Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 605: Refreshing black technology

The fishing line is moving, and the range of movement is not large.

The girl looked at the fishing line and did not immediately begin to act. It's very clear that the fish has been caught. It moves too early, but the fish is not hooked.

Too late, if with a little more flexibility, the fishhook has actually been taken off.

This requires some judgment.

"It is now!" The girl pulled up instantly!

I saw a blue fish caught, not too big.

The girl couldn't help shaking her head: "A bit small, go on."

"I'll make another one, and you try it too." The girl's movements were very smooth. Almost quickly, she also made a triangular fixed fish hook for Lu Feng.

I don't know how others are, at least Lu Feng is fishing here.

Really new.

Lu Feng looked at the fish, a bit like Zhuang Zhou's dream builder on the cloud.

However, the volume and shape are not very similar, but there is a slight resemblance.

Lu Feng squatted next to the fish: "This fish seems to be really different outside. Can you eat it?"

"Can't eat. There are other effects." The girl put the fishing line into the bait again and threw it into the water.

Lu Feng also learned to do this in a similar way, and once fished himself. However, this fishing line must not be compared with the current one.

Fishing rods can't be compared like this, usually bamboo.

After all, toughness is really good.

The two kept fishing.

Not much to say.

It seems that young girls don't particularly like talking, but often they go fishing alone.

One day, the two caught five fish.

At night, the girl and Lu Feng returned to the aircraft carrier.

Listen to her, at night, there may be some special planet creatures appearing, so the return aircraft carrier is safer.

In this way, I stayed here for five consecutive days.

It was completely over.

"Today, your hunter assessment is completely over. Those who have found nothing now, please list!" No. 11 said.

Many people in the team looked at each other, and only a few knew nothing.

On this planet, they cannot tell what is valuable and what is not.

Because not everything on the planet, everyone understands clearly. This is where they are assessed at random.

Lu Feng and the girl had a fish.

Of course, this girl might really come to relax.


After delivering some fish, there are still some fish left. Looking at it, there are 13 in total.

Five days, less than twenty. Can't tell if this is good luck or bad luck.

The mission released by the Hunters Guild must have been completed.

Lu Feng walked towards the girl: "You should always tell me now, what good is this fish?"

"Did you not send a laser gun before? You can try it for fish," said the girl.

Lv Feng remembered seeing someone secretly try firing at the time, and the laser gun seemed unusable.

According to the girl, Lu Feng took out the laser gun and aimed at the fish, and pressed it.


A blue light burst from the gun.


The blue fish turned into a light, like it was sucked into a gun and disappeared.

"This is it?" Lu Fengyun wondered.

The girl said: "This is the driving force of the machine. With this, your hunter level will rise."

"This gun is the medium and draws this power. And the higher the hunter level, the longer the life span."

"As for one person, it is impossible to have dozens of countless people. But an S-Class person controls an S-Class machine."

"It hurts a lot."

Lu Feng has a sense of sight when playing interstellar games.

On the 11th began to talk about things, telling everyone about the history of hunters. Duty of the hunter. Including interstellar robbers.

Hunters will control the mech to fight against these interstellar bandits.

Under normal circumstances, interstellar is peaceful.


Lu Feng returned to the Internet cafe city that he built.

Seeing almost no one inside.

Only some regular customers.

Not many.

"Master, you are finally back." The steward came out.

The housekeeper looked at Lu Feng: "I called you and it didn't work."

"When someone played our game, they copied the entire file."

"Then changed the modeling. Now there are not only Dungeon Warriors, but also Dragon Warriors, Dragon Valley and Dungeon."

"These games are played in their Internet cafes, and they have lowered their prices. We have 5 stars for an hour. They are now down to 4.5."

The steward looked at Lu Feng: "Will we also cut the price?"

"No. Continue with 5 star coins. I'll go and pack them." Lu Feng groaned.

The steward snapped: "Master, you can't do things that violate interstellar law. You can't hire black hunters to attack them."

Lv Feng smiled: "Where do you want to go? Leave it to me. Very civilized way."

The words made the steward unconscious.

What is the civilized approach?

Lu Feng clicked on the prestige panel, and the function had anti-theft settings. Although the required reputation is high.

But now that I have enough prestige to splurge, let me say, the prestige is left unused. What should I do with prestige?

Reputation panel, redeemed for anti-theft.

"Someone copied me." Lu Feng shook his head.


Boss Liu was in an Internet cafe, watching the business boom, this pirated version of money came really fast.

The biggest technical difficulties are gone.

Just ask someone to model and modify it slightly. And get a server.

Money is easy to come by.

These days, I haven't seen anything happening there. I stepped on the interstellar method myself, others shot, and I shot.

I guess I can't help myself over there.

Boss Liu lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and smoked smugly.

Many days are not as cool as today ~ www.readwn.com ~ These pictures are fresh.

Another price reduction is definitely good.


"Boss, it's on fire!" An employee panicked.

Boss Liu was startled: "How could it catch fire? Where did it catch fire!"

"Host room, it's all burned!"

"What !? Extinguish the fire, those things are expensive!"

"Come on! Fire with me!"

After a busy period, power off, watering.

The fire in the main engine room finally went out.

"How could this main engine room catch fire for no reason? Was it the spark of the circuit meet?" Boss Liu wondered.

When the fire was out, boss Liu dared to turn on the machine again.

Not counting money today, everyone can play stand-alone or something, and pass it on. Contact Master yourself to come and practice.

Some guests continued to play, and some left without interest.

Can't connect to the Internet, what to play?

Still the net city over there.

Boss Liu wondered and made some phone calls, then reopened his host.

I found that my dungeons were completely removed from my computer.

"Is there a problem with the computer?" Boss Liu took out the USB stick and was ready to copy it in.

As a result, the USB flash drive was also empty.

"This machine can't read even a USB flash drive?"

Boss Liu went to another client's computer and turned on the machine.

Found that the cottage game was gone.

"Vorig, there is a fire, the game is gone? Webmaster, come and see if this machine is poisoned?"

The webmaster started to do this.

Then, it was discovered that almost all computers were missing the game.

Even the burned discs are clear.

The key has not been detected.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

what's going on! ?

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