Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 586: 3rd party intervention

It was a huge black shadow, with a smoky smoke on his body. Everyone looked closely, this is a creature like a turtle.

What is the specific, the adults did not say.

Grandpa looked at the creature in wonder: "Is that a turtle? Or something?"

The adults were silent.

In the end, the adult put the creature back.

Grandpa still can't figure out what is the reason to put it back, just vaguely remembers that when the villagers saw the true face, they were a little weird.

Sometimes there are all kinds of strange talks in the countryside, and these things often have no results.

But when you think about it, there are many incredible and creepy places.


After listening to the content in Jiangyu, Liu Yan opened his mouth slightly: "Boss, do you know, what is that?"

Jiang Yu said, "I haven't experienced it myself, so I don't know. There are many legends in my hometown. They include water ghosts, don't look back in the mountains, rashness, etc."

"If you're interested, I'll tell you when I'm free. Just leave me free."

"A guest is here," Jiang Yu reminded.

Liu Yan quickly got up and was very enthusiastic: "Hello, welcome."

Those were four students, wearing blue school uniforms.

"Auntie, is there any tea for sale?" Said one of the little girls.

Liu Yan's face was dark, but he still smiled. Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Do you want to sell tea? We don't sell it, we sell it in the underground tunnel below the main street."

The little girl smiled and said, "Oh, that's it. Sorry. Auntie."

The boy next to her pushed her arm: "Cough, call sister."

The little girl looked at Liu Yan at this time, slightly awkward: "Sorry, sister."

Immediately afterwards, the students left, just like playing soy sauce.

But yes, now that culture is developing fast, Gong Cha may be fresher for them.

Shortly after the students left.

Here comes a man in checkered casual clothes.

A little uncle's taste.

"Excuse me, is Master Jiang here?" Uncle Flower Grid asked.

Jiang Yu looked up at him slightly: "Is there anything wrong?"

"Well, that's it. I have a million. I want to ask him to help me do one thing," said Fancy.

Jiangyu can see the luck of man, but there is no sundries on the flower lattice.

In other words, he is still in luck, no problem.

What can he do to find himself?

Jiang Yu said, "I'm Master Jiang. Anything, let's just say it. It should not be your own business."

Uncle Flower Grid stunned: "Amazing, worthy of being a master. You can see it at a glance. I am looking for you this time because of my first love."



Just took a sip of water from Liu Yan and took a sip of water.

If Jiang Yu can be called an uncle, then this uncle can be called ... uncle.

Jiangyu didn't speak.

"You are looking for our boss for first love? In the case of love, our boss is not good. Love cannot help. You should find an emotional expert."

Liu Yan looked at Uncle Flower Plaid and said.

Uncle Flower Lattice looked at Liu Yan and looked at Jiangyu: "It's not what you think. Maybe I can't express clearly."

"Well, I just want you to help me. My favorite first love, got married. Then something went wrong recently. I just want to ask you for help." Uncle Flower Lattice felt a little rappy.

Jiang Yu was silent for a while: "Your first love is married, something goes wrong, ask me for help?"

"The relationship between you is a bit complicated," Jiang said.

Uncle Flower Grid said, "You can't be a lover, you can be a friend. Pure friendship."

Jiang Yu groaned: "You didn't tell the truth, I can't help you."

"Well, I have a little selfishness. In case she gets divorced, I still have a chance," said Uncle Flower.

He told Jiang Yu something.

The general process is that he was in private with his first love. Of course, relationships are normal. Did not exceed the limit.

Even women's children also knew him. Call him uncle.

If this is the only thing that is okay, but in recent times, he has hardly seen his first love.

One day while her child was out of school, he ran over and asked the child about his mother's condition.

The child told him.

His mother seems to have a problem.

It feels like a different person.

This faintly made him feel something wrong.

So he tried to reach out.

But as a married person, if they have a long-term relationship with an outside man, even if the two are in a legitimate relationship. It's also easy to be jealous.

In particular, people under tradition are more likely to develop such values.

This is also most men and women, love is always selfish.

Do not want a third party involved.

He looked away.

Nothing feels strange.

But the child's response was somewhat abnormal.

This made him have to wonder whether the child was lying.

Or what happened to the woman.

Listening to a friend's introduction, Jiangbei Maoshan Tianshi seems to be able to solve these things.

As long as they are not evil people, they usually shoot.

Then came to this Qinxin Garden.

After learning about the fancy lattice, Jiang Yu knocked on the table: "What do you think? You intentionally avoided you. To avoid suspicion?"

"Or is there a change in women? Or is the child lying?"

"That means it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiang Yu stood up and looked at the door.

The dog was lazily basking in the sun.

Uncle Flower Grid nodded: "Yes, that's what it means."

Liu Yan looked at this fancy man, and it was not good or bad. It seems a bit infatuated, but I always feel that the direction is a bit wrong.

Jiang Yu glanced at the dog: "According to what you mean. The first logical thinking is the possession of ghosts. The second is that children are deceiving you. The third is to circumvent certain things."

"It seems like you can understand it this way. One of the three." Uncle Flower Plaid was a little dazed.

Jiang Yu said, "Have you ever thought, if the child is telling the truth, then the woman is also true?"

"... Master, don't go around." The man with a checkered head was not enough.

Jiang Yu said, "Okay. You should know my rules before you come. Try to keep the information if you have the information."

Uncle Flower Lattice took out a stack of documents and put it on the desktop: "I have investigated the information you want. Please take a look."

"For money, I didn't bring that much cash. There is only 50,000 here. I will transfer you 200,000 mobile phones again." Uncle Flower Check paused.

"When it's done, I'll give you the rest of the money."

Uncle Flower Lattice thinks about things more, probably because he has been pitted a lot.

Jiang Yu said, "Okay. You go back first. Come back in a few days."

"Then there is Master Laojiang." Uncle Flower Plaid was excited.

It felt like the woman would be like him when things were done.

"What do you think of him?" Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan muttered: "I don't like such people. I don't know why."

Jiang Yu nodded slightly: "Oh."

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