Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 611: Passive stealth?

Zhang Huan stepped onto the dormitory and found that the dormitory area had already fallen, and all the zombies were wandering.

Make a unique zombie call.

Uh uh uh......

嗬 ... 嗬 嗬

"I have to blast the zombies in the corridor first!" Zhang Huan knew and wanted to find someone if there were zombies still.

Come out alone and die alone!

Pick up an iron rod, a stick!




[You have gained 1 experience. 】

[You have gained 1 experience. 】

[You have gained 1 experience. 】

All the zombies were finally cleared after hitting numb hands.

The phone is still playing music in the distance, gathering a lot of zombies.

The distance is relatively far, at least to the car, the distance to drive away is still enough.

Zhang Ye looked around, but Xiao Yao was not found: "So many zombies in the dormitory area are probably dead."

Sure enough, no figure was seen.

The girlfriend didn't talk for a long time, so she reached the stage of holding hands.

Further things haven't happened yet.

Before Zhang Huan woke up, there were no acquaintances around him.

Even this only girlfriend is gone.

Zhang Ye searched a few times and was sure he could not find anyone before going downstairs. Take a look around and return to being invisible.

This stealthy secret may be a hole card for himself.

In the end, if there is a mischievous person who wants to do something to himself, he still has some cards.

Quickly walked to the car.

Open the door slightly.

"Go." Zhang Yan said softly, inserted the key, and ignited.

Instantly attracted the attention of many zombies.

"Where is Xiao Yao?" The woman asked.

Zhang Yan shook his head: "I don't know. I've searched the entire dormitory area."

"Have you searched? Haven't you met the zombies?"

"I'm better at hitting zombies." Zhang Huan said casually.

She looked at Zhang Ye in doubt, you just blow it!


The car is driving!

"Where are we going now?" The woman asked.

Zhang Huan looked at her: "Where do you feel safe?"

"Let's go to the suburbs, there should be fewer zombies in the suburbs," the woman suggested.

Zhang Huan shook his head: "Don't go to the suburbs. It is not convenient to get resources in the suburbs."

Just kidding, you can go to the suburbs if you have the ability to be invisible. By then, it will be more troublesome to get food and other resources.

Now the only thing that makes Zhang Huan uneasy is what happened to the experience of getting zombies?

Otherwise, blast some zombies yourself and see if there is any change?

Anyway, stealth can also attack zombies.

"We're looking for a relatively solid house. It's better to have a lot of iron doors. There are fences." Zhang Yan looked at her.

This woman is called Wang Shishi, and her family conditions are very good. She usually spends almost with Zhang Ye's girlfriend. They are college classmates.

Zhang Huan was a small employee working in a factory. His girlfriend met in the library, and the two gradually met.

Otherwise Zhang Ye is really not qualified to contact this circle. People always say that everyone is equal. However, after going out of society, Zhang Jian understood a word.

People are grouped together, and things are grouped together.

Filigree is almost all filigree, and there are many tyrants around.

A person holding thousands of pieces cannot be called a brother or a brother with someone who earns millions or millions a month. Very realistic.

Zhang Huan's academic performance is not good. Sometimes academic performance is not well understood.

After going out of society, Zhang Jian knew the gap.

However, he still believes that the gap can be bridged.

Unexpectedly, the doomsday came so fast.

Zombies spread quickly, starting with just a small town and then a city.

Then zombies broke out all over the world.

"That house is good!" The woman pointed at the house!

Zhang Ye looked at it, it was a three-story house, and a small yard.

The fence is high, and it should be roughly three meters. The average house is about two meters, some more than one meter.

And this home is three meters high.

The iron gate is reinforced.

"Do you still have a cell phone?" Zhang Huan asked.

The woman took out an iPhone: "That's it."

"Turn on your voice and throw away!" Zhang Yan said.

Wang Shishi hesitated, and chose a more dynamic piece of music and threw it out!


A total of thirteen zombies appeared over there!

In fact, Zhang Huan can go in directly, but after thinking about it, he instinctively protects himself.

A little less let people know what they can hide.

It's really urgent, and it's a last resort, so use it.

Discovery and fate, which is important, Zhang Jian is still very clear.

Zhang Huan quickly ran into the yard. At this moment, the attraction of most zombies was on that cell phone.

There were also two or three zombies scattered directly after Zhang Ye.

Zhang Huan rushed into the courtyard and was instantly invisible.

Zombies are no longer chasing.

"Dare to chase me, they will blow up all the time!" Zhang Yan smiled.

There is no fear of zombies at all.

Pick up the guy and hit the zombies!



Increasing experience!

[You are currently promoted to LV Stealth! 】

[You gain new skills, passive invisibility: permanently turn invisible to zombies, zombies are not visible, humans are visible. Zombies will not launch any attacks on you. Smell sounds, zombies can't hear and smell you. 】

[Your skill Stealth Brawl has been upgraded to LV2, and the stealth cooldown has been changed from 48 hours to 47 hours. Each time you open it for 24 hours, you can interrupt stealth, and then continue stealth. Cooling time is not counted for the duration of the opening. The belongings follow invisibility. 】

[You have obtained gene points: 1]

Name: Zhang Ye

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Stamina: 22/100

Life: 25/87

Arm strength enhancement: 0/100

Leg strength enhancement: 0/100

Head Strengthening: 0/100

Speed ​​enhancement: 0/100

Height enhancement: 0/100

Free strengthening points: 1 remaining

Zhang Huan stunned!

I go!


Actually get permanent passive!

I'm afraid of a Mao zombie!

Actually hit the zombies can get extra attributes ~ www.readwn.com ~ It turned out that the previous stealth was casually invisible within 24 hours!

Fortunately, I found that there were changes in beating zombies.

That's what happened!

After thinking about it, now the zombies are hit with iron rods, so the attribute points are temporarily added to the arm strength to strengthen!

Zhang Huan swaggered into the zombies directly.

There is passive invisibility.

Zombies can never see themselves.

"Get you off the road!"


Zombies that used to die with a few sticks now die with two sticks and three rolls.

Some zombies died on a single stick. Zhang Huan guessed whether this was related to the strength of everyone's body?

Or is it related to head size or stiffness?

Anyway, it feels easier to fight.

After processing the zombies, Zhang Huan let Wang Shishi come in quickly. Then close the door.

The car parked outside.

Some zombies were all near the railing and wanted to come in.

Uh uh uh.....

嗬 ... 嗬 嗬

Wang Shishi breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh ~ finally came in."

"These zombies were killed by you?" Wang Shishi looked in amazement at the many **** zombies that had fallen to the ground.

Zombies are undead, and only by headshots will they die completely.

A bloodstain.

Zhang Ye smiled: "I said it, I'm terrific."

Wang Shishi gave him a white look: "Did you hide the gun?"

She doesn't believe that if a person can do this, he must have hidden a gun!

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