Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 555: Catastrophe

Zero also found these alien mice at this moment!

The rat population is too large!

Must run!

Everyone sprints!

Among them the slowest running were Luo Yue and Luo Xin.

Soon, Luo Yue could not run.

Luo Xin hesitated for a while, then stopped: "Sister, you go first. I stand here, and I can delay for some time."

"No! You're crazy! If you stop here, you must be eaten!" Luo Yue knew Luo Xin's intention.

She definitely wanted to trade her life for some delay!

As an older sister!

She is definitely not allowed to do this!

Zero shook his head and shook his head: "It's really troublesome."


Left hand, right hand, grab it.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin were directly carried on the shoulders by No. 0, one on the left and one on the right.


Zero and one shoulder each, the speed did not slow down at all. It's like two people effortlessly.

Immediately Luo Yue and Luo Xin turned red, and felt that Zero was not carrying a person, but two sacks.

This face is a bit lost.

The captain glanced at No. 0, and his strength couldn't be overlooked.

Zero consumes energy, so there is no such thing as physical strength. Feeling like a robot and a living person.

It's strange anyway.

The captain has been trained with another member, so his physical fitness is not bad.

The three ran wild, all carrying a marijuana bag or bag. Food inside.

Running with a load can be a bit costly for physical fitness.

But in order to survive, everyone gritted his teeth and ran.

"What! It's getting closer!" The captain sipped.

No one dares to stop because it is death.

Finally, after more than twenty minutes of running, the alien mouse seemed to smell the new target and all ran in the other direction.

Huh ~

Everyone was relieved.

Finally relaxed, really scared to death.

The gregarious alien species are too terrible.

It's a lot trickier.

Without the chasing of alien mice, everyone can finally slow down a bit. Zero also put the two off their shoulders.

"How long has this xenobiotic appeared?" Zero asked.

Luo Yue said: "At least six or seven years. I can't remember exactly how many years."

The captain said: "It started spreading abroad and then spreading domestically. It broke out like a virus."

"That means the mother hasn't been found for at least six or seven years?" Zero said.

The captain shook his head: "It's not like that, the mother's trace can still be found. It's just that it's hard to kill the mother every time."

"Unless I am willing to launch a large-scale atomic bomb. Of course, I don't have the right to know whether this is the case."

"Maybe the atomic bomb can or cannot be killed. I just probably heard the people above say it." The captain did not disclose more information.

Zero has a lot of doubts, but think about it too. Much of the information is kept secret, even if the parent has been around longer.

Just to appease people, you have to believe in us, our alliance can find the mother.

Soon, Zero and others finally returned to their stronghold.

The bag behind the captain buzzed.

He was all in the same place.

The Alliance area is already full of blood.

Some bodies were lying there. More can see a trace of blood, dragging away.

"This ..." The captain burst out and fell to his knees.

There are many of his former comrades-in-arms and brothers. Even in this catastrophe, they have become different from before.

But the scenes that he once experienced appeared before him.

The other companion, red-eyed, stood just like that.

Tears couldn't stop staying.

No matter what they do to themselves, they are gone now.

For the scene full of blood in front of him, Zero can't talk about sorrow, but other emotions.

These people, Zero was unfamiliar, so they died.

The zero number didn't touch too much.

People are like this.

The dead are loved ones, and they are particularly prone to tears.

Because that is the person who accompanies him the longest, that is a loved one.

Someone else was dead, maybe there were still some people who looked at it with a lively mentality. Life and death become the dividing line after the disaster.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin are two little girls. Seeing this scene, their eyes have some feelings.

Just let them go to the supermarket together, they are afraid of death. I don't want to go out for adventure.

They would rather wait in place, but it was death that awaited them.

Sometimes, it turns out, something. You desperately want to protect. It turns out ... it can't be guarded.



Checked the scene.

Everyone discovered the cause of death.

This alliance's gathering point is made up of a number of isolators. The shape resembles a juicer, but the internal structure is much more complicated.

These machines had some problems before people such as Zero had left.

The people here don't learn the mechanical part, at most it will be a simple zero-wire FireWire connector.

Therefore, after the solar panel is broken, it is not simply a new version.

So no one can repair it.

Because of time, new problems continue to appear on the machine. And alliance support has been slow. Even food is a reserve food some time ago.

"What shall we do next?" Luo Yue, like a helpless child, kept turning his fingers.

Zero glanced at the captain, apparently the captain did not speak.

"Leave here first. Now that this place can be invaded once. Then there must be a second."

"Evacuate here as soon as possible," Zero said.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin thought No. 0 was pretty good ~ www.readwn.com ~ The team leader sighed: "Hey, let's go. Let's go to another stronghold. But it's a little far away. It takes at least a day.

Luo Yueyi: "It's so far. It's too dangerous!"

"Would we like to drive?" Luo Yue took a few steps, pointing to a white SUV car over there.

"Anyway, traffic is useless anymore. We can use all the tools that can be used. They are all things that are not owned."

The captain said: "I mean it takes a day to drive ...

Luo Yue: "..."

Oh damn.

What a day to drive.

Oops, I'm going, I don't think I walk.

Five people approached the car and found that the door was open. It was estimated that the owner was too late to escape and did not even want to close the door.

Five people got in the car.

The captain found an embarrassing fact.

"... No car keys."

Everyone had no choice but to get out of the car.

"There should be a car nearby. Let's find it. But don't go far." Said the captain.

Zero found her eyes to have a special ability, just like a robot scan.

The surrounding vehicles can be swept out by themselves.

Five people looked for the car key to open the door.

Not a car.



Finally found a car after looking around.

"I found a car!" Luo Yue waved excitedly!

Everyone looked at it, it was a blue pickup truck.

Luo Yue's face looked excited, and it looked like he was talking.

Praise me!

It's the car I found.

The captain looked, the little girl was so dumb, and said, "It's time to take medicine."

Luo Yue: "..."

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