Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 588: There are 2 yin and yang routes, one for each route

After learning this information, Jiang Yu and Liu Yan both fell into a brief silence.

I often listen to older people, do n’t whistle at night, do n’t look in the mirror at night, do n’t ...

It can be seen from these things that sometimes our ideas have this preconceived feeling.

"Are there any exceptions other than these?" Jiang Yu asked.

A junior high school student, the outside world is very strange to him, and at the same time he knows a lot.

The growth period is true for anyone.

The little boy took a bite of the burger: "It doesn't seem like anything strange except this."

Jiang Yu said, "Will it be your nightmare. It confuses reality with dreams."

"Uncle, but the dream will not tell so clearly. Even the mirror is the same." Said the little boy.

Liu Yan felt the same way: "How can a child in his teens dream about this love. And it is the end of the tragedy."

Jiang Yu said, "Do you remember? I said that most people don't see the so-called stuff."

"So from his information, what he sees is not necessarily true." Jiang Yu groaned.

Liu Yan didn't quite understand what it meant.

Jiang Yu said: "I don't talk much about the subconscious mind of psychology. Everyone is involved."

"Besides that, there is another thing in psychology, called the halo effect, and the light wheel effect."

Liu Yan's face shouted, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yu groaned: "Then let me talk briefly. That is, the first impression determines the later impression. Now we will focus on it."

"He may find the bronze mirror strange, so he feels a series of strange things."

Liu Yan still didn't understand: "Then why did he have such a dream?"

Jiang Yu said, "He may have seen something horrible recently."

Liu Yan always felt that Jiang's language was hiding something. This explanation was too far-fetched.

Although it can be explained, it always feels strange.

In fact, Jiang Yu knew that this thing might not be easy to say, but he didn't want to scare these two guys.

He came from Maoshan, but neither he nor she.

After all, people still have some fear.

"Should we send you back?" Jiang Yu said to the little boy.

The little boy shook his head: "Thank you for your hospitality. I'd better go home by myself. Otherwise, I'll say it again."

"Go ahead. Be careful on the way," Liu Yan said.

"Boss, shall we go back?" Liu Yan took the initiative to pay.

Jiang Yu said: "No need to pay, I already paid. You go back first. I still have something to do."

"Well, boss, shouldn't you ..." Liu Yan's brain opened wide, as if he thought he shouldn't.

Jiang Yu said, "Well, if you're scared, don't think too much. If you're not scared, you can continue to imagine."

Liu Yan: "..... well, I'll go back first."

Jiang Yu came to the woman's house according to the previous information and picked up a piece of yellow paper.

Yellow paper yellow, and yellow spring yellow.

In fact, there is a meaning of closeness.

"Yin and Yang are divided into two paths, each one taking its own path!"

"You should go."

"Sometimes you will find that there are things you desperately want to catch. But they are desperately passing away. Like sand in your hand."

"You thought you were holding fast, but still couldn't change the passage."

"In the end, you will find. It turns out that there are some things in this world, even if you try to protect them, there are still things that cannot be protected."

Jiangyu lit the yellow rune.

A woman can be seen faintly, very beautiful, wearing ancient clothes.

Just watching Jiangyu.

Then bowed away.

Not much to say.


From summer to autumn, Jiangyu spent another few months in Tongcheng.

Liu Yan also grew from the beginning.

Of course, the biggest increase is courage.

The dog was kept entirely as a pet dog, and after work, took it out for a walk.

"Boss, don't you go out to bask in the sun?" Liu Yan said.

Jiang Yu was drinking tea: "Well, tea is good."

"Yes, boss, you haven't told me anything else. For example, why did you want to use Sanxiang when you were there?"

"And why should you put an extra bowl for dinner?"

"Is the corner really hanging from the door?" Liu Yan threw a series of questions.

Jiang Yu laughed: "You have asked before. I didn't tell you."

"It's true to say now."

Jiang Yu made another cup of tea: "Sit down and drink. I tell you. The first question."

"That's an old friend of mine, an old friend in that meeting in Maoshan. I promised her not to leave there for five years."

"So I've been there, not moving, not changing, not changing."

Liu Yan was speechless: "Okay, okay. Although the answer is not very good. You answered."

"Why put a bowl then?" Liu Yan asked.

Jiang Yu took a sip of tea: "You mean an empty bowl. It's for an old friend. She's still there."

Liu Yan always felt that Jiangyu was a bit perfunctory, but it was okay. He finally asked his doubts clearly: "What about the horns?"

"In ancient times, cattle and sheep were used when everyone sacrificed. Including modern times, horns are also used."

"Bully, cows are basically symbols of good things, so hanging this one can ward off evil."

After listening to Jiang's words ~ www.readwn.com ~ Liu Yan couldn't help crying: "Boss, this answer is not countable. It's not the answer I want to hear."

Jiang Yu stood up, walked to the door, and moved his hands: "Then what answer do you want to hear?"

"Now that you have the answer in your heart. Ask me, nothing more."

"One is that my answer is the same as the answer in your heart, and the other is that you are different from what you think."

"But you have an answer in your heart. What I said can't change anything for you."

Liu Yan drank a tea: "Cough, I'm still not used to drinking tea. I can drink water."

The two smiled similarly.

On this day, the sky was gray and raindrop-like water fell on the ground.

Tick, tick.

The rain converged on the ground, and the ground gradually became wet.

The rain washed the turbidity of the city, giving the busy people a touch of habitat.

Jiang Yu silently picked up a cigarette, in fact, there are many things, there is no way to talk to others.

What Liu Yan just said just gave her an answer.

Many things happened in Maoshan, and they were called Jiangbei First Master.

These things are unforgettable.

"Rain, stop." Jiang Yu looked at the air.

The grey rain gradually dispersed, and soon the sky became clear.

There was a refreshing wind.

"Boss, do you want to drink tribute tea. During that time, weren't any students coming to ask? I thought about it, and I can do it."

Jiang Yu walked over: "You still make tribute tea?"

"Near milk tea, not milk tea." Liu Yan said naively.

Jiang Yu was dubious, took it and drank, "This tastes pretty good."

"Hee hee. Thank you boss for the compliment."

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