Unlimited Extreme Live System

: 583 Money Drops in the Strange Sky

Jiangyu is sure that something special has just come, and it is not dazzling.

But the other party is not malicious.

Just come and rest.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Jiang Yu raised Liu Yan's salary.

It's not easy for the little girl to go out alone.

On this day, a strange guest came in the shop.

Ordered a cup of coffee.

Do nothing or drink, just hold the coffee for a while.

It took a long time to drink so little.

With a look on his face.

Jiang Yu glanced at the man's luck, and there were no problems.

"Boss, wouldn't he run into a ghost?" Liu Yan, because he has been in contact with Jiang Yu for a long time, often forgets to guess in this regard.

Jiang Yu said: "There are so many ghosts. He belongs to psychological and external causes."

The man holding the coffee looked at Jiang Yu, and said: "Will you look?"

Jiang Yu said: "Xianyouxinxinsheng, will be some. It is not proficient."

He is still very humble.

Liu Yan interjected: "1,000 poor, 1 million rich."

The man said nothing and took out 1,000 yuan directly from the purse.

"It's a thousand dollars. Untie my knot. This is yours," the man said.

Like a little fortune fan, Liu Yan put away the money: "Hehe, boss, I accept it."

Man looking at Jiangyu.

Jiang Yu gave a silent glance at Liu Yan, and then sat opposite the man: "You tell me about you first, and I'll help you untie the knot."

The man nodded.

"This thing has troubled me for a long time. I have graduated from college for three years. I got off work that day and received a call."

"It was an old classmate who asked me to party. I said I haven't seen each other for so long. See you guys."

"In the beginning, the proposal came to the hotel, but I was afraid that everyone's relationship would be a little bit separated, so I chose a food stall. At least there was not much pressure."

"That day, a lot of old classmates came. Some classmates had a bad relationship but they haven't seen each other for a long time. But they have a familiar feeling."

"Maybe it is the familiar banquet that the world has to offer, all the things that graduates have to do."

"It is inevitable to drink at parties. I am not very good at drinking. I do n’t usually drink much. I can't help but persuade. I drink some."

"Lao Zhao persuaded me to drink, and said that if you don't drink, you don't give face to old classmates."

"I embarrassed you, but I chose to drink it bit by bit."

"Old Zhao took my shoulders and said," How can I be like going to school, not smoking or drinking? "

"Then he handed me a cigarette and asked me to smoke. I said, I wouldn't smoke. He told me how he could not smoke when he came out."

"I reluctantly put the cigarette in my mouth. Old Zhao helped me light the cigarette and stabbed me a few times. Smoking was boring to me."

"Afterwards I feel a little dizzy."

"It feels like one person has become two people, with the feeling of overlapping and splitting. I think I may be drunk soon. It won't work anymore."

"So didn't continue drinking."

"After the party, Lao Zhao and other students asked me if I should send me back."

"I said, it's okay. I can walk by myself. Not far, cross a few alleys, and soon arrive."

"Then I left. I think the taste of this classmates party is not as good as before. It may be a bit more social."

"I didn't go far, and I felt like an upset."

"Sure enough, drinking is not something that suits me. After vomiting, I feel much more comfortable. I then go towards the home."

"By the end of the day, it was late. The box was very dark."

"From time to time, you can feel a cold wind from the box."

"Gradually saw a group of people in front of me, raising their hands high, hopping. Elated."

"I wondered, who danced here at night. It was so exciting. There was no music. It was dark. It was weird."

"Then I looked up and found out that it wasn't dancing. It was money falling from the sky. They were grabbing the money falling from the sky."

"That's a brand new hundred dollar bill."

"I'm also excited to join this crowd receiving money in the air."

"Caught several hundred dollars. This is a good thing, and it's really good. I have read it several times, and I have read it correctly."

"It's just flying windfall. I see a lot on the ground, and then squat down to pick it up."

"At this time, I saw a man looking at me with a sloppy face. His eyes were white."

"It's completely white and a little scary. It's staring at me fiercely. I was sitting on the ground with a fright."

"Then I found out that they were the same people and they were close to me. The eyes were all white and very narrow."

"They kept approaching me. I got up from the ground and kept back. They kept approaching."

"I ran out desperately. After a long run, I looked at it and no one came after me. I was relieved."

"Don't dare to stay, I changed my way home."

"Back home, I'm afraid what to do if the people are in my house. I listen carefully inside."

"I found nothing weird, and scared myself."

"I was lying in bed, and soon fell asleep because of alcohol and fright."

"When I woke up the next day, my head was very painful. It should be related to the sequelae of drinking ~ www.readwn.com ~ I got up from bed, not sure if I was dreaming yesterday."

"I remember putting the money I picked in my pocket."

"I took it out and was shocked."

"This is not a hundred dollar bill."


"Under Coins!"

"I came back to the alley with doubts because it was daytime. I was bolder."

"I saw a lot of money paper, and many of them have already been burned out. Those leftovers are similar to my money. That is money for the dead."

"So who the **** was me and the money last night? Or was it because I was drinking?"

"But that realism reminds me of scalp tingling now."

The man said here, and only told all his passing.

Before Liu Yan heard Jiangyu say there were no ghosts, he said, "You must be drunk and drunk. You have a messy vision."

"I have been drinking for many years. I have not seen any hallucinations." Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan paused: "Well? Boss, didn't you just say it wasn't a ghost? This is neither a drunk nor a ghost. Then tell me what it is."

Jiang Yu said: "If I read correctly, the problem is probably in the wine."

The man and Liu Yan both forced a bit: "What do you mean? There are two thinking outside? And how do you see?"

"It doesn't matter how I see it. What's important is that I know there is something wrong with your drink." Jiang Yu said.

The man looked at Jiang Yu: "Even if there is a problem with the wine, there is some time in the past. It was a drink from a food stall. It can't be found."

"It's impossible to say that this is the entire food stall."

Jiang Yu picked up the tea and took a sip: "I can't do things that others can't do."

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