Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 606: Black Tech Plants vs Zombies

Later, something more unexpected happened to Mr. Liu.

Several surrounding villages jointly discussed the cottage, and the same situation occurred.

And the data on the computer disappeared.

All this is incredible!

"It must be the ghost of LV boss! Is it!" Boss Liu brought a group and others to Lu Feng Internet Cafe City.

Lv Feng sat next to the front desk with a dull face: "How many people want to get on the plane or look at the environment?"

Boss Liu is mad, go to your sister!

What happened to the computer data in my Internet cafe and why the server room was on fire!

"Did you let someone fire in our computer room, and then hired a hacker to attack our computer?" Boss Liu blamed, pointing his finger at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was very bland: "It's rude to point someone at your finger."

"Which eye do you see me doing? Trouble don't spit it out."

"If you find a difference, please come back. Otherwise I'll call the police."

Lv Feng's face was bland, and she could probably guess the role of the prestige panel.

"You wait, I must have monitoring! I will call the police!" Boss Liu was aggressive.

Lv Feng yawned: "Your cottage is mine, and I have not pursued you are all right. Will your conscience not hurt?"

"It hurts your sister! It must be your ghost!" Liu Feng scolded!

Lu Feng stood up: "Goodbye."

The meaning of drop off is obvious.

Boss Liu brought people back to their Internet cafes.

Investigation and monitoring.

Looking for suspicious people.

There were no clues.

Even when the main house was on fire, there was a sudden fire on the monitor.

No one had gone in before the scene.

But what surprised Mr. Liu was that the others were exactly the same.

What a terrible thing.

At the same time on fire, while deleting the game, the video has not appeared to anyone! ?

This made Boss Liu shiver.


What is it called?

No, people are doing it, heaven is watching?


Business is back.

The housekeeper looked at Lu Feng strangely: "Master, how did you do that? I heard people in the shop say that they were on fire."

"Have you set fire? Be careful with the handle," the housekeeper cautioned.

Lv Feng smiled: "I didn't put it. They may play in the cottage, maybe they are watching it."

This anti-theft setting feels good.

Fight against piracy.

Alas, this technology is really the sense of sight of black technology.

"What is the function of the technology tree?" Lu Feng remembered that reputation can be used to transform the game into technology.

What about Plants vs. Zombies?

Unconsciously, Lu Feng looked forward to it.

It is getting closer and closer to the release of the latest holographic game by the Gao Group.


this day.

Gao Fei held the microphone, faced the reporter, and smiled. "This is what I got during the interplanetary expedition."

"After working together with our team, we finally designed this holographic game."

"This is a holographic cabin. It is now on sale at all major business stores. It will not officially delete the internal test at 12 noon."

"The first five thousand people can experience it for free. Players who can't grab a place can purchase it for a fee and can also test it."

Goofy's words carry a strong commerciality, from free to charge.

And game information.

The reporter asked: "This is a breakthrough in the history of the game. It heralds the advent of the holographic era. But I want to ask you, how much did you invest in this game?"

"Not much. Just billions of stars." Gao Fei looked relaxed.

The reporter remembered the state of this king.

Billions, not much.

Why not go to heaven.

But think about it, many years ago, a very wealthy person was asked by reporters: "What do you think of future house prices?"

The rich man said, "The future? The future house price is cabbage."

Many netizens spit out, to local tyrants, what is not cabbage.

The reporter asked some questions, and those questions became more and more acute.

"Hello, Mr. Gao, I am a reporter on the funny live broadcast platform. Our netizens here would like to ask, for the popular dungeons warriors in the market now. Do you think this holographic game can be surpassed?

The words saw, full of provocative tone.

Without focus, the reporter can't write good things.

Therefore, it is necessary to create focus without focus. These are the highlights for everyone. Including entertainment circles, gossip.

Many people still love the scandal.

There are also some people who scoff. This is based on market positioning.

Gao Fei smiled: "The holographic game definitely can completely crush that game. A small registered company. Set up several Internet cafes."

"I still admire him very much, very talented." Saying that, but my heart was a little wonder.

It felt that Lu Feng had completely changed someone.

When leaving the group, it seemed that there was not much capital.

Actually design three games in succession.

Has a certain impact on the entire game market.

It's really strange.


Lu Feng didn't watch this, but watched the TV series or something.

Think of relaxation.

Tried it, click on the tech tree with the prestige panel.

Discovering Plants vs. Zombies requires 100,000 prestige to use the tech tree, while the prestige panel has 1.07 million.

"Try it."

Ten minutes later, a large truck arrived.

"Your parcel." The truck driver shouted at NetCity.

Lv Feng looked over and found that it seemed that his face was unclear.


When am I short-sighted?

Can't see his face.

Immediately after, boxes of things fell in front of Lv Feng's shop, and the car drove away.

Lu Feng remembered that his hunter qualification certificate should have an E-class ~ www.readwn.com ~ Did he send himself a mech?

Need to assemble it yourself?

I go!


Lu Feng quickly opened it and found it was a helmet.

Take it apart again.

Still a helmet.

Several in a row, all helmets.

"Willn't it be a helmet mech? The helmets are assembled together?" Lu Feng found something wrong.

Doesn't look like a robot.

Because it is printed on it, plants vs. zombies.


How is this going?

"Is it a tree of science and technology?" Lu Feng was startled!

Hurry up and let the staff carry the package together, a big car.

Lv Feng had no idea what this would do to upgrade Plants vs. Zombies.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng put the helmet on his head.

Nothing has changed.

"Did you have to run the game to make changes?" Lu Feng tried to click to run the Plants vs. Zombies PC version.


Lv Feng only felt stunned.


Everything has changed around!

It feels like being in a farm.

I have a shovel in my hand and a small cloth bag.

The bag is full of seeds.

Then look at his clothes, completely like a farmer.

[The first wave of zombies is coming, please be prepared. 】

"..... Holly Plants vs. Zombies? Such annoyance?" Lu Feng was aggressive.


A sun fell from the sky.

As soon as Lu Feng approached, the sun was sucked into the body.

Sun value: 50

Lu Feng took out a sunflower seed and dropped it on the ground.

Instantly plant a sunflower.

There is a feeling of spreading beans!

Very interesting!

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