Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 574: Tongcheng

In the dark night, through the moonlight, I saw the old lady picking up the hand of a brother.

Granny's eyes were red in the dark.

She licked her lips, and when she noticed me standing outside the house, she gave a clear frown.

I'm scared.

In the night she was pale and a little gloomy.

She began to approach me step by step, getting closer.

The red eyes were full of bloodshot, a little embarrassing and terrible.


Xiao Hei rushed over!

Screaming at her!

The brother was still asleep and did not wake up.

I saw a trace of blood on Brother's bed, and looking at her lips, it seemed particularly rosy.

It felt quite different from the paleness of the previous days.

Xiao Hei rushed over!

She stepped back quickly, looked around, and jumped out of the window!

Xiao Hei is also close behind!

At that time, he was young. Although I was afraid, because of Xiao Hei's reason, I didn't know where some guts came.

Followed and rushed out.

Seeing her bitten by Xiao Hei's legs.

Just let go for a while.

She rushed out.

Leaving where we live.

Later, when he woke up the next day, Xiao Heikou spit himself in front of the gate.

My brother and other partners and I buried it in Maoshan.


Hearing Master Jiang said about this, Liu Yan froze: "Is that the old lady who gave the dog medicine at that time?"

Master Jiang said, "It's been too long. There are still some strange places when I think of it now."

Liu Yan said, "In fact, you should know that a docile dog suddenly called at someone, and that person must have a problem."

"So, you just believe that the old lady is abnormal? And the dog is barking abnormally and young, so how can you think so much now?"

"People live one more year and have one more year of experience." Master Jiang said slightly.

Liu Yan could not help but tremble slightly: "Boss Jiang, don't scare me in the future. I am not afraid of ghosts. You are going to be scared a lot, I may be really scared."

Master Jiang laughed: "What are ghosts afraid of? Sometimes people are more terrible than ghosts. In fact, we don't see ghosts."

"I'm relieved, if I can see a ghost. Don't scare me to death." Liu Yan patted his chest.

Master Jiang said, "I can see it."

Liu Yan mouth twitched: "..."

Can you chat happily.


"Boss Jiang, if you talk like this, you will lose me." Liu Yan muttered.

"But yeah, your messy hair really needs to be taken care of. And you just laughed, and it still looks pretty good."

She looked at Master Jiang.

Master Jiang said, "Well, wait another month. You can do these things. Some things haven't arrived yet."

The two just spent another month here.

There is nothing wrong with each other.

Until the day before leaving, Master Jiang waved toward the tavern.



A red umbrella silently watched him leave.



The two got on the train.

"Changing in a new place, aren't you afraid I'll abduct you?" Master Jiang said.

Liu Yan said: "I'm an orphan, there is nothing to sell or sell. And I feel I can trust you."

"Trust me in less than two months? You can easily be deceived." Master Jiang did not tell her where to go, so she asked if she would go.

If you don't go, you can give her a salary for a new job.

If you go, leave with him.

She hesitated, and chose to follow Jiangyu.

"I'm a man who looks right, the boss doesn't look like a bad person." Liu Yan smiled.

Master Jiang is speechless, forget it, she may have her own choice.

The place chosen this time is more than thirty hours by train.

For high-speed rail, because it is necessary to change trains.

Jiang Yu likes to enjoy life slowly in the car.

The two got off the train station and took a taxi.

Came to Tongcheng.

Tongcheng is not a prosperous city, but it is the ancient capital of civilization with many scenic spots.

Many tourists also like to come here.

"Here." Master Jiang took off his luggage from the car.

Not much luggage.

"This seems to be a library before, boss, don't you want to open a library," Liu Yan asked.

Jiang Yu shook his head: "No. I open a Qinxin Garden, which can provide a place for drinking, tea and reading."

"It's a slow-paced place to relax," Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan glanced: "It's going to cost a lot of money. It also comes with decoration."

Jiangyu didn't say straight: "Okay."

In fact, I bought this place myself. It does not count as rent. In fact, these years, there is still some money.

Open the key and the two enter the house.

The layout of the house is larger.

After the two had sorted out their luggage, they started to clean up.

This busy work came to night.

"Go out for a meal," Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan smiled: "Boss, or order a takeaway. I have to take a bath."

"... this thing, you don't need to tell me." Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yanxian smiled: "I don't say, you'll come in later, it's very embarrassing."

"... Then you go, I'll go and cut my hair," Jiang Yu said.

She nodded before going upstairs.

Only then did Jiang Yu go out, not very familiar with the neighborhood, and asked someone to find out that there is a Shangyi here.

The man said that hair cutting is okay here ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hello, do you want to cut it alone or bring your hair? "A handsome little boy waxed at the door.

Jiang Yu said, "If that's good, just use that."

"Okay, then you go to wash it first, and then cut your hair. It's better to reduce it." The little boy asked Jiang Yu to lie on a bench behind him.

The current Jiangyu hair is disheveled, and there are still some scum, a lively rotten taste of rotten house.

Washing the hair is that the girl is very young and should be in her teens. But in this era, it is really difficult to judge the age by looking at the face.

"Go up a little bit so that the water is better." The girl explained.

Jiang Yu's body moved up, and then the girl's hands began to move softly in his hair.

"I don't think you seem to be here. It's kind of face-to-face." Girls doing this business, like to chat with customers when washing their hair.

Jiang Yu hasn't concealed much. There is nothing to hide: "Well, I just moved here recently."

"Oh, you haven't cut your hair for a long time." The girl was gently washing her hair.

After a few moments of silence, Jiang Yu's voice was vicissitudes: "Well, it's been a few years. There is a trace of worry, and now it is completely released."

The two chatted for a while.

"Wash up, sir. You can go and cut your hair," the girl said.

Jiang Yu was sitting on a chair with hair cut.

The barber asked: "Hello, what kind of hair do you want to cut?"

There is no requirement for hairstyle Jiangyu: "You look at it. Just cut it short."

"Good!" The barber looked at the messy Jiang language, just like looking at the artwork.

So the barber picked up the scissors and began to repair the hair.

Until the cut was finished, many people froze.

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