Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 610: I will be invisible (new content!)

Doomsday cataclysm, terror zombies have erupted worldwide.

Zhang Huan was bitten by a zombie, and thought he was going to become an unreasonable zombie.

I didn't expect to wake up and found that nothing happened.

He was on the third floor. Looking down the window, the streets were full of zombies.

"Is it difficult to die?" Zhang Huan was shocked.

The house was a mess.

It seems that there is no food left.

"I have to go out." Zhang Huan knew that he must die if he didn't go out.

Will starve alive.

But go out, so many zombies.

Will die!

Zhang Ye's door had already been opened, and he looked out secretly, and found that no zombies were found in the third floor area.

Some worried.

Zhang Huan picked up an iron rod and encountered a single zombie should be able to hit his head with a single stick.

Encountered more, it's over.

The closest store to this is a corner 700 meters downstairs.

Go downstairs.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Zhang Jianxin immediately mentioned his throat.

A total of six zombies wandered the stairs.

Make a terrible cry.

"嗬 ... 嗬 嗬 ......"

"Uh uh uh....."

All six zombies were looking in the direction of Zhang Ye. Zhang Ye hoped that these zombies could not see themselves!

The zombie came in the direction of Zhang Huan, Zhang Huan wanted to run, but a cricket fell on the stairs.

I thought there would be blessings if we do n’t die in a great disaster. I did n’t expect to die soon.


Zhang Huan found that the zombies walked past him directly.


Didn't see myself the same!

Zhang Huan looked at his hands for a moment.

Whole body is transparent! ?

Zhang Ye could not help but be surprised!

I go!

Is this stealth! ?

That's cool.


Zhang Ye walked down the stairs and walked directly towards the store.

Doomsday, Zhang Jian's eyes are full of joy in an instant.

Don't buy anything for money.

No money to eat.

What you want, what you want.

What do you want to do.

Do whatever you want.


Thinking of this, Zhang Yele blossomed.

Finding myself able to hide in Zhangye, the whole person has become a lot easier. Very cool.

Walked into the store and saw some bread to buy. Packaging of sandwiches.

Have a good time before talking.

I searched and found a rice bag.

Zhang Ye packed the cigarettes and wine in the bag.

"Uh ..... still selling Du Lei sets? Uh ..... forget it and get it. Maybe it can be useful." Zhang Ye also packed a few boxes.

Seems like a box of ten sets.

"Little mess, and the world, betel nut. Sprite. Sandwich." Take everything that can be taken.

"This bag is a bit small, and it would be nice if there is a bigger one." Zhang Huan took a lot and felt it was not enough.

But think about it, everyone has nothing to eat in the last days, and they have this ability, and they will definitely be great in the last days.

"The original house was a bit rotten. I have to find a safe place." Zhang Huan saw a lady's electric car not far away, with the keys on it.

It is estimated that the doomsday is fleeing, and it is too late to pull the key.

Zhang Yan tied a knot, put the bag in front of the electric car and put his feet on it, stepping on the electric car.

He doesn't know how long he can remain invisible, so after getting some resources, find a safe place.

Zhang Huan could see the zombies wandering in the street.

"I remember there are some luxury houses over there. Hey, I should live in it well." Zhang Huan also let go of his courage.


Zhang Ye parked his car and walked into the villa.

Villas are sold in this area.

In the past, house prices in the city center were more than 40,000 square meters, and 100 square meters houses cost more than 4 million.

Working or not eating or drinking, 3000 yuan a month. One year is 36,000.

That is to say, don't eat or drink, and you can afford a house after working for more than 100 years.

Live anywhere now.

There are also some wandering zombies around the villa, roaring in his mouth.

Uh uh uh

嗬 ... 嗬 嗬

Zhang Yan walked in with a big swing, without any worries about being found.

Thief cool.

I just went in and saw a woman on the second floor wearing pajamas.

Frightened, he looked around.

"is her?"

Zhang Huan carried a large bag and went up the stairs.

Several zombies were knocking at the door.

The iron rod was on Zhang Jian's waist, and he took out the iron rod, and tried to hide himself.

If the assassin would appear in stealth like a game, it would be bad.

Hit it first, no, then stealth.

A stick blasted the head of the zombie!

One stick is not enough!

One more stick!




Several other zombies were completely unresponsive.

Zhang Ye couldn't help but feel relieved,

Keep picking up guys,

Several zombies were shot headshot by Zhang Jian.

[You have gained 1 experience. 】

[You have gained 1 experience. 】

Can not help but feel relieved, you can add experience to playing zombies.

I wonder if I can upgrade?

Hey, cool.

"Open the door!" Zhang Yan knocked on the door.

The door did not open.

"I was blasted by the zombies. Open the door!" Zhang Ye knocked again.

The door opened and it was a woman with glasses and a sunflower face. Wearing black and white uniform.

Zhang Huan went in quickly, and the woman closed the door.

"How did you get in?" The woman asked.

Zhang Ye said, "Isn't my girlfriend with you?"

I thought it was better set up for security here. I ate almost the same and brought some food.

It should be fine.

I didn't expect my girlfriend to be here. Can't help but worry. As long as she was not with Zhang Ye, she was almost with her girlfriends.

Sometimes Zhang Huan even wondered if she ...

The woman shook her head: "I don't know, Xiao Yao and I are separated. She should be in her dormitory."

Zhang Huan groaned: "Is there a car downstairs? Let's go there."

"But there are many zombies outside, there must have been zombies chasing us while driving." The woman was afraid to try.

Zhang Ye said, "If you don't go, then I'll go. At that time, don't regret it."

"I see what you eat ~ www.readwn.com ~ what to drink! If it's not you and Xiaoyao are girlfriends. I won't bother you!" Zhang Yan turned and left.

"Wait!" The woman said.

Zhang Ye didn't turn around either, and turned away.

The woman followed.

"Bring your phone with you, it'll be useful later," Zhang said.

The woman followed.

Seeing Du Lei faintly in the bag ...

Suddenly he looked at Zhang Huan with a strange face.

Doomsday is still full of these things.

Regardless, let's live first.


The two confirmed that they were not wandering around and boarded the car.

Leave quickly.

"Hungry, eat first." Zhang Hua drove and handed her a sandwich.

She never thought that a sandwich would be so delicious one day: "Thank you."

The car is driving fast!

Alarmed a lot of loss.

The lost motion was not as fast as the car, but all chased in the direction of the car.

Zhang Huan is really not afraid and can hide at any time.

Looks like there are no restrictions.

It's so cool.

Go to Xiaoyao's dormitory, and find a mess around.

"Turn your phone's sound to the maximum! Then throw it out! Otherwise you can't go!" Zhang Ye knew that sound was most useful for zombies.

The woman nodded, turned on the loudest sound directly, and chose the single loop.


"Don't make a noise while you are hiding in the car. Turn off the fire! Otherwise no one can save you. I leave a little food for you!"

Zhang Huan quickly took the leftover food and an iron rod upstairs!

Zombies roam the dormitory area!

Uh uh uh

Uh ...

There was a radian in the corner of Zhang's mouth, and I would be invisible, afraid of something.

The body was instantly transparent, walking easily past the zombies.


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