Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 556: Born to be useful

Luo Yue did not expect a captain like a tough guy to say this.

Bemused with a small mouth.

"Hum, otherwise this car would drive me. I discovered it first." Luo Yue said.

The captain froze and said, "Will you drive?"

"Born by nature is useful." Luo Yue laughed.

Zero swept her hair: "Children should do children's things. Let's go."

Luo Yue brushed her hair without saying anything, but looked up at No. 0. In the sun, the diamond horn of No. 0 is clear and looks very good.

It's just that why this old feeling has a kind of cold feeling.

But getting along now, the Zero is still very good.

"Come on. Get in the car," said the captain.

Zero said: "This car has less than 2L of fuel and needs to be refilled."

The captain froze, "How do you know?"

Zero did not say that it could scan the vehicle: "Uh ..."

It's really hard to explain.

So didn't say.

The captain is really weird, how old this zero feels special.

Not only is the name special, but even the manners are special.

I used to eat in the supermarket before and it was amazing.

Not only that, when they met the rats, they directly carried the two girls and ran on their shoulders.

And you can do it without losing speed.

Changing yourself is absolutely impossible.

Really a strange person.

So the five of them went to get fuel from other vehicles' fuel tanks, and at the same time, they were wary of another foreign species.

After changing the oil, many people are ready to get on the car.

Five people got on the blue van.

"I know the road, let me drive first," said the captain.

Zero has no opinion.

All the food was thrown into the trunk of the car.

There was a lot on Zero.

They drove, and Zero ate at a bite.

Watching the energy increase.

Zero didn't feel that he could not eat anymore.

It still is.

I can still eat.

Driving on the road.

No figure can be seen everywhere, the only thing you can see is blood stagnation on the ground. Many places are burning with flames.

Perhaps it was something that detonated when the alien passed.

Caused a flame.

The car traveled on the road and encountered several aliens several times. Slammed the accelerator and spun it over.

Fortunately, this kind of alienation has almost always made the creatures cruel and the body shape has become larger. Tooth decay.

It would be terrifying if it appeared that fast.

In this way, humans have hardly survived.

The car drove for seven or eight hours, and the captain was a little tired and wiped his eyes from time to time.

"Come on for me," said another.

The man also drove for several hours.

Then change to zero to drive.

As soon as the zero finger touched the steering wheel, a lot of data appeared. Including tire wear, load, top speed in curves, top speed in straight lines. The most fuel efficient and so on.


The entire speed soared!

"You're driving so fast, you're not afraid that this car will fall apart! And the engine can't stand it!" The captain was dozing off, feeling that the entire speed had soared.

Zero said: "Rest assured, this is my calculated theoretical optimal speed. The engine is fine at the optimal speed."

"..... you are really weird, this can be calculated. Forget it, I'm too sleepy. You drive."

When the captain saw that he could not move to zero, he did not say anyone else.

"It seems that your captain's accent is not here." Luo Yue asked.

Luo Xin looked at the man with big eyes.

The man said: "Well, my captain is called Guan Mingfei. Call him or the captain. You can just call me Xiaowei."

"The origin of the captain is quite special. He later joined the alliance as a member. Hear that his wife and children died in the disaster."

"He didn't even see the last one. When he got the news, there was a mess at home. Only blood."

"I don't see any living people."

Everyone glanced at the tired captain lying on the van chair, silent.

"What about you?" Luo Yue said.

Xiaowei said, "I? A very ordinary person. Before going to school, it was ordinary, and not many people communicated with me."

"Parents' words ... I haven't seen any children who grew up in orphanages, no parents." Xiaowei laughed at himself.

Luo Yue scans his head embarrassingly: "I'm sorry. I don't know."

"It's okay. I might not get it, so I'm not afraid of losing it. Now I live, only myself."

"It's a day to live a day," Xiaowei said.

The crowd drove all the way in the van.

The trees on both sides of the road passed by the window of the car. When the window was opened, a breezy wind passed by.

After changing drivers in turn, the crowd finally came to the place where the captain said.

This is a place close to the suburbs, a bit far from the city.

"Is this a bit remote?" Xiao Wei had not been there, and some bases only the captain knew where.

Captain Guan rubbed the bridge of his nose: "Get out of the car. This road is a bit muddy and the car is not easy to walk. Walk over."

"But pay more attention to the surroundings on the road," said the captain.

Zero followed behind the team and walked together.

"There is movement ahead."

Everyone seemed to hear relatively large movements in their ears, and there seemed to be shouts and exclamations.

"Let's go and see. You are waiting here," Zero said.

The captain frowned and said, "It's not good. It's too dangerous for you to go alone. Let's go together, be safe."

Zero did not directly say that the xenobiotics could not see themselves at all and ignored their existence.

"I'm a little bit personal, so it's easier to avoid." Zero made up a lie in good faith.

Xiaowei hesitated and said, "Hold this gun ~ www.readwn.com ~ Be safe."

Zero wants to refuse, after all, there is only one weapon in manpower. He and the captain were alone. Once he took it by himself, he must be gone.

The aliens can't see themselves, and they have no weapons and can easily be eaten by the aliens.

Xiaowei is very firm: "Either go together or you are holding a weapon. Anyway, I am all alone, and I die when I die. What do I fear?"

Seeing Xiaowei's tone, Zero nodded: "Okay. I'll be back soon."

next moment.

Zero quickly ran forward.

Luo Yue and Luo Xin looked at No. 0 running away: "I always think he's special, but it's not where it is."

at this time.

Zero number has rushed past.

I saw a group of alien creatures around, looking like crazy chickens. Red crown, two claws. The body is half human.

His eyes were blood red, like chickens and beasts.

There are as many as thirty or forty such alien species.

In front of the aliens is a group of people. There are faint circles around a group of people on the ground that disappear from time to time.

A fat man was holding a gun in his hand: "Get out of this circle for me! This machine is too small!"

"Why can you live, we can't live!" One countered.

"Yes, why!" Said many people.

This circle is a device that interferes with the entry and discovery of alien species, and now there are some problems. There is nothing wrong with the machine. Unless it will be repaired automatically.

The circle is shrinking.

Some people were directly squeezed out.

The fat man must be in the center, so that he won't die.

"There is someone!" Someone said.

The fat man looked at it and really saw the number zero.

"Why didn't these aliens attack him?"

Everyone was surprised.

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