. Now it can only be maintained by powering on and replacing the battery."

The captain was a bit helpless, this machine is already relatively complete. The use of solar energy to prevent solar aging is also set.

The energizing reaction reacts with the battery.

The third ring, at least will not cause the entire machine to be paralyzed because one ring is broken.

It can effectively prevent the foreign species from perceiving this area.

Human nature, at the moment when the alien species appeared, many people began to show up.

Once before, it no longer exists.

For everyone, the day when the mother is resolved is the most important thing!

"Captain, I'll go with you!" Said a thinner member.

The captain smiled bitterly: "In the end, you alone are still willing to listen to me. Let's go. We will go together."

Luo Yue said to Luo Xin, "Otherwise you are here. This is relatively safer than outside."

"Sister, I want to go too." Although Luo Xin didn't talk much, he was very sure.

The parents of the two have been taken away by their own eyes in their eyes during the time of this heterogeneous mutation.

In addition to eating on the spot, some species will also have some reserves.

As if possessing the lowest level of wisdom, no one knows what the future will be.

But for the moment, all activities of the xenogeneity seem to be all by instinct. Taken away, basically ten dead and nine lives.

So the two sisters also depended on each other and escaped everywhere.

Later he hid in the supermarket to survive.

Supermarkets have the most basic living needs. Water and food.

As for the expiration date of food, no one will take care of it at this time.

When hungry, even the roots of roadside trees become the last food for people. This is the case of famines in Africa.

"Let's do it." Luo Yue knew her sister's temperament, and when she was going to do it, nobody could change it.

As the four were about to leave, Luo Yue glanced at Zero: "Will you go with us?"

She was in a pleading tone.

Just now, she saw the zero-level fighting ability. There is an instinctual sense of security.

Like baby elephants and elephant herds, they feel safe again when they meet. Nature is purely a manifestation of relationships.

In Luo Yue's view, most people are definitely reluctant to go together because going out is too dangerous.

However, for Zero, ~ www.readwn.com ~ the alien seems unable to find itself.

In other words, they cannot pose a threat to themselves.

"Let's go." Zero said coldly.

This icy cold is not just a cold tone, but an icy cold from the bones.

"I need weapons," Zero said.

The captain hesitated, and took out a military dagger from his waist: "You have this dagger. Multiple weapons, multiple defenses."

Zero took the dagger, glanced at the blade, and it was ok.

The dagger turns slightly at the fingertips, and automatically slips into the waist.

The whole action is very process.

As if this action has been done thousands of times.

Seeing this detail, the captain shrank his eyes and took a deep look at the zero.

He once heard the above people say that there is a special team in this world.

Known as "the ice cubes on earth," they were sent to the island from an early age. After rigorous training, select the best.

Those who survive will have the opportunity to participate in the "human ice machine."

Fighting, assassination, response, etc. are excellent. Often carry out missions and launch attacks on the most wanted internationally difficult criminals.

As long as they do, there are almost no wanted survivors!

Therefore, the human ice machine is known by many people above it, but the specific identity and information of members are unknown.

The courage and strength of the dagger turning at the fingertips was enough to be a bit surprising.

And seeing his reaction is completely instinctive, very easy and simple.

The captain said, "Where is the supermarket?"

Luo Yue said: "... I'm Lu Chi ..."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Chi, you said just now to take everyone!

Oops ~


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