This porcelain is exactly the same shape and size as the bone china we saw before, but it looks completely different.

Maybe the same type.

And compared with other porcelain, this porcelain looks particularly ugly and looks like rusty.

In this way, porcelain is actually put together with other exquisite porcelain.

Instantly caught Master Jiang's attention.

Master Jiang took out the rune and shook it, burning it in his hands. Someone looked at him in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Master Jiang closed his eyes.

Darkness struck.

It's like a tide.

Total darkness.

Gradually the darkness dispersed gradually.

"Saw ..."


It was a night.

very quiet.

A middle-aged man looked around, opened the door of the house quietly with tools, and stomped in.

"I heard that a bone china was sold for 600,000. They said the evil door had been returned."

"I don't believe it, but where is the evil door?"

The middle-aged man didn't wake up when he saw the owner and picked up bone china and ran to his house.

The next day, I went to the porcelain kiln to make porcelain.

"The business of porcelain is relatively bleak these days. Processing this thing will definitely sell a lot of money." The middle-aged man stared at the porcelain and licked his lips.

During the processing of porcelain, clay was added.

Gradually, bone china rotates in the kiln, this speed seems to be faster than the speed of the machine.

"A bit strange." The middle-aged man frowned slightly, but soon stretched out.

For him, this is a considerable wealth.

This burn is three hours. After the time is over, it cannot be taken out immediately. Have to wait for time.

Until the afternoon, the middle-aged man called for a few good friends. He is proud to say that he has made an extraordinary piece of porcelain.

Several people were very curious, and they understood his intentions. To call them out was simply because they were out of business.

However, if this porcelain is really good, then make a difference.

The middle-aged man was excited when he saw a few friends and was ready to leave the kiln.

As a result, this porcelain was unexpected.

Not only is it not good, it is very ugly and rusty. And there are a lot of grey dots on it.

"Pharaoh, you are the porcelain. Where is the best? It's better than buying a rotten bowl."

"Yeah, why is your craft so bad?"

"We thought it was a beautiful piece of porcelain, but I didn't expect it to be this thing."


Hearing the sighs of friends around me, Pharaoh didn't think so, and rushed up: "What do you know, this thing can sell hundreds of thousands. It is very beautiful."

"How ugly."

The middle-aged man with a bewildered spirit kicked out his friend directly and carefully held it in his palm.

I was still thinking, "Baby. This is a big baby. My royal family is really blessed."

He put the porcelain on his face affectionately, as if looking at a beautiful **** woman.

Even in the night, he held porcelain.

The wife looked at him: "Are you crazy? Why are you holding a broken porcelain at night?"

"What do you know, this is baby." The middle-aged man ignored her.

The next day, the middle-aged man was holding porcelain and doing nothing.

Just look at the porcelain.

The wife prepared meals and yelled at him several times. The middle-aged man did not respond.

Just holding a porcelain.

"Come here to eat. I know you are anxious about the money at home. This porcelain doesn't sell any money. Make another good one." The wife gave him a meal.

A man holding porcelain is just as fascinated as, "No, it can change our family. It is beautiful and beautiful."

The next few days.

The wife always watched him holding the porcelain, and did not leave his hand: "You said that you were a **** all day, what do you do with the porcelain?"

The middle-aged man is holding porcelain, feeling like a middle-aged evil.

That night, his wife was asleep, and suddenly he heard a voice of dialogue between men and women and woke up.

Who is her husband talking to in the middle of the night?

She quickly got up from bed and found that her husband was not around, and the quilt side was also cool.

It looks like it's been a long time since the wife listened carefully. The voice seemed to come from the fourth floor.

Then she walked quietly to the fourth floor and looked inside.

This look scared her.

I saw the man holding the porcelain and said, "Baby, you look so beautiful."

Then a yin and yang voice answered, "Of course it's beautiful."

The sound alternated, as if two people lived in the body.

At this moment, the man's eyes looked hollow. He held the porcelain and said, "You are much better than that yellow-faced woman."

Suddenly, the porcelain turned in one direction, looking at her like a woman's face.

She was scared all over, but even then she knew it.

This must be a female ghost!

He rushed directly to it, grabbed the porcelain, and threw it directly out of the window on the fourth floor: "Where is the thing that harms our home! Get out!"

The man's porcelain was taken away, his hollow eyes gradually recovered, and he saw his wife throwing the porcelain. Directly rushed to the past.

at this time.

Porcelain has been thrown out and it has come out of the windowsill.

I don't know why, when I threw it out, I heard a woman screaming.

The man looked angry, rushed directly to it, and jumped out of the window ~ ~ holding the porcelain.

It fell directly from the window on the fourth floor.

Head directly to the ground.

His wife's face changed.

Go downstairs.

Man is dead.

Porcelain is still intact.

The wife threw it several times, and the porcelain was not thrown out.

Hesitated before choosing the alarm.


Come back from the darkness.

There was a bloodshot in Master Jiang's eyes, some tired and some tired.

"It looks like this ugly porcelain is the exquisite bone china before." Master Jiang rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Maoshan surgery has some operations, it is really too expensive.

"What do you touch the porcelain, maybe the police will investigate the fingerprints," someone said next.

"It's nothing, I just think this porcelain is a little special." He looked at the porcelain slightly thoughtfully.

At this time, someone nearby said, "In fact, I guess it was Boss Wang who owed a lot of money outside, and it was too tight to be forced by the debtor."

"Jumping off the building is a desperation and the only solution he can think of at present. Psychological stress is too great."

Master Jiang did not speak, but looked at his wife, dressed in spiritual clothes.

The woman's eyes were a bit strange, always glancing inadvertently at this rusty porcelain.

It ’s rusty, but it ’s not necessarily rusty, it just looks like this.

The fat man came in and said, "Master, I didn't see the bone china. I asked people around me and said I didn't see it."

"There." Master Jiang pointed to the poor looking porcelain.

The fat man froze, and immediately saw: "This porcelain is too different from that. It's totally two things."

Master Jiang glanced slowly and said, "There is something called Guixinxinqiao."

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