Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 612: Instant noodles?

Zhang Ye smiled and didn't speak.

She thinks she has a gun.

"How many? Are there enough bullets? Is it a mute gun?" Wang Shishi was a little excited.

Zhang Huan said, "Did we bring in that bag of food?"

After a short while, Wang Shishi said, "......... I was too scared, so ..."

"Okay. You go upstairs first. I'll find a way to get it," Zhang Yan said.

Wang Shishi was a little worried: "There are too many zombies outside. It is dangerous if you go."

"It's all right. Hurry up." Zhang Huan urged.

Wang Shishi turned around three steps before finally going upstairs.

There were also some zombies in the corridor, and they were obviously blown up.

She thought it was shot, but it looked different. It's really hard to figure out what's going on.

Zhang Jian watched as some zombies gathered at the door, and opened the door directly, maybe he would rush in.

Counted, the amount.

7 only.

When the door was opened, one by one!

Opening the door this time, it turned out that the zombies began to squeeze in.

Zhang Huan found that he was passively invisible, and the zombie could not see himself at all, and went directly.

Copy the guy!

Another stick!




After the zombies were completely resolved, they swung into the car and took out the bag of food.

Then locked the door and went upstairs again.

Wang Shishi didn't expect Zhang Huan to come back so soon, she was just changing clothes.

The two looked embarrassed.

Wang Shishi immediately blocked and closed the door.

This dress belongs to the host, but Wang Shishi is not used to being dirty, and blood does not look like it.

So change clothes.

Zhang Ye was a little embarrassed, and stood for a while before he went in: "Don't forget the food. You can eat here for a week or two without eating."

"What shall we do in the future?" Wang Shishi's face was reddish.

Zhang Ye smiled: "Be assured that there will be no problems. I will go out tonight. You are here."

"Zombies seem to be more frequent at night." Wang Shishi looked at her worriedly.

Zhang Ye smiled: "Don't you say I have a gun? Rest assured, it's okay. If you die in the last days. No one can save you."

They were lying in the host's house.

Four bedrooms and two living rooms.

The two sat there, a little awkward and a little ambiguous.

"That ... I'm sleeping in the room over there." Wang Shishi just stepped out and came back again, "Uh ...... that ... We should still have a better room. In case of zombies ... .. "

Zhang Huan: "..."

Here is a bed,

Don't you want to be with me ...

"Just a bed," Zhang Yan said directly.

"You sleep underground, I sleep in bed." Wang Shishi said.

Zhang Ye said: "No, I have to go to find food during the day, and it is easy to catch a cold on the floor. I also want to sleep on the bed."

"... then you sleep at most half. I'm half, you're half." Wang Shishi was helpless.

In fact, Zhang Jian is telling the truth. There are really no cheap ingredients in it.

Zhang Huan was passively invisible to zombies, but it did not mean that Zhang Huan would not get sick.

So Zhang Ye must find a way to keep himself healthy.


The two fell asleep until the next day.

I wanted to go out at night, but I didn't expect to oversleep.

There are some food and water sources, which are sufficient for the time being.

Zhang Ye wanted to find a pharmacy and bring some medicines with him. This way at least you won't worry too much.

Just looking out the window, Zhang Ye found that there was a family next door to this building.

The two houses are separated by about fifteen meters.

A long walk was left in the middle.

Zhang Ye saw that it was a very strong man, and his body was all muscular.

"Eat breakfast." Zhang Huan held instant noodles and looked at the opposite.

The man looked at Zhang Ye through the window and couldn't help it.

He waved the red thing over the window.

Thought Zhang Jian couldn't see him.

In fact, Zhang Jian saw it, and really didn't plan to ignore him.

This is not compassionate, but Zhang Jian can see that the other party is very strong.

My thin body can save others, if the other person is just eating something is fine.

What if you want to grab it?

Defenses can not do without.

With his own body, at most, his arm strength has been strengthened. It really fights, but it may not be flattering.

Simply lazy.

And the image of the other party is not like a good person.

The man was on the opposite side and found that he waved, but the other side still did not respond. Gritted with anger.

And dare not shout.

"Mad, I really want to kill that kid!" The man was a little angry!

Originally, he was grumpy. When he encountered a living person eating, he didn't bird himself.

This eschatology is really annoying.

Zhang Huan thought about it, and looked for something in the room.

Take out a piece of paper and pen and write something on it.

Then facing the window.

The man was so surprised when he saw this, that Zhang Ye wanted to tell himself what information.

Take out the binoculars you have and take a look.


It says: Eat yourself to get it!

I rely!

Your uncle!

All the zombies downstairs were afraid to go out!

There is no equipment in the house, otherwise maybe you can stick to it by fifteen meters.

Wang Shishi got up and watched Zhang Huan eating instant noodles: "It's so fragrant."

Zhang Huan pointed outside: "You have to eat it yourself. The food is enough, eat it."

Wang Shishi tooted and went to soak, but she saw Zhang Ye holding a piece of paper and stuck it on the window: "What are you doing?"

"I don't know what the other person wants to do? He looked at me and ate something. I told him I wanted to eat it myself." Zhang Yan responded.

Wang Shishi looked over there and was a muscular man: "He's not easy to mess with. I saw it in the company last time and mingled with some. This is to get into trouble." Zhang Ye was speechless: "I will eat instant noodles It's just ~ www.readwn.com ~ Where did it mess up. And I'm pretty good. Tell him to get it. "

"If you change to someone else, do not hang him at the end." Zhang Ye spoke relatively well.

Filigree is not a big deal, but it's not an elegant person.

Wang Shishi knew that Zhang Ye was right, and he could stutter, thanks to Zhang Ye.

Saving people in the last days is hard to say.

Unlucky, maybe they will kill each other.

Wang Shishi glanced at it and went to make noodles.

The muscular man was even more angry when he saw a good-looking woman beside Zhang Huan: "Well, I can't save you from death. Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will kill you!"

He was a cruel man. If the other party helped him, it might be nothing.

But if I mess with him, I'm sorry, brother.

See you, Huang Quan!

The muscular man raised his fist and turned to sit down.

At a distance of fifteen meters, Zhang Jian couldn't clearly see the other person's face across the window.

But well.

Zhang Huan had a hunch that this guy would definitely be unable to bear it.

Depending on his condition, he is also short of food.

Go for a walk and see who he is.

If you can save it, you can't save it. A whole bunch of zombies will kill him.

Anyway, zombies can't see me, so they won't attack.

"I'll go out, you're here. Don't look out." Zhang Huan pulled up the curtains.

Wang Shishi was very worried. The two people are now at the end of the day, and the others are unfamiliar: "Be careful. It's best to go out less."

"It is dangerous to have a gun," Wang Shishi instructed.

I'm really afraid Zhang Ye is dead.

Then I will live alone in this end time.

Zhang Ye smiled: "It's all right, I'll be back later."

Pick up the instant noodles and walk straight to the outside.

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