Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 602: Time Hollow and the Hunters Guild

"What is time emptiness?" Lu Feng heard this term for the first time in this world.

The housekeeper explained to Lu Feng some basic knowledge.

The so-called time hole is something from other times, which is brought to this era through cracks in time and space or other special reactions.

It is probably a stone tool of ancient civilization.

It may also be a dinosaur egg from the dinosaur era.

It may even come from a sunspot quant gun in the future.

All kinds of weird things will drift out of the empty time.

For the sake of balance, the major hunter guilds have been established one after another. The average person is not qualified to touch this matter. When your capital reaches a certain level, it is allowed.

If you want to reach this level as a poor class, you can pass the examination of the Interstellar Academy and become a formal hunter. Change your life.

Of course, for the price, you also need to spend several years free of charge for the Star Research Institute.

A few years later, completely free. Whether to stay at the Interstellar Institute is your choice.

"Are there such a thing?" Lu Feng was a little surprised.

The steward nodded: "The young master tried to pass by before. But something happened on the Alpha 442 planet, forcing you to leave there."

"Then you can only continue to be the Lushi Group."

Lu Feng didn't understand very well, but some things were still very clear. That is the Hunters' Guild, which has something to do with everyone's level.

This level of source can determine your ability to explore.

Now that his own online city has a small scale, Gao Fei has taken over the group and is ready to launch a holographic game in less than six months. And a few months into the future, it will be born.

Obviously, he probably got something when he went out to explore the planet.

May be something related to holographic games.

So as oneself, shouldn't we also explore it?

Know this world?

"How is your injury?" Lu Feng asked.

The housekeeper looked at his hand and groaned, "Doctor Veng should not be able to help me. But I will not die. It may take a while to rest."

He didn't say how long he needed to rest, maybe days, maybe years, maybe.

In the discourse, too much information is hidden.

"How do I go to those planets?" Lu Feng has been in this world for a year, and has never been exposed to things on this level.

The main thing is to focus on the circle of creating games, I really haven't delved into other places.

"There is an address here. If you want to go, just go. Some hunters will bring some new people into the planet. You can follow."

"But you better not believe in hunters. Not every hunter is a good person." The steward reminded.

Lu Feng nodded: "Okay, I'll pay attention."

He handed Lu Feng a purple-black card.

Lv Feng explained the things in the store and left.

Get in the car and go to where the housekeeper said.

There are bar cards set around, there are special people waiting.

Lu Feng took out the purple-black card, and the guard looked at Lu Feng with a strange look.

You can see Lu Feng's hair straight.

Shouldn't it be fancy?

No, maybe I think too much. Maybe it is in awe of this card? Or know this card?

Aside from these questions, Lu Feng really entered here.

There is a statue at the door.

The statue is a strong man with a gun in his hand. Not an ordinary gun. Like a "corpse" shaped gun.

There are also some lines around the gun and card slots on the left and right sides.

"New adventurers, please go to Hall 1." The radio kept ringing.

Lu Feng is thinking, should he be a new adventurer?

The door is still relevant to the card, a bit like the customs checkpoint. Lu Feng went in, and some people swept the scanner.

Scanned, showing job title, job, age, name, identification number and more.

Lu Feng looked at the certificate of hunter, no.

Hunter Rank F.

Entering the lobby, there were many people. They are all very young, men and women.

Lu Feng was not very familiar with these people, and found an empty spot next to him and sat down.

Soon a middle-aged man in a blue space suit came in. A scum on his face.

"Welcome to new adventurers!" The middle-aged man made a loud voice.

A girl in a black dress with a ponytail in the crowd looked at him from a distance: "You are the S-Class instructor?"

"Oh? You are Xiaosu. Follow me later." The middle-aged man smiled.

The girl tilted her head: "You can't treat me as if you don't know me. Really."

Many people notice the girl.

Lv Feng's eyes did not stumble around the woman. Saying no excitement is false, the first extraterrestrial adventure.

However, I still have to pay attention to see if I can gain anything.

What exactly is this hunter's guild, and what does the hunter level herald?

Also at this time, a man wearing an interstellar guard came in and walked to his ear at his signal. Whispered something.

The middle-aged man looked towards Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was still thinking about things, but he didn't notice any change in his vision.

And this thing is not easy to see.

Generally speaking, the expression and expression are the most obvious, and only minor talents will notice the change in vision.

"I'll tell you about hunter rules. In the interstellar world, you as new adventurers. You don't have the ability to boot."

"MOBILESUIT, this thing is not something you can deal with. If you don't reach this level, don't try to get it. Otherwise you will kill your life."

"There will be other things on this planet besides us ~ www.readwn.com ~ You know, there will be good things on the planet."

"There are also bad things found. For example, you can find dinosaur eggs for a good price. It is also possible to find a Tyrannosaurus Rex."

"Even being eaten raw by T-Rex. Opportunities come with danger. We don't have any special abilities."

"We only have weapons, and there is another weapon that requires hunter-level control. If you have less strength, you will die."

"For things that will die, I advise you newcomers, don't do things that have been in the world."

The instructor looked up and talked.

He told a lot of basics, and at the same time, hunters were not allowed to show their real names in the guild. Can't get other people's information. Even leaked to non-hunters.

This MOBILESUIT is a machine.

People can sit inside the machine and perform operations. The center of operation is the power contained in the hunter level.

Everyone enters the hunter's guild, without a name, only a number.

Use numbers to call each other.

This instructor is called 11.

Lu Feng looked at his number, No. 17 in Group F.

After learning about the hunter's information, Lv Feng was faintly excited and felt a new world opened.

A door that I never knew and stepped in gradually opened towards me.

"I have to confess. The Hunters Guild does not exist in vain. Each of you must pay for a harvest item."

"If the payment is not paid, the task is judged to be unsuccessful. You have two ways, the first is to give cash. The second is to die!"

"Think it out, then come in."

"I'll be back in half an hour." Instructor No. 11 turned around and left.

Lu Feng looked at the departure of instructor No. 11 in doubt. What does this mean?

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