Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 623: How do you want to die

A large number of people want to flood into this helicopter.

Li Xiangshuang took a gun and approached the captain's head.

The captain burst into cold sweat and shut down quickly.


The helicopter door began to close.

A man got on the helicopter directly, and Wang Shishi shot at each other. The other party did not expect to be fired just after boarding his own helicopter.


Hit a shot!

"Someone else on the plane !?"

They realized that there were other non-companions on the plane.

Zhang Jian can see the plot here with a sniper in the distance, and murmured, "Is it them?"

The helicopter is up!

Fly up!

A bunch of people didn't get on the helicopter!

Yang Fan and others got on the plane as early as the first helicopter and chose to leave.

Only a few people left!

"Shoot! If you want to get rid of us, let's die together!"

Someone directly took the gun and aimed at the helicopter!

Suddenly Suddenly!

There was a gunshot.

Zhang Huan chose to evacuate directly. The helicopter must be already in the air now. If it was them, then they would probably pick themselves up.

The direction of the helicopter flight,


correct! This is where I used to live!

They are waiting for themselves!

Zhang Huan quickly left to find a vehicle to the direction where he originally lived.

At this moment, inside the helicopter.

A total of three people.

No surprises.

Li Xiangshuang and Wang Shishi looked at the captain, both of them pointed at the captain with guns: "Keep on as we say!"

The captain nodded, dare not refute.

At the same time, secretly look for opportunities to fight back.

Li Xiangshuang's eyes were not only staring at the other side, but also paying attention to the buttons the other side had pressed while operating the helicopter. In case the other party is really intentional, he will not be unable to control the helicopter.

Wang Shishi was more worried about Zhang Jian's situation, and Li Xiangshuang was more concerned about how the other party operated the helicopter.

"What if the city doesn't leave after three days?" Li Xiangshuang asked.

The captain shuddered and replied: "The company has decided to start a destruction program here. The entire city will be destroyed. To eliminate all the zombies here."

Wang Shishi looked at him doubtfully: "In this way, there are no survivors in the entire city."

"Compared to the spread of the zombie virus, I want to sacrifice a small number of people to save the interests of the overall situation, or everyone would like to see." The captain said for a while and then silent.

Wang Shishi said: "I remember that it should be the global spread of zombies and destruction. I am afraid that only one place is not enough."

The captain didn't say anything, kept operating the machine, and pressed the positioning device on the helicopter to request an echo.

Anyway, the other party can't see what he is doing, and the other party cannot be very familiar with his helicopter operation.

The captain opened his mouth and said, "You are wrong. Zombies have not spread to the world, only a few cities have been spread."

"Some places don't even know about zombies," the captain said.

Wang Shishi wondered: "Impossible, the news reports have been released."

"Sometimes, what you see is not necessarily true. Once the news is released, I am afraid that the global panic. So the news has been blocked elsewhere."

"It can't be leaked. What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg." The captain's tone changed slightly after starting positioning for help.

Of course, this change has not changed much, mainly because there is a confidence in the heart, so the subconscious has a change in details.

Li Xiangshuang frowned. "What does the flashing light under the helicopter mean?"

I just remembered that there was no flash.

The captain didn't expect her to be so careful and perfunctoryly said, "Oh, you say this. This is the starting indicator. Flashing means the machine is operating normally."

"Why didn't it flash before then?" Li Xiangshuang looked at him.

The captain got stuck and didn't know how to answer. Telling a lie like this will take countless lies to complete.

In a hurry, the captain thought quickly, and then said, "Because the aircraft's fuel burns differently, it won't light up at first and will light up later."

Li Xiangshuang "Then what do you mean by this oil meter next to you? It is impossible that the oil meter does not work, just rely on this flash."

The captain will be fine: "Flash means that the amount of oil is not particularly large, and this table can show the specific amount of oil."

Li Xiang's eyes moved slightly, and then he said, "It's a superfluous setup, this helicopter. Hurry up!"

The captain was relieved and frightened himself. If Yuan Li can't tell, he will be killed.

The dialogue between the two made Wang Shishi somewhat vigilant. Obviously, this extra setting that Li Xiangshuang said is likely to be what the other party is doing.

Of course, it may be really just a super shiny thing to make people pay attention.

However, Wang Shishi was also wary of this. The other person did not understand what he was doing.

Li Xiangshuang himself likes reading books similar to firearms and police bandits' books. After glancing at them, he always felt that there was something wrong with the other party.

At first she began to brag: "I was killed by one shot when I was in the crime team."

After Wang Shishi was surprised, Li Xiangshuang was not a nurse, and she immediately understood what she meant: "Yes, you were called a marksman in the back team. Those who have the intention of resisting, once you find it, are almost solved by one shot."

The captain heard the scalp numb, oh ~ www.readwn.com ~ I go, this is the female devil head.

"Here, stop!"

The helicopter arrived at its destination. Wang Shishi asked the captain to stop the helicopter and land here.

Li Xiangshuang took things and tied the captain, then entered the door and locked it.

Because Zhang Huan has the key and does not lock the door, if a zombies comes later, he will rush in.

"Go! Don't want to play tricks!" Li Xiangshuang pushed him.

Wang Shishi was wondering if Li Xiangshuang's injection would be more decisive and direct.

When Zhang Huan arrived at the location, he chose to show up, but did not continue to hide.

Cars are much slower than helicopters, and the road has to go around. Obviously helicopters don't need this.

Zhang Huan got out of the car and saw the helicopter heard this.

Some zombies have come nearby.

Zhang Ye picked up the guy and aimed at the zombies!

After solving it, quickly enter the house.

"I'm back!" Zhang Yan smiled.

Wang Shishi was a little surprised: "You are so good! Not dead!"

"You still want me to die." Zhang Ye smiled.

Wang Shishi shook her head: "That's not what it meant."

Zhang Ye said, "It's okay, just kidding. Let's evacuate here."

Wang Shishi told Zhang Huan about the unusual behavior of the helicopter captain.

Zhang Ye looked at the captain.

The captain was seen getting a hair, this guy is the guy who sneaked into the chemical plant and shot.

It doesn't look good.

Zhang Huan took a few steps, and quickly took out his gun from his waist and aimed at his head.

"Do you think we don't know what you are doing and what is being operated by the helicopter?"

"Come, tell me calmly, how do you want to die?" Zhang Huan looked at him.


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