Because there are many forks, the speed is not fast.

Waited for this intersection.

Everyone is starting to speed up.

This car is also accelerating.

One of the yellow-haired youths who drove saw that there was a truck in front of him and overtook it.

Overtaking all the way.

One of the young yellow-haired youths looked at each other: "What do you drive so fast? Drive slowly!"

The man who drove said, "What? You're as lory as the old man, right? I'm a good car."

"Slow down. Safety is paramount."

The driver did not listen to the advice. In fact, just now the driver drove the line first. Young loves excitement.

Striving for victory, overtaking is exciting.

At this time, there were two large trucks on either side.

The car wanted to go through the middle gap, and one of the large trucks suddenly braked.

I only heard a few shouts from the car: "Quickly brake!"

Because the speed is too fast, the brakes can no longer be used, only the steering wheel is slammed.


The two cars hit the guardrail directly, and because of obstacles nearby, the entire glass had shattered.

Someone came out of the car after a while, and the one who drove stayed in the car forever.

The only man left was pale and bloody, and he was afraid of what the old man said.


"Boss, the angle of your story is a bit strange." Liu Yan said.

Jiang Yu smiled: "It's just a story. Just like Liao Zhai Zhiyi, listen to it, just hear it."

"Boss, I think the story you told may have nothing to do with that old man. It may have something to do with it. Quite mysterious." Liu Yan said.

Jiangyu laughed without saying a word.

Sometimes, when people are alive, there are all kinds of things to restrain themselves, and occasionally relax yourself.

If you don't fight with others, don't fight for strength, you may live better.

When Liu Yan found that Jiangyu was particularly good at telling stories, he talked about Jiangyu.

Jiang Yu said, "OK. If there is no business, I will tell you one every day."

"Hee hee. It ’s better to be the boss." Liu Yan said.

Jiang Yu looked at Jiang Yu silently, this little girl was lively.

Today, several students came over. Looks young, looks like junior high school.

Holding hands.

I often hear people say that I also want to fall in love early, but it's too late.

The next day, Liu Yan waited for Jiang Yu to speak something early, and even prepared soy milk fritters.

Go out and buy it early in the morning.

Jiang Yu looked at her: "Then I will tell you one, what happened to my grandfather at that time."

Liu Yan looked at him with interest.


Grandpa lived in the countryside, the Central Plains, and often had to help out when he was a kid.

Arable land watering.

At the age of thirteen that year, it was a hot summer day, and the air was a little hot and restless. The scorching sun is very hot, constantly grilling the ground.

Farmers in farmland are exposed to hot and hot weather and need watering. Otherwise, it is likely to be sunburned alive.

Adults will go watering, but Grandpa was not very old at the time, so it was relatively simple to help with farm work.

Cut firewood and feed cattle and chickens. The rest of the time, basically playing with companions.

Pulling out birdhouses, smashing honey, going down the river to fish, sometimes chased by bees. But the hive is really delicious, not just honey, including the contents of the hive.

Grandpa has a good playmate named Daifuku.

Often play together, dig out bird nests, smash honeycombs, go down the river to fish, and hit the top.

Gyroscopes were more common before, but now they are rare.

That is to whip the top with a whip and keep spinning.

The weather on this day is very hot, and summer is always too hot to want to go out.

After his grandfather finished his job, he held a fan at home and opened his mouth.

too hot.

Dafu came to find his grandfather: "Let's go out and cool off?"

Grandpa looked at him: "Where is it cool, the weather is too hot and I don't want to move."

"There is a lake over the grove, and we can go there for fun. It's cool, and I seemed to see a pond last time."

"Playing with water is much cooler."

Grandpa heard him say that he really felt comfortable being able to soak in the cold water at this time.

So they walked through the woods.

The wind in the shade was a bit comfortable, and most of the sun's light was blocked. It was really much more comfortable.

They came to the pond.

When people were young, they did not swim like they do now.

In the past, most people threw their clothes and drove into the water.

The two were swimming in the water.

The water is cool and comfortable.

In fact, in this place, the village said not to come, and the older generation said that there were some unclean things here.

So few adults actually come.

But now most people don't believe this statement.

The two were swimming, and Daifuku said, "How do I feel that the water here is getting really cold. It's weird."

Grandpa smiled and said, "You came here by yourself, are you scared now? You have been in the blisters for a long time and feel cold."

"Swim around, just go ashore." Grandpa told him so.

Immediately grandpa dived.

Diving is a very interesting thing. People who can't dive can't feel this.

At that time, they didn't know that something in the water was startled by them playing in the water.

By this time, grandpa had dived.

The water is clear.

He tried to open his eyes to see things in the water without goggles, so he still needed a certain ability to see things in the water.

When he looks at the water.


There is a huge black shadow running towards Dafu under the water!

Even more terrible is ~ ~ without any pause, rushing directly to the past, fast speed!

Grandpa quickly got up from the water and shouted, "Dafu, hurry up! Something in the water is swimming towards you!"

Dafu smiled: "Don't try to lie to me, just say me. I won't be scared by you."

Grandpa was anxious at that time, and said several times that he thought he was joking.

Soon, Daifuku couldn't laugh anymore, he felt something caught under his feet.

He desperately tried to escape, and the huge shadow had firmly grasped him.

Immediately afterwards, Grandpa saw that Daifuku was dragged into the water.

Grandpa was frightened at the time and looked underwater.

The shadow and silhouette are gone!

Grandpa quickly got up from the water and looked for an adult in the village.

The adult gave his grandpa a shot. At that time, the grandpa was full of guilt, his brain was blank, and he was at a loss.

People in the village borrowed a pump.

Trying to pump water.

Man must not be saved.

From grandpa to telling the village for such a long time, even in the water, even the world champion can not hide.

The whole village was surrounded there.

Dafu's parents stood there.

His dad's eyes were red and he hugged his mother.

Women's eyes are full of tears, choking constantly.

Water is constantly pumping.

Soon the entire pond was evacuated.

People were surprised to see a hole in the water.

Everyone is afraid and wants to find out.

Afraid in case there is something in the water.

So someone took the kind of electric fish and started to go to that hole.

The voltage is not enough.

Can only numb small fish.

At this time, brought a large discharger!

As a result, everything appeared to shock everyone!

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