Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 575: Is it a fugitive?

Jiang Yu's original disheveled hair covered most of his face.

Until the cut was finished, an unforgettable face was revealed, without the small white face of that handsome man. On the contrary, there is a look of Qiyu Xuanang.

The water chestnuts are clear and very eye-catching. In his eyes there are vicissitudes that do not match the outside.

But the whole person looks like twenty-five or sixty. It is hard to imagine that this is the uncle who is just 30 or 40 years old.

The refreshing hair makes Dejiang's face look more attractive, like a thin person who looks beautiful and elegant.

"You look like a spy shooter, absolutely the front line!" The barber praised.

Jiangyu didn't talk much and experienced too much, but some things were open.

Given the money, Jiang Yu left Shang Yi.

The hairdresser watched Jiang Yu leave, his eyes tightly looked: "It's a strange person. I thought it was ugly and covered with hair."

"Unexpectedly, he looks good. It seems that he should have experienced something."


After Jiang Yu's haircut, he returned to his Qinxin Garden.

Liu Yan was setting the table: "Sorry, it's not open yet. It will be fine in a few days."

Hearing her, Jiang Yu came in.

"It's not open yet, what are you doing here. Wait a few days." Liu Yan looked up, as if the good-looking man didn't seem to hear himself.

After setting the table, pick up the broom and sweep the floor.

Jiang Yu naturally opened a bottle of green tea on the cupboard and took it.

"What's wrong with you? I said it wasn't open. You not only came in but also drank our boss's water. Was there some politeness."

Jiang Yu said, "Why ... I don't know me anymore."

哐 Dang.

The broom dropped on the ground.

This sound ...


Could it be that

boss! ?

"Boss Jiang, are you?" Liu Yanyan looked at him.

Jiang: "....."

"You have changed too much. You used to have hair and looked like an uncle. Now it looks almost not much bigger than me." Liu Yan said.

Jiangyu said silently: "I can understand it, are you bragging about your youth in disguise?"

Liu Yan blushed and immediately said, "How is that possible. But it really looks like my hair is very fresh now."

"Then I'll go up first. Don't be busy. Get it tomorrow and rest early." Jiang Yu went upstairs.

Liu Yan looked at the back of Jiang Yu going upstairs: "Well, I don't think this boss looks very good."

After working a little longer, Liu Yan took another bath.

A bit clean, I haven't spoken Jiangxi well before.

Jiangyu is a neat and neat person, but he ignores his image. She said several times, and Jiang Yu said that she had to wait to leave to cut.

I didn't expect to cut it today, it's really a bit special.

After taking a shower, she fell asleep.

There are several rooms on the second floor.

The first floor is responsible for business.

On the third floor is the top floor, where you can plant flowers and eat barbecue.

The next month was almost always busy. Including decoration, ordering signs, setting layouts, buying this, buying that, and so on.

What makes Liu Yan strange is that Jiang Yu, the man, didn't care about business at all. Do not do promotional advertising, continue the leisurely way before.

You are greeted by a guest, lying on a chair without a guest, slowly reading with a book in your hand. There was a cup of coffee next to it.

It feels no different from an uncle, they are all enjoying life.

After allowing Liu Yan to do his own thing, he can do the same, just as if he were a home.

The laid-back life lasted for a month.

Until one day, a young man in a suit came in.

"Hello." Liu Yan said.

This includes leisure services such as reading books, drinking tea, drinks, etc.

The man in the suit said a little hurriedly: "Excuse me, Master Jiang is here? I finally found out that he moved here."

"Do you mean our boss Jiang? He went out to buy tea. He said some tea was of poor quality." Liu Yan wondered, when did the boss become a master?

I seem to remember that the boss once said that he was Master Jiang, but he didn't believe it at the time and thought he was joking.

Now think about it, another person is called Boss Master Jiang.

It seems this boss has a lot of things I don't know.

Liu Yan shook his head: "Waiting for the boss, you sit down. Look at the book first. The boss will come later."

The man in the suit carried a box and looked around, a little nervous and a little hurry ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is not the time to read a book at all.

The man wants to smoke and takes out a cigarette.

"Sorry, look at the back," Liu Yan reminded.

The man in the suit looked back at a non-smoking sign and smoked at the door.

Just walk in after drawing.

After waiting for ten minutes, Jiang Yu finally returned.

"Boss Jiang, you are finally back." Liu Yan said.

The man in the suit looked up, and the young man in front of him was the master Jiang he was looking for?

"Are you Master Jiang?" The man in the suit asked.

Jiang Yu nodded: "Well, let's talk straight. You should know my rules."

The man in the suit took out the box and opened it: "Here is one million. The poor are 1,000 and the rich are one million. I'm not rich. But I'm not poor."

"Well, Liu Yan, pick it up," Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan took the money in amazement and asked in the boss' ear: "Boss ~ www.readwn.com ~ You should not be smuggling and killing."

One million?

what's going on.

Is the boss a fugitive?

Jiang Yu said badly: "I don't do anything illegal. Really."

Liu Yan smiled awkwardly: "..."

"Say it. What is it." Jiang Yu asked him to sit on a chair beside him.

Sit down myself.

"That thing is here again." The suit man was a little panicked.

Jiang Yu looked up at him: "Cup of tea. Speak slowly."

Liu Yan made a cup of tea for the man and stood by.

The man's name was Chen Yi. When he was seven years old, something happened. He lives in a mountainous area in Shandong Linxi.

At that time, his father was a ranger. And Chen Yiping usually goes to school.

Only on Saturdays and Sundays can I go to Dad's dormitory.

Every time I go, I sleep at my dad's side.

Dad, let him sleep early. Never open your eyes.

Then turned off the lights.

The dormitory was dark.

He was puzzled.

But soon fell asleep.

The night in the mountains is still different from the night in the town.

The night here is accompanied by the rustling of trees, and some strange beasts and animals scream, the silence is suffocating.

The windows of the dormitory are wooden windows, which are left and right.

The two wooden windows are divided into four fans.

You can see dark clouds.

This became a dark room, the only light source.

When Chen Bin listened to the rustling of the big tree, he dared not open his eyes and closed his eyes tightly.

Grasp the cup with your hands and shrink into it.

Slowly, I fell asleep.

Until I suddenly felt a very cold, it felt like ...

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