Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 560: New civilization

"I'm leaving. You will take care of this country for the time being. I will be back in 300 years."

Eye zero looked at the seven men wearing medals below.

These seven people were born faithfully after decades of birth and death. Zero is assured of them.

"Boss, where are you going?" The seven asked.

Zero put his hands behind him, his eyes were deep: "This world is very big, I will travel outside for 300 years and come back."

The seven looked at each other with some reluctance.

"Everyone in your hands has a map token fragment. This map fragment is specially made. I have destroyed the mold." Zero handed seven people a fragment.

"At that time, you will return these tokens to me."

"The kingdom was returned to me."

"Take care of you for the time being."

In order to prevent the seven people from being dominated by one person, these tokens specially made by No. 0 have engraved map plates. It is this country that I own.

Named after himself, Zero Country.

Added some anti-counterfeiting technology, no one has talent in this area than the zero. After a full 100 years of research, Zero was ahead of everyone.

These seven token maps divide the entire zero country into seven regions.

Each person controls an area.

After three hundred years, I will take it back.

Zero wants to see more things and wants to learn more. I've been stuck there, I can't satisfy myself.

After settlement of rights with other things, Zero left the zero country.

Leaving the oldest protected area. The original protected area of ​​a city, after fighting for two hundred years later.

It has expanded hundreds of times.

"It's finally time to look outside." Zero has lived for 207 years, and maybe no one in this world can live longer than me.

He looks like a robot and a living person.

No fear of death, no senescence. No physical decline is felt.

The only thing I need to eat is food supplements.

And when your energy is full, you can skip food for at least six months.

Being old is an enviable thing for most people.

Zero has its own feelings.

Looking at the little girl who once grew up in her own perspective.

From a young girl to a slim woman, she continues to change.

I have also seen fighting together against fraternal brothers and comrades in the past, from young people to middle age.

From middle age to old age.

Hair also turned pale.

Old and not young.

Born to end up waiting for the old.

When you get old, you eventually wait for death.

It is often said that white hair was sent to black people and they cried sadly. It was not enjoyed for a hundred years.

Some people say that they are very tired. Don't live to one hundred. Seventy is enough.

Some people say that if you live so long, you can do nothing when you are old.

Others say that I still have a lot of things to watch. I also look at the whole world. I don't want to die yet. I want to live more than a hundred years old.

For Zero, these things are not felt.

The only feeling is change.

This change is so small that children become adults.

This change has changed from a small civilization to a large civilization.

Times are developing and civilization is changing.

Zero hasn't come outside for a good 200 years to relax and relax.

Although a variety of different things have appeared in the outside world.

Tree people, stone people, snowmen, these things that should not exist, gradually appear in everyone's vision.

They can move, they can communicate. It's just that they don't communicate like people do.

So the number zero came out, to see the world.

Three hundred years later, go back again.

Time is the thing with the most zero number.

These special creatures do not actively attack people like the original xenogenes. Some creatures are more docile.

Some creatures are more violent.

Just like nature.

Each creature has its own habits and rules.

"This is the Treant migration." Zero can see a large group of trees moving. The pace of trees moving is not fast.

But the distance of each movement is very long.

It's like a small step with a long leg.

Zero is very interested, with a smile on his lips.

Press lightly on the white watch in your hand. For more than two hundred years, this watch has been changed a lot by Zero.

Maybe the man said he was a hero.

Now that I think about it, I might not want to be a hero.

Life now is pretty good.

At least that group of nasty guys is gone.

The aliens did destroy the entire civilization.

But it also brought a new civilization.

It's a pity that the original creators did not have the opportunity to see this scene.

Thinking of this, the corner of No. Zero unconsciously showed a smile and shook his head.

With a slight press of the watch, a pulley appeared on the soles of the feet, keeping up with the tree people.

The tree people followed one another, and the leaves trembled. With each move, the leaves always move.

"I've always been curious, how the Shuren communicate." The No. 0 pulley was gliding.

Observe carefully that the shape of the tree in front of these tree people is larger than that of ordinary trees. More like the leader of the Shuren.

It shakes branches, and the rest of the trees change direction.

No. 0 sounds like it turns out that Shuren's communication is the same as human voice communication.

Sound is generated by vibration.

Shuren's communication also depends on vibration.

This is a question of tones and tones.

Zero number is estimated to have a specific frequency ~ www.readwn.com ~ frequency is a very special thing.

Adults can hear it differently than children.

17kHz, which is the standard hearing for a 20-year-old.

The more you can hear, the younger you are.

This zero number has been seen in many books in the two hundred years. Tested too.

Over some years, some frequencies are no longer heard.

Similarly, people are different from dogs.

In this way, the zero number is very interested in the frequency of tree people.

Zero started to take notes, trying to figure it out.

For most of the day, it didn't work out.

Can not help but show a trace of bitter smile, and sure enough the experiment is faster than the calculation. But the number zero still wants to count.

Two hundred years of thinking has been far ahead of others.

It has been said that Einstein's brain is several percent more open than normal. So smarter than everyone.

The zero number takes time, and the brain's thinking dimension opens up more.

The exact number of zeros is unknown. If you know, it is estimated that ... Private talk about separation between the brain and the body.

Some things can be accumulated.

So Zero is doing something that ordinary people cannot do.

Calculate while walking.

At the same time, the brain began to scan the Treant's information.

It seems that the degree of civilization of Shuren is not high.

After following for a long time, the Trekkers stopped. Look at the number zero.

Treants have eyes, no mouth, no nose.

They looked at the stranger with their eyes.

The stranger seemed to have followed him for a long time.

The leaves are shaking.

Don't know what they are talking about.

Zero number buried in calculations, did not notice that Shuren has stopped.

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