Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 609: 100 years of game creation

After finishing the anti-theft setting, Lu Feng continued to read in his own net city.

at the same time.

The Gao Group.

A lot of human and financial resources have been invested in the development of the game. This game is based on Lu Feng's game and added to the holographic game.

"Very good." Goofy was right there.

At this moment, I saw the entire company's power cut instantly, and it was completely dark!

"Ah, there's a power outage! I haven't saved it yet. Today's workload."

"I have a backup, it's okay. I remember the emergency power, why didn't it start?"

"How would I know?"

Hear the employees' conversation in the dark.

Gao Fei frowned. Is there something wrong with the line?

First go to the electric brake and find that it trips, but you can't push it.

Take out your mobile phone and make a call: "Is the maintenance department? There may be a leak on my side. Check it."

Hang up, Goofy is waiting.

After about twenty minutes, electricity was restored.

Everyone turned on and kept busy.

Suddenly someone froze: "My information is gone ..."

Another responded, "I'm gone."

Many employees have reported that all information has disappeared.

"what's going on?"

Including computer backups also disappeared.

Everyone took out the U disk and also had a backup.

Gao Fei looked at the crowd, with some doubts in his heart: there should be no big trouble.



Soon after, Goofy announced its layoffs.

The overall performance continued to decline.

Whenever it involves copying and plagiarizing Lu Feng, it will have a huge impact.

From power outages to loss of files to fires.

For a time, Gao Fei felt incredible.

Even Gao Fei tried to contact the interstellar police to investigate Lu Feng, but found nothing.

Eventually, the Goofy Group continued to decline.

Lu Feng came to this world, unknowingly from half a year to one year to fifteen years.

Today, Lu Feng has been 37 years old and has gone through 15 years.

The entire structure is also expanding, from dozens of employees to now a team of hundreds.

The Roman Empire was developed successively, and the final illusion, legend, and CF were called game emperors in this game world.

The reputation of the industry is also growing.

"Butler, help me prepare the procedures. I want to buy Lu's Group. Get back what belongs to me." Lu Feng asked the housekeeper to do it.

The steward smiled: "Okay, leave it to me. I didn't expect that for more than ten years, you can achieve this level."

Lv Feng's money had long been purchased from Xia Lu's Group, but Lv Feng did not buy it immediately.

It is to let the group reach a certain level, and it cannot continue.

The reason is simple. Take pigs as an example. Fat pigs and lean pigs have different weights, so the natural price cannot be equal.

It took about five working days to buy it completely.

On this day, Lu Feng drove along the latest sports car and stopped at the door of Lu Group.


Gao Fei frowned and put his hands on the head in a crisscross. "Today the company is completely handed over to the new boss."

"Unexpectedly, there are still people who are willing to buy the entire company." Gao Fei couldn't figure out why this happened as soon as the plagiarism happened.

I haven't heard of such a thing even at the Hunters' Guild.

The supervisor below and the manager looked at each other.

A lot of money and money was invested, and it was ruined every time.

This is really a blow.


The secretary knocked on the door: "The new boss is here."

Gao Fei took a deep breath: "Come in."

Lu Feng said slightly, "We're meeting again."

"It's you !?" Gao Fei was surprised, but it was Lu Feng.

Lu Feng said, "Did you just sign my name when you signed it? Didn't you see it?"

Goofy did see it and the negotiations were with others.

But he did not expect that Lu Feng was this Lu Feng.

At first thought the same name and same name.

Gao Fei looked at Lu Feng in wonder: "In fact, you don't need to buy this company at all. Your money should be enough to create a new company."

Lv Feng laughed: "I just get back what belongs to me. I don't always think of any disadvantages."

"You're great." Gao Fei said.

Gao Fei stood up and looked out the window: "I used to envy the Lu Group when I was a kid."

"Envy one day, I can do that. I was in a slum at the time, and I had to join the Hunters Guild."

"Fortunately, I have done well at the Hunters Guild. After several experiences, I finally made a lot of money."

"Finally bought the Lushi Group. But I did not expect that after so many years, this Lushi Group slipped away in my hands."

He looked out the window and couldn't say anything.

Life is fickle.

Lu Feng was silent for a while, and the two did not have any old enemies and no major hatred.

Goofy bought the group he wanted to buy, and Lu Feng bought the group he wanted to get back.

Neither is right or wrong.

"Would you like to work in our company?" Lu Feng asked.

Gao Fei shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness. No need. It's time to go, we still have to go."

Next, everyone explained in the meeting room.

The group officially returned to Lu Feng.

The real Lu Group.


Hunters Guild, Lu Feng will also try star adventures in his spare time.

The level also continued to improve from E level to S level.

I met the girl many times.

But Lu Feng is not an active person.

The girl also changed from her teens to her twenties.

And Lu Feng, already in his thirties.

Despite his appearance, Lv Feng still looks more than 20 years old.

"Try to boot up today. Are you going?" Rarely asked the girl to ask www.readwn.com ~ Lu Feng smiled: "Yes. Let's go together."

They took out the hunter's association qualification certificate and entered the mech factory.

In front of Lu Feng is a huge metal robot, about 7 meters high, which is equivalent to the height of two floors.

The cockpit is on the robot's head.

Place a ladder directly to your head.

"Would you like to fight?" Lu Feng smiled.

The girl nodded. "Okay. That's what it means."

Mechas are within range and are allowed to fight each other. Of course, non-tasking is damaged and you are responsible for repairs yourself. This machine is exclusive.

Lu Feng enters the position of the head of the white robot.

start up button.

The entire eyes of the robot light up, and the shape is very similar to Gundam!

Every time I operated this, Lu Feng was still a little excited.

After the qualification card was activated, Lu Feng held the joystick and pushed: "I'm here!"

The black robot is her control.

The white robot is controlled by Lu Feng.

Two people control each other to fight!

You can see the sparks of the arms fighting, a cheerful refreshment erupted in my body.

Lu Feng thinks this world is really good.

I can live another hundred years!

I want to be the game's century-old creation emperor, the game-making century!



Give the tip first, and the next chapter will be a new story. The protagonist is where the zombie lives, and the protagonist has a golden finger. That's stealth.

When others ran away, I ate instant noodles.

I dare not go out, and I walk around.

Beauty civilization, I'm still invisible ...

PS: Aside from the topic, I am preparing the material for the fourth book, but some things are in doubt. So I want to try to write a zombie to break through this inspiration, if you are interested, you can take a look.

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