Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 603: Hunter and Carrier

In the lobby, everyone continued chatting.

Lv Feng sat there, and roughly understood why the housekeeper said that.

Those who can come to the adventure hall have some capital. Either you are qualified to come here through your own efforts.

You can come by yourself, maybe because of the housekeeper, or maybe some other reason.

After about half an hour.

Instructor No. 11 came, and he looked around: "You think about it, just follow me into the portal."

Next, a group of people in star suits had the Hunter's Guild Medal on their chests.

They issued a dagger and a blue laser pistol to each of Lu Feng and others. A sign with a label on it.

"This laser pistol, you can not yet exert its power. Mainly rely on a dagger." No. 11 said.

Lu Feng himself is No. 17 in Group F, so the brand number is 17.

Put the dagger on the waist and hide the blue laser pistol, and everyone will go in with the 11th.

Lu Feng noticed that the young girl in black followed the instructor's trial, and it was clear that special care was taken.

Of course, that's a matter for others and has little to do with yourself.

In the process of walking, Lu Feng saw a young man among them, took out a laser gun and tried to fire.

As a result, the gun could not shoot anything.

An unattack gun, why should it be assigned to its own hands?

Is this gun related to the hunter level?

There is also the kind of operating machine that the central energy source sitting in is also related to the hunter level?

With these doubts, Lu Feng followed into a machine.

"Out of the planet, normality cannot survive. This is a vest. You all wear this."

"It has special effects, at least you don't have to worry about not being able to breathe."

Blue vest.

Everyone wore vests in their clothes, and felt that their bodies were slightly different, which was not particularly obvious.

The instructor took out the instrument and looked like a remote control.

After a few clicks.

I only heard it.

The ground in front of the crowd opened to the left and right.

A dark hole was in front of everyone.

"Jump in! Follow me, don't run around." No. 11 stood there.

Jump in one by one.

After jumping in, there was no sound.

It was Lu Feng's turn.

Lu Feng also jumped in.


I don't know how long it took for Lu Feng to return.

Found standing on a huge aircraft carrier.

Not in the water, but in the air. There are stars all around. Inky and blue became the main colors.

At this moment, no matter who it is, it feels like a drop in the ocean compared to the universe.

Very small.

"It looks great. I saw it for the first time." Someone sighed.

Many adventurers looked around in excitement.

Although Lu Feng was very excited, she did not show it.

The housekeeper reminded himself not to trust others casually, or to expose himself too much to the other.

No. 11 stood on the deck: "We will go to Alpha Alpha 701 later. As for what you get, it is up to you."

"When you come, you need to be conscious. Remember the punishment?" No. 11 said.

When coming here, all the rules must be made clear. They decide to take part in it, and then they have a good awareness.

Save some unnecessary trouble.

At this moment!


Another carrier approached the carrier from the air.

The two carriers seemed to be colliding.

"Damn, it's them again! Let the captain open the barrel!" Command No.11.

Some interstellar hunters head to the operating room.

Soon, both sides of the aircraft carrier emitted a violent purple light, attacking directly at the opposite aircraft carrier.

I saw the other carrier step out of a one-armed man: "No. 11. Long time no see."

Number 11 looked angry: "Are you owed?"

"Um. You can try it." The one-armed man smiled a little deeper, facing the other side's stored purple light.

He waved his hand gently, and a blue shield covered the entire aircraft carrier.

"Well, I won't play with you anymore. I have characters. See you later." The one-armed man turned and left.

Instantly, the entire aircraft carrier accelerated.

That purple laser fired like a laser.


The blue shield of the other aircraft carrier is directly protected.

And leave quickly.

"Unlucky. Actually encountered a one-armed." No. 11 looked a little ugly.

The girl stood by, "Would you like me to kill someone?"

Instructor No. 11 shook his head: "No need. I'll do my own thing. I won't bother you. Just why you came."

"You can think of me as a newcomer." The girl in black wore a blue vest.

No. 11 glanced at the girl: "Are you new? You forget it. Do you think I don't know, it won't be long before you will surpass me."

"I'll just look at you for a while." No. 11 was a little speechless.

An instructor of her own can't compare with her.

But she was a little special and couldn't help it.

Lu Feng was surprised to hear in the distance.

More than an instructor?

Although Lu Feng does not have a clear sense of hierarchy, she also understands that this must be an extraordinary feature.

As for what happened to the aircraft carrier just now, Lu Feng could probably guess a little.

Hunters Guild.

The steward said at the time that there must be more than one hunter's guild.

Now this guild belongs to interstellar.

In the earliest days, the housekeeper said that the outside world was huge. However, it is not dangerous ~ www.readwn.com ~ The strength of hunters can be used to control things, such as aircraft carriers, such as machines ...

They are like a mech maintainer and a maintenance explorer.

So everyone is yearning.

The aircraft carrier was flying, and everyone stood on the deck and looked out. When we were young, we always wanted to look at the universe and the stars.

When we grow up, too many realities make these dreams into a distant dream.

Zhuang Shengxiao dreams about butterflies, and dreams can make people drunk and dream.

Flying all the way.


Eventually landed on a planet.

It looks a lot like the earth.

The mountains here, the water here, look down from above. Very clean.

No heavy industrial pollution, no loud car whistle.

Some are just nature.

"We're here. Can I get something to see you guys. Primitive nature has many dangers. I'll be here."

"There is a problem, come and help me." No. 11 looked at the new hunters naturally.

Hunter qualification is an honor.

At least this represents the opportunity to own your own mech.

Whether it can start or not requires a special driver for hunters.

For the time being, these newcomers don't have it.

No. 11 looked at Lu Feng. From the figure, she looked very much like the one who used to be. The man who sailed many times took everyone through many tribulations.

Opening up wasteland in the interstellar, gradually has today.

Unfortunately, heroes will grow old one day.

Lv Feng in front of him, let 11 can not help but have an illusion. Man is dead and will come back to life in another way.

Maybe rebirth, maybe through, maybe life change.

Regardless, a new life is beginning.

This is life ...

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