Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 561: God is teaching civilization

When Zero looked up, he saw the Shuren stop.

"Why did you stop?"

"Is it because of me?"

Zero is confused.

I saw the leaves rustling and seemed to be communicating. Zero is temporarily unable to understand Shuren's language. At least not at this stage.

An uncle stretched out a thick branch and laid it on the ground.

"Do you want me to come up?" Zero asked.

The leaves were rustling and seemed to respond. Zero is not afraid of any danger, after all, it has gone through more than two hundred years.

I have also fought many times with different species, so I stood gently on the branch and sat down.

The Treant didn't seem to be too malicious.

Zero is sitting above the Treant, following the entire team.

Zero is curious about this new civilized world. By what do these tree people sustain their lives? Are they just in low intelligence?

And how the overall team is going now.

Zero has a lot of energy.

Even Zero is remodeling his body to maintain the entire energy by absorbing solar energy.

Of course, this is not yet possible with Zero. Because this is not a simple direct exchange of solar panels and lines.

Coupled with the complexity of one's body structure, the process is slow.

At least for now, zero energy is enough.

The treeman walked continuously, over mountains. This walk is a month.

In this month, Zero gradually began to understand Shuren's communication methods. You can even hear some ways of communication.

It is now limited to one-way communication.

That is, the number zero can listen to the voice of the treeman by listening to the frequency sounds made by the treeman.

But the number zero couldn't tell Shuren something.

Zero is still continuously recording the content, including the trajectory of the Treant and the rate of movement. And the various reactions of Shuren.

Until walking into a large deep forest, the Shuren stopped.

Zero sees the faucet, it should be something left by those who have lived here.

Including some wooden houses, wells.

But this number is not much.

Zero hadn't used the well for a long time, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

Slowly lower an older wooden barrel next to the wellhead.

Let it go little by little.

Until there was a crackle, and I paddled across the water.

After the bucket was filled with water, it was slowly pulled up.

The quality of this water is very clear.

Zero tried to drink a bit, it was really good.

Well water has a state of warm winter and cool summer. If you have been exposed very clearly, the well water in the hot summer is cold.

Because well water is mostly groundwater.

Killing wells are the same as water wells. It's just that the two are slightly different.

"Well, not bad." Zero dropped the bucket.

It was found that the Shuren looked at the zero number one after another.

"What? You want to try it too?" Zero smiled.

Although I don't know if the Shuren can understand himself, at least the Shuren can speak, the zero number can understand.

The tree people shook the values ​​one after another, indicating that they wanted to learn about killing wells.

The treeman at the beginning of the well killing was not smooth, and the rope fell several times.

After several times, Shuren has successfully used water.

They poured water on their heads. The leaves, branches, and trunks absorb water.

Zero found that these tree people were highly intelligent. It's just that they are not currently being developed.

Now Zero feels like he can teach a world civilization, of course it takes time.

And time is the most thing for the zero number.

If you are not old, time is eternal.

In contact with these times, Zero knows that the root of Shuren is light and water.

Soil is not important to them. Because they are not simple trees.

Zero started to teach tree people to build large houses, and these tree people also regarded Zero as an acquaintance.

In the end, like their gods, they taught a lot.

Treants start to make weapons.

This thing is not taught by number zero.

Rather, Zero is teaching them more and more intelligently. He even started to make something else.

Despite the slow process, it is still being produced.

They started making simple axes. Tied to the wood with sharp stones. Just like the primitive man, he started making tools.

It's like the primitive people started to sprout.

As said in a book, the biggest gap between humans and animals. It is because humans are higher intelligent beings.

The difference is that people can make and use tools.

At this time, Zero started to regret teaching these tree people. Will they one day be the same as before?

I taught them at first that they could carry out simple things and survive better.

Zero found that he was teaching civilization. Just like God, he is shaping the world.

He stopped teaching and chose to leave.

Shuren doesn't know what Zero wants to do?

They even stopped the number zero.

They are asking, what is God doing?

God, wouldn't you want to leave.

Zero can only listen, and cannot speak in the language of Shuren.

"Well. No matter if you understand or don't understand. Let's go like this. I'm gone. The world is big and I want to go again."

"Hopefully, one day, I will see you. There is no fighting with soldiers. There will be no conflict with other creatures or people."

"This is a country, a world that tends to be comfortable ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zero left again. The treeman squeaked and seemed to be waving. It seemed to be crying.

Parting, it is already the zero resolution.

Capacity has been consumed by ten percent.

Fortunately, some supplements.

So it took so long.

You can eat or drink for half a year or even a year. Of course, it would be better if there were energy supplements.

The retrofit plan for solar energy is still ongoing.

Zero is not too anxious, because some things are in a hurry.

And there are still many problems, you need to let go and go back to the center.

In this way, all problems will be solved.

As the saying goes, boat to bridge is naturally straight.

Zero left Shuren and walked for another week.

"Is that a chicken?" Zero saw a walking chicken walking outside.

This chicken does not seem to have changed, a very ordinary chicken.

"Bake to add some energy." Zero didn't like to make unprepared things.

Staying energized seems to be more secure.

A zero stride rushed forward, and the chicken responded quickly.

Fluttering his wings, a chicken jumped and flew directly into the distance.

Inverted zero emptied.

"I'm going to catch the air?" Zero shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

Gently press the white electronic watch in the hand.


A zero thruster appeared on the zero shoe.

In an instant, the speed of the entire person at number zero was increased by dozens of times.

A swift rushed straight to the past.

"Want to run? No way." Zero found the chicken astonished.

The chicken didn't even have a chance to respond, so it was caught by Zero.

"I haven't eaten grilled chicken in a long time, I don't know how it tastes." The smile on the corner of No. zero evoked a smile.

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