Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 621: Fortified gene

Zhang Huan and the other four went directly to the vicinity of the chemical plant.

Stay directly in the opposite building. Temporarily arrange the accommodation and clean up the nearby zombies.

"Can that detector detect a living person?" Zhang Ye remembered that those people in the jeep had an instrument in their hands.

The man nodded. "Yes."

"Then we are likely to be found here, too." Zhang Huan frowned, if it was found, it would be bad.

Stealth now has a little cooldown.

"Is there a way to block it?" Zhang Huan asked.

The man nodded: "Yes. This device can be explored or anti-explored. But we don't have instruments."

Zhang Ye groaned, "Okay, just leave it to me."

At the same time, he said something in the ears of Li Xiangshuang and Wang Shishi.

And warned the two of them that they are now on the same boat. If anything extraordinary is done, don't blame yourself for whatever you do.

The two were scared and pale.

The two are still in a state of bondage, and Zhang Huan still cannot fully trust them. Besides, Li Xiangshuang and Wang Shishi are women.

Really let go. If the other party wants to do something, they really don't have hope.

After explaining the matter, Zhang Huan went downstairs and passed the gate of the chemical plant.

And at this time.

Several modified jeep vehicles returned to the chemical plant.

Yang Fan also got out of the car.

"It's so bad!" Yang Fan complained, carrying a box of things in his hand.

Someone said, "Fan, what's going on? Why did they all die in those zombies?"

"According to their standards, pay a little attention, as long as they are not large, they can fight." Someone said.

Yang Fan's eyes were deep: "Someone should be leading the zombies. I'm just curious how that person did it."

"And I guess he opened the door."

Although he was speculating, through the scene, he pushed things down in all directions. I have to say that it is thoughtful.

"Forget it, they will be trapped here forever in a few days. We are going to Laguna. This is going to be an abandoned city."

Yang Fan waved his hand, the door opened, and many people went in.

There are always headshots of nearby zombies.

Zhang Huan went back again. Now he is still in the cool-down time of active stealth, so don't worry too much.

The detector was not taken away, Zhang Huan was still thinking, if he couldn't find it, was he going to get it in the other's base camp.

Three days later, the helicopter landed and some preparations had to be made.

After taking the detector and searching for some food and water sources, Zhang Huan returned the same way. After seeing the detector activated in person, Zhang Huan locked the corridor. Prevent new zombies from coming in before letting go.

Pick up the iron rod and go directly to the place with a lot of zombies.

[Congratulations on gaining 1 experience. 】

[Congratulations on gaining 1 experience. 】

[Congratulations on gaining 1 experience. 】

Zhang Huan tried to open the skills panel in his mind, and it did open. It was always 48 before stealth cooling, and became 47 after becoming LV2. It seems that I have been treating it as a cool 24, and I ignored it.

But this problem is not big, 47 hours. That is, invisibility for 1 day, cooling for 2 days.

View the data.

Arm strength enhancement: 1/100

Leg strength enhancement: 0/100

Head Strengthening: 0/100

Speed ​​enhancement: 0/100

Height enhancement: 0/100

"carry on!"

Zhang Huan fought with the zombies for two days, and was tired.

The instant noodles are slightly angry, but fortunately, there is herbal tea. With the food, the problem is not big.

But the taste of instant noodles is still very good. Zhang Huan was eating instant noodles when he stopped to rest. Think of what happened before the last days.

At that time, experts on television often said that eating instant noodles was very unsafe, very unhealthy, and even got XXX sick. I suggest you eat meat from Amazon XXX species, this kind of meat will have many effects, strengthen immune cells and improve the body.

As a result, netizens teased, some people said that eating instant noodles was unhealthy, I fell into eating instant noodles, I still care about this! !!

At one time many people imitated this paragraph on the Internet.

After the end of the day, it is already extremely happy to get a bowl of fragrant instant noodles.

Zhang Ye is still very cool.

At least he didn't worry about being bitten by zombies.

Three days of **** fighting.

Finally promoted himself to LV3 stealth.

Gain 1 genetic attribute point, and the original active skill is also upgraded to LV3. That is, the cooling time is reduced by another hour. It became 46 hours.

"Speed, arm strength, and foot strength are all good." Zhang Huan thought about it, or added all the gene points to the arm strength temporarily.

If it is scattered and added, it is likely to improve in all aspects, but in this way, the cost of all aspects is that all are not proficient and powerful.

Without the strongest hole card, the overall quality will be of little use.

As the saying goes, the surgery industry has a specialization and knows everything, that is, nothing deep.

I don't know if I will fill up the mountain, will I pull the mountain and breathe the world, one punch?

Zhang Huan continued to attack the zombies.

It's finally the third day!

Zhang Ye is back.

"Did they make any noise?" Zhang Huan asked.

The two women shook their heads.

The two looked at Zhang Ye.

"Helicopter will land directly at the chemical plant today?" Zhang Yan asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ the two nodded.

"Okay, action. I have an arrangement." Zhang Huan told these arrangements to them.

It was very easy for Zhang Huan to get on the helicopter himself. He went directly to the aircraft with a stealth. Pay a little attention, it should not be a problem.

However, stealth does not mean that it does not exist. If the helicopter space is not large, you may be touched by the other party.

Was found.

Therefore, the best way is to grab a helicopter directly.


Chemical plant.

Everyone was a little excited, and finally they are leaving this broken place today!

Zombies are everywhere, a fear for everyone.

According to Yang Fan, these zombies are genetically infected and have no thought at all. The life cycle of zombies typically ranges from three to six years.

Individual zombies are not in this category, but most ordinary zombies are at this time.

Zombie's body will gradually decay and decompose, but it is much slower than natural decomposition.

Like a coffin buried in the ground, it actually decomposes in a few months to leave some hard matter. Only teeth bones remain.

However, because of air and other isolation reasons, it will be longer than this, but it will not exceed one year.

There are many ways to keep the body from changing, such as adding poison. Make microbes dare not break down.

Examples are preservatives and formalin.

Preservatives are not toxic in small amounts, especially food grade, but there are special ones that are indeed toxic.

Everyone took up the firearm and held it tightly with their hands.

There are several snipers on the roof.

There are also specialized surveyors, wearing binoculars, to see the number and range of zombies nearby.

At this time, from the perspective of everyone, they saw two helicopters coming.

Everyone is even more excited!

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