Jiang Yu went back to the second floor and took out a gourd.

This is a gourd in Maoshan that looks like an ancient wine bottle.

"Put your fingers in." Jiang Yu said.

The man was dubious and put his fingers in it.

Feel something bite.

Painful and quickly pulled away his hand, watching Jiang Yu a little angry: "What are you doing, bleeding!"

Jiang Yu said: "Don't worry. It's just a small wound. This is a small creature described in Shan Hai Jing. No problem."

"The cabinet is a bit of a band-aid. If you feel uneasy, there is disinfectant." Jiang Yu pointed to the drawer.

The man found Jiangyu strange, and felt like a master and a liar.

But it's okay to untie the knot.

Jiang Yu took out a small glass bottle, which was about the size of an eye drop bottle.

A small drop of liquid poured from the gourd into the bottle.

"You can take this bottle to test, you can be clear." Jiang Yu said.

The man thought it was amazing: "Really so powerful?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "Go."

A month later.

There was a news broadcast on TV that told a worker who found contraband in a drink with a classmate. That is what people say (harmonious content), no more narration.

The man said that when he first drank, he took a small bottle and filled it with fun. Half a word did not mention Jiangxi.

It's just that the wine is left behind. Later he had hallucinations.

Feels wrong.

Take wine to test.

As a result of this test, it was found that it contains contraband ingredients.

Then the police stepped into the investigation and cracked a sentence of a large trafficker case.

The participant is that classmate, Lao Zhao.

The reason is that he was also infected with this kind of thing, and secretly added to himself while drinking.

As a result, the pair's wine glasses got mixed up.

So that the man had hallucinations.

Liu Yan stood on the street and looked at the news: "How can he do this. This is clearly what the boss provided you."

Jiang Yu said: "Because this can add a glorious history to his bright future. And it also has a bonus."

"Oh, man, that's what it looks like sometimes."

Liu Yan looked at Jiang Yu in surprise: "You expected?"

"No." Jiang Yu didn't say much.

"Let's go, just come out to buy something, the store closed for a while." Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan said with a grin: "Boss, you have a wayward way of doing business."

Jiang Yu said: "I said it earlier, I really didn't open a shop to make money."

"Okay, okay, you won. I heard you say this many times." Liu Yan said silently.

The two returned to the store.

A puppy was lost in front of the shop.

It can't be said to be lost, anyway, it is a white puppy crouching in front of the door, not moving much.

Lazily basking in the sun.

"Puppy, you're blocking my business." Liu Yan muttered.

The puppy slowly raised its head, glanced at Liu Yan, and continued to lie down.

Liu Yan grinned suddenly, "Puppy, how do you say dog ​​meat tastes recently."


Keep on your stomach.

Liu Yan was completely withdrawn.

Jiang Yu glanced at the dog: "Come in. I'm adopted. But I'm not allowed in the store. I'll buy a dog house and put it outside."

"Does the dog understand you?" Liu Yan was unhappy.

Jiang Yu said, "A dog is a very spiritual thing. If you treat it well, it will wag its tail toward you."

"It's afraid of you, its tail just hangs down. It's going to kill you, its tail is stiff."

The puppy moved a little and lay aside.

As soon as Liu Yan looked at the situation, the dog was really spiritual and understood.

"Go to the drawer and get the money to buy a dog house. It doesn't matter how much it is." Jiang Yu was like a salted fish, and his breath felt like he was 40 or 50 years old.

Liu Yan took the money and glanced at the Jiang language: "Can't you get like a young man?"

Jiang Yu laughed: "I think sometimes laziness is also a kind of relaxation. Quite comfortable. Would you like to be together?"

"Forget it. I don't like the feeling of salted fish." Liu Yan didn't feel good.

Then left.

After she left.

Jiang Yu began to look at the dog after she left.

How to say, this dog is very spiritual.

Jiang Yu even feels familiar.

But Jiang Yu didn't understand what was going on.

When Moyo was a kid, Liu Yan returned.

Liu Yan asked people to set aside the dog house.

"What's wrong? Look angry?" Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan said, "Don't mention it. I don't know what happened today, there are so many people in that shop."

"Someone has cut in line, I really want to give them a few feet." Liu Yan was dissatisfied.

Of course, with her temperament, at best, it is impossible to do.

Jiang Yu said, "Just don't jump in line. Just put that little house in place."

"Boss, listen to your tone, as if you know what happened to the team-did it happen before?" Liu Yan looked at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu walked into the shop: "You want to listen?"

"Yeah. I feel that you know a lot about the boss, or else tell me."

There are no guests anyway.

The two sat there and started to tell the story.

"This happened in Jiangsu in 2015. That year I took a friend's car to do something. There was a car right next to it."

"Through the glass window, you can see that two young people in their twenties who were in their twenties were studded on their ears at www.readwn.com."

"Always gives me the feeling of being on the street."

"Because I passed the service station, I was on the national road. There is a long way to eat."

"Halfway through the journey, I saw a stall next to it and bought a box lunch."

"My friend and I got out of the car, and those two yellow-haired youths got out of the car."

Jiang Yu told Liu Yan a different narrative angle and continued to speak.

Those two went directly to the front of the team.

Everyone thinks that these two people are very poor, and the latter one just muttered. The yellow-haired young man grabbed someone else's clothes directly.

It looks like it's going to dry up.

People around him persuaded, and at this time an old white man said, "Don't have general knowledge with these two young people."

The old man said very politely: "Don't get angry. Let's not grab food from the dead."

This statement is obviously cursing each other.

The yellow-haired young man was very uncomfortable, and warned the old man that the old man should pay attention.

The old man told Huang Faqing that he would not jump in the line in the future, or he might die badly.

The two yellow-haired youths felt embarrassed and met such a strange old man.

When I gave it to the person who sold the food, I found that the person who sold the food had a low head. Looks a little scared.

The boss selling the food lowered his head and told the two of you that you should be careful today. The old man is a fortune teller here. Very accurate.

His voice was low and he didn't want to be heard by others.

The two yellow-haired youths gave a strange glance at the old man, wanting to scold, think about it.

The other party is an old man, and if he does, the other party will definitely break.

So getting back in the car was a little glum.

Things change while driving!

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