Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 587: Mirror Story

The next day, Jiang Yu came to the gate of a junior high school.

After waiting for some time, I saw a little boy.

It's similar to the message that the checkered man left to himself. Just on the first day.

This time, Jiang Yu brought Liu Yan.

"Take out this picture and ask the kid." Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan nodded and walked towards the child.

Just after school, many students come out of the school gate.

In the first year, most people have not yet developed, so they are relatively small. Generally, the appearance of the second and third years will gradually change.

"Children, ask you something." Liu Yan smiled.

The little boy was a bit wary, but it was at the school gate and there was security.

He looked at Liu Yan, a pretty sister: "Sister, what are you asking? My parents will be here soon."

Liu Yan thought to himself, this little guy is still very smart: "It's okay. I'll ask something. Do you know the person in this photo?"

In the photo is a woman standing by the sea and smiling.

Not very old.

"This ... is a picture of my mother before," the boy murmured.

At this time, Jiang Yu came over.

Men are sometimes more alarming than women.

For example, when you are followed by a person who is a woman, you may not react too much.

If it's a man, you might be thinking, does this guy follow me and want to do something?

So I brought Liu Yan this time, and chose to show up when there were a lot of people, which avoided some misunderstandings.

"Yes, your uncle said that your mother may have some problems. I hope I can take a look. I am a psychiatrist."

"Find your mother directly, maybe your mother is not willing."

Jiang Yu found a reason.

The little boy nodded: "Oh oh. Then I'll call and ask my uncle."

Jiang Yu said: "Then you hit it."

"I don't have a cell phone." The little boy flushed.

"Take me." Jiang Yu handed him a cell phone and asked him to call.

In children's anti-stranger, he really teaches well at home.

Many years ago, Jiang Yu once saw a woman with her own eyes, as if she had lost her soul. Follow others to withdraw money and borrow money everywhere.

It was a scam in the end.

As for how to do it, some people have been rumored to be drugged and unconscious.

I just slept in the wild and felt uncomfortable the next day. I went to the wild and found that my kidney was lost.

Soon the little boy called and at least he remembered the number.

The phone confirmed that there was no problem. The little boy followed Jiang Yu and left.

Jiang Yu and Liu Yan took him to McDonald's, chatting and understanding the truth while comparing with the information that the plaid man gave himself.

Gradually the Jiangyu language was brow.


The mother of a child is a quiet person, usually likes reading books and listening to music.

No goddess, but it does have a pure natural temperament.

Soon the woman fell in love with a man, and had a child a year after marriage.

The man is an after-sales engineer and often travels.

Still, his wife did nothing extraordinary.

Even if it is a friend's appointment, the wife will not go alone, but will wait for the children to go together after school.

The same is true for the man with the plaid.

That day, the little boy's father returned for a business trip. Bring a gift to his wife.

A mirror is exactly like an ancient bronze mirror.

And the shape is the shape of a children's playing drum, with some carvings.

Very beautiful.

The woman put the mirror on the dresser and looked into the mirror.

This photo took at least an hour.

Every time a woman looks in the mirror, she always feels that some air is blowing in. It feels a little uncomfortable.

The child faintly felt that something was wrong with the mirror, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

Until one night.

The little boy woke up in the middle of the night and faintly saw a man on the dresser.

Most of the night.

The person in front of the mirror felt a little cold.

The little boy swallowed saliva and wiped his eyes.

Looked over.

That person is not someone else.

It's her own mother.

"Mom, don't sleep at night, look in the mirror." The little boy was dissatisfied.

At this moment, the woman showed a shameless face under the moonlight, and her speech was somber.

The woman's voice was a bit miserable and eerie: "Do you know the story of the mirror?"

"The story of the mirror?" The little boy listened to this voice in fear.

The woman held the bronze mirror and said tremblingly, with a weird arc at the corner of her mouth.

She told the little boy.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a large family.

One of them was Qiu Rong.

Qiu Rong grew up with a man, a young girl and a young boy.

It's just that the family often keeps the two less in touch, after all, their lives are not equal.

At that time, everyone's thinking was basically right.

That man is called a nobleman.

Qiu Rong and the wealthy.

The two have been together for a long time and have long been in love.

So they wanted to make things public and talk to the family.

Unexpectedly, the staff was furious, saying that even if they were married to a fool, they would never marry a poor ghost.

Outside the staff also beat the men out!

The man said to the woman, wait for me, I will go out and make money!

I will make them look at me!

Two years have passed.

Things are always easier to imagine than reality.

The reality did not give him so many ideals, and the man was still poor.

Maybe there is no poverty, just barely enough to live on their own.

Outside the staff, marry her daughter to another big family.

Daughter is not willing.

Even to death.

On the wedding day, the man came.

Standing at the door.

Women are very reluctant.

The man even thought about elopement, but was found and cleaned up.

On the day of marriage ~ www.readwn.com ~ he stood there and clenched his fists.

Gathering courage, she quietly walked into the woman's room: "Follow me. I will be nice to you."

Women are waiting for this day.

The two absolutely eloped.

As a result, he was caught as soon as he left the door.

At that time, life was far worse than it is now.

The man was beaten and maimed and thrown out.

The man crawled on the ground, and it didn't take long for him to die.

When the woman knew about it, she sat in front of the dresser and put on red clothes.

Picked up the scissors.


Little by little.

Slammed into himself!


Blood splattered on the mirror.

After telling the story, the little boy felt scared for a while.

"Mom, in the evening, what do you tell this story." Little boy.

The woman slowly looked at the little boy. The pale face was a little scary: "Do you think ... Do I look like her?"

The little boy was scared.

However, the next day, the little boy went to see his mother.

It's back to normal again.

So the little boy asked, "Mom, don't look in the mirror at night. I'm scared."

The woman looked at the little boy: "I haven't looked in any mirrors. I have been sleeping inside the house."

"Did you do any nightmares?"

Since then, little boys have even dared to stay there.

I always feel that my mother has changed.


(PS: Spirituality I do have a lot of material to write, but I found that I don't seem to be good at spirituality. At least in the way of expression.)

I thought about it, everyone reads books in order to meet spiritual needs, coolness or other things, so the feeling of strangeness is still not suitable for me. After writing the contents of this mirror, this spirit is almost over.

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