Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 571: Bone china

At night, it's endless waiting.

After hearing the words of Master Jiang, the fat man looked at the bone china more and more.

I can't handle this thing if I want to deal with it.

Because of someone's presence, the fat man and his wife sleep in separate rooms. His wife looks young and looks a bit like a net red.

From the point of view, really good.

Master Jiang sat in the living room on the first floor with a cigarette in his mouth.

Did not sit on the second floor, because he was worried that his aura could be directly discovered by the other party.

So sit a little farther away. I looked at the clock next to it and waited for the moment.

at the same time.

Fat people are worried and afraid these days, but they are the kind of people who fall down and fall asleep. Afraid, afraid, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Snoring also struck.

Generally speaking, a person with a fat body will have a lot of stress on the organs.

Therefore, the probability of snoring is higher than that of ordinary people.


It's dark.

I saw the bone china trembling slightly, and there seemed to be a slight breeze from the window.

Just then, one hand touched the bone china!

"This is not where you should come!" Jiang Teng's hand rested on bone china.

Bone porcelain tremor intensified in Jiang Teng's hands.

"I know, it's his fault that he disturbed you."

"But you also need to know that if you stay here, sooner or later you will be found by ghosts."

"At that time, you will never have another chance. There will be no last chance."

"Destiny for life and death."

at this time.

Gradually came out a woman, looking very beautiful.

Wearing a white skirt.

She raised her head slightly and looked at Master Jiang: "Who are you ...?"

"The first Master Maoshan in Jiangbei." Master Jiang looked at her.

Master Jiang's finger slightly: "Look at your nails, it's already very long. If you continue this way, there is no way back."

She looked at the sleepy fat man on the bed: "He shouldn't bother me."

Master Jiang groaned: "Life and death are all destiny. Your death has nothing to do with him."

"If I were rich, maybe I wouldn't die."

"Can I go back and see before leaving?" She said.

Master Jiang was silent for a while: "Two days, at most two days, you will leave. I will put a super sign on your bone china."


"Thank you......"

After attaching a good charm, Master Jiang woke up the fat man.

The fat man slept with sleepy eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Send this bone china all night, hurry up and hurry up!"

The fat man wiped his eyes, and quickly got up and said, "Okay, I'll just drive."


The car was driving on the road, and the fat man asked, "Did you see the man in the bone china?"

"No." Master Jiang looked out the window and didn't speak.

Ghosts don't have to exist, but they don't have to.

Only people who have opened the eyes of the sky can see that they have many names in the folk. Some are called yin and yang eyes, some are rich eyes, and some are ghost eyes.

Tianyan is generally called mainstream.

Master Jiang never deliberately talked about the existence of ghosts. Buddhists often say that if you believe, you have spirit, and if you do n’t, you have no spirit.

The same is true of Maoshan technique.

I just point them to the right path.

Yin and Yang have two paths, and people and ghosts have different paths.

"Master, I will be fine in the future?" Said the fat man, holding the steering wheel.

Master Jiang was silent for a while: "Should."

The two hurriedly returned without much stay. It is mainly because the fat man feels scared and does not dare to stay.

After the delivery, it didn't take long to go back.

The fat man returned home, and Master Jiang returned to his tavern.

Until half a month later.

The fat man called and said trembling on the other side of the phone, "Dead! Someone is dead!"

Master Jiang held his mobile phone: "Don't worry. Speak clearly."

"We sent back the bone china. After returning to town for half a month, the bone china was gone. Now there is news that someone is dead."

"They suspect it has something to do with this bone china."

"Isn't that bone china going to hurt me?" The fat man trembled a little.

Master Jiang groaned, "Send me a trip to that town."

"Okay. I'll send someone to pick you up now. I won't go. Wait ... I'll go with you, be safe." The fat man suddenly changed his mouth.

Rubbing his eyebrows: "This is more trouble than I expected."

At this time a girl next to him laughed and said, "Is boss Jiang going out again?"

"Liu Yan, take a good look here. I'll go out for a few days." Master Jiang said.

After half a month of contact, the two also became familiar. Not as jerky as in the beginning.

She could see that Master Jiang was a man with words and was not as cold as he thought. It should be a storyteller.


Master Jiang and the fat man once again came to such a town.

"Who died this time?" Master Jiang asked.

The fat man said, "It's Boss Wang. It's also a kiln."

"Is that bone china still?"

"It's gone. That's why I suspect it has something to do with this."

After they got out of the car, they saw many people wearing white clothes around a coffin.

It is a custom for people in the town to call it Xiao Shou.

There are police officers next to them.

Master Jiang also walked over: "How did you know this time?"

"Master Jiang ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't ask you last time, will I be fine in the future?"

"Then you tell me I should. I think there may be follow-ups, so people stare over there. I'll just pay for it."

The fat man looked at Master Jiang.

Master Jiang glanced at him: "You are very clever. You can infer from my words."

"That's a great master. They all say that you are the first master of Maoshan. What you say is sure to work." The fat man said.

Master Jiang didn't say much, at first it felt like this.

The result still happened.

A police officer is asking a woman: "I am Police Officer Zhou, please cooperate with me. I have some questions for you."

"Okay, you ask. I know, I'll tell you."

"When did your husband die?"

"Yesterday, I saw him jump out."

"Is there anything suspicious about your husband recently?"

"I have been busy with porcelain recently, except for porcelain, there is nothing unusual about it."

"Is there anything unusual on porcelain?"

The woman paused and said immediately: "It feels weird and can't say it. It should be normal."

After inquiring some details, Officer Zhou took the note and said, "Thank you very much for your cooperation."

A police officer next to him said something in Police Officer Zhou's ears.

The police officer then left.

Master Jiang looked at the woman and intuitively told herself that the woman was lying.

But intuition can't make any evidence.

The hall has been prepared, and the music is playing outside.

Next to it are some porcelain, all of his favorite during his lifetime.

Prepare to bury with him after death.


Master Jiang looked at the porcelain, his eyes brightened!

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