Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 622: Yi Gao boldly captured the helicopter

The helicopter is green, and there are many armed men above, all of whom are wearing gas masks and wearing white chemical protective clothing.

They also had submachine guns in their hands.

The roar of the helicopter attracted many zombies nearby.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhang Huan chose to kill the zombies in another place.

The zombies came alone. Some zombies are crawling, only half of their bodies.

As long as you do n’t break your head, you wo n’t die. The other is the spine, which can also cause fatal damage to zombies.

"Shoot!" The helicopter was armed.

Start the charge directly!

Fired at the surrounding zombies.

Snipers have also begun to play their part.

The doors of the chemical plant have been fully opened.

Everyone is ready to get on board.

The length of the helicopter is 37 meters, the cargo hold is 28 meters, and the height is 12.5 meters. Large takeoff weight: 105,000 kg

The code name is a carrier pigeon. A turboshaft engine is used.

People in white chemical uniforms descended from the helicopter.

Yang Fan stood in the forefront, and No. 77 was not beside him.

"Where is Yang Fan?" Said the chemical personnel.

"I am," Yang Fan said.

The captain of the chemical personnel looked at Yang Fan and lowered his voice: "On the 77th, you are only allowed to bring 50 people. You have exceeded the quota.

Yang Fan looked at these excited people slightly.

Take out the gun and quickly solve a few people: "Now the number should be almost the same."

People around were a little surprised, Yang Fan's cold blood and quick judgment.

Zhang Huan had already reached the top of the chemical plant, and the snipers were preparing to evacuate.

But Zhang Ye didn't give them a chance to respond.

Take the sniper rifle.

The same stealth technique solved all the snipers around.

At this time, two people ran towards Yang Fan in panic.

These two are the two bound by Zhang Jian.

"Not good! They are coming!" The two exclaimed a little.

At a glance, Yang Fan added two more people: "What's up? Our opponent."


Yang Fan killed the two directly.

"I don't care how many of you, 50 people, no one can go."

"board the plane!"

Yang Fan is very decisive and cruel.

Seeing that his plan was directly broken by Yang Fan, Zhang Huan was not panic and prepared two plans. In fact, there is one more action in this scheme.

It just made Zhang Huan think that Yang Fan was so fast and decisive that he didn't even listen to each other.

Shoot straight.

It's a pity that it seems that luck does not give these two people a chance.

Zhang Huan has no psychological burden and is an enemy in itself. It's good to be able to give the other party a chance, but it still dies.

If they are not invisible, I am afraid they have been caught before, and the end is not much better.

Looking at Yang Fan, he was decisive.

Everyone was preparing to get on the plane.

Zhang Huan took the sniper rifle and aimed at the captain.

The front window of the helicopter is bulletproof.

哐 Dang.

A crack was in the front window, and the bullet did not advance.

"No, there is an enemy attack! Sniper!" The captain panicked.

The chemical personnel looked up and looked at the roof area of ​​the chemical plant, but did not see anyone: "Damn, a sly sniper!"

Yang Fan sank in his heart: "I also arranged a sniper there, when did I go up. Why didn't I find it?"

The chemical personnel waved their hands: "It must be that you are so excited that the helicopter is here and let others stand there without notice."

Zhang Huan still stood there at this time, in a stealth.

The sniper rifle also followed in stealth with Zhang Ye.

The bullets just shot will emerge from the contact area of ​​Zhang Jian.

"Feel the fear of stealth gathering!" Zhang Huan picked up the gathering again, still heading towards the front of the helicopter!

And still aiming at the same place!


Another shot!

Everyone looked again, still did not see anyone.

A wave of fear spread in the hearts of everyone.

The captain did not dare to open it again. This bulletproof is not permanent. Bear more times, sooner or later burst.

He hid!


One's leg was hit!

Zhang Huan had to drive everyone out of the helicopter, so he had the chance to seize the helicopter.

"Shoot there!" Yang Fan commanded everyone!

They picked up assault rifles and pistols and fired directly at the roof.

Zhang Huan immediately got down: "It's good to have a grenade."

After the gunfire disappeared, Zhang Ye got up again and saw that Yang Fan and others had boarded the first helicopter.

"It's really a sly group of guys!" Zhang Ye found that the other party was also shrewd.

Some were left to shoot and cover the others to evacuate.

Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang had been waiting around the corner for a long time, but the gunshots were too dense, and they did not dare to go out.

"What to do? It must be Zhang Ye and others who are firing now. We can't be indifferent." Wang Shishi was anxious and spent a long time with Zhang Ye.

Although Zhang Jian is not a gentleman, he is not a villain.

It's really good to myself.

Li Xiangshuang dared slightly: "Otherwise, let's drive the helicopter from the back? Now they are all engaged in a firefight in front, and we should not notice us."

"This, if it is found, we will be dead." Wang Shishi was a little worried.

Li Xiangshuang said: "If both helicopters are gone, then we are really waiting for death. There is still a chance to try it now."

Listening to the sound of gunfire outside, Wang Shishi hesitated and decided to go out together ~ www.readwn.com ~ they walked towards the aircraft tiptoeing.

Two helicopters have left one.

Twenty or so people were left sweeping across the empty area of ​​the roof at the scene.

Zhang Ye really wished for a grenade. He lay on his side and waited for the sound of the gun to fire quickly before he got down.

At the same time, my mind was quickly thinking about how to get the opportunity to **** the plane.

Although Li Xiangshuang was a nurse, he had seen most things in the hospital and spent some time in the morgue of the morgue.


The two sneaked into the helicopter.

Li Xiangshuang directly pointed his gun at the dodge sniper, and chose the squatting captain: "Not allowed to be born, otherwise the gun may catch fire!"

The captain did not expect the other party to be bold and dared to come over.

Secretly want to take out something.

Wang Shishi slammed (silenced), coupled with the clutter of gunfire outside, it was difficult to notice.

In fact, the two were almost scared to death in the process of sneaking in.

This process is really thrilling.

The captain's hands were directly pierced, and he did not dare to move any more. Although wearing chemical protection clothing, he could not see the pain.

But it certainly hurts.

"Drive the helicopter!" Li Xiangshuang would not drive a helicopter!

The captain stunned and began to control the aircraft.

"Don't mess around, otherwise I don't mind giving you another shot." Wang Shishi said.

The captain shuddered and continued to do so under the threat of bullets.


The plane started to spin.

The one who was in the crossfire was stunned!

"Helicopter is taking off! Damn, he's leaving us all here!" Someone exclaimed.

All the bees rushed into the helicopter, even if it was dangerous at this time!

Wang Shishi shouted quickly: "Close the door! Hurry! You can't let them in!"

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