Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 624: T virus company

The captain was dumbfounded, and he would kill himself if he didn't agree.

Knowing that it must be the previous words made the other person doubtful: "Don't kill me, I will drive a helicopter. No one of you will."

"If you kill me, everyone will die here."

"Early tomorrow morning, the city will be completely destroyed. At that time, it will be announced that this is an accident caused by fusion at a power station."

"Other cities won't know. By then we will all be mourners here."

Zhang Ye retracted his gun: "Frighten you, but I'll give you a chance. It's not because you can drive a helicopter, but you let you turn off your hands and feet."

In fact, Zhang Ye could not determine whether the other party had moved his hands or feet, but he did have some doubts. This scams each other.

As for the right to life and death of the other party, they are still in their own hands.

This is the end of the day, just throw him casually on the street with zombies. Without weapons, he will not be a part of the zombies for long.

Zombies have a short lifespan of several years and many decades.

It's a virus that changes the genetic structure, can't sense pain, and the cells recover quickly.

As long as the main drive-through death is completely over.

Captain cold sweat DC, this guy is even more terrible.

When the four went out, Zhang Huan took a gun and fired directly at several zombies around, and quickly boarded the helicopter!

The captain got on the helicopter and took off.

Feeling Zhang Ye's unwilling gaze, hesitate, click the button quickly, and the blinking indicator below disappears.

Li Xiangshuang admired Zhang Ye in admiration. It was terrible, which scared him.

Zhang Ye blinked at him, and this trick was actually used in school. But it's a little different.

Sometimes when a theft occurs in school, the teacher usually says that the student who stole something came to my office after school.

I wo n’t call the police, and things wo n’t be handled well then.

Someone on my side has seen your behavior. I don't want to be notified by the class.

At this time, there is a great chance that the person was scammed. Zhang Ye also uses this strategy.

Obviously, it worked.

However, thanks to Li Xiangshuang's careful observation. Otherwise Zhang Huan came, and I didn't know what was doubtful about the flashing light.

"Go where Yang Fan went." Zhang Huan ordered.



Company T, the world's largest biochemical manufacturing company.

They are world-famous for developing T-viruses and other weapons.

At this time, the support department is in the 84th workshop.

"Reporting supervisor, our 84K07 helicopter has turned off the positioning support system, and we cannot trace its trajectory now."

The supervisor was wearing white overalls and holding a notebook in his hand: "It is likely that they were spotted by the other party, sending a few fighter jets to the past, and looking for their tracks along the track where they were before."

"Do not exceed 0 o'clock, you must evacuate before 0 o'clock. Rafa city, how is it now?"

"Supervisor, Rafah may need to send another 20 trucks. The refugees there are already crazy."

"Don't let them in, let them fight the zombies well. The R & D department has sent news that the latest type of zombies has been researched. You can obey the command."

"Technical difficulties are a bit difficult now."

"By the way, 77 gave a special account. Take good care of Yang Fan. They should be in Rafa. Go and take a look."

The supervisor disappeared and disappeared. This is not stealth, but a holographic projection.

Everyone has their own unique office and some privacy.



When Zhang Ye arrived in Rafah, he saw that the entire city had built a huge barrier.

Some people are inside the barrier and some are outside the barrier.

There are many zombies behind the people outside.

"The city has fallen?" Zhang Huan looked at in surprise.

The helicopter looked down and saw a large number of people.

Human movements are smooth. Zombie movements are very stiff and not fast.

The captain replied, "It hasn't completely fallen. It's just the outer area. The inner area is safe and there are special elimination personnel."

"Those who are infected will be thoroughly cleaned in the first place to prevent infection of others."

Zhang Huan was slightly thoughtful, and soon, he saw someone waving his hand in front.

Seems to be greeting the helicopter.

The captain hesitated. The helicopter's lights flashed and went off at a certain pace.

Seems to be typing.

Zhang Ye must make some preparations, or he will definitely die as soon as he lands on the helicopter.

From a perspective, Zhang Huan can see that many people are lurking around. Although Zhang Huan is relatively hidden, Zhang Huan can still see it.

After all eyesight 5.5.

Zhang Ye knew that if he didn't make a little preparation and waited out the next time, he would definitely die.

There is still some time left for my stealth to cool down, that is, stealth time.

This is his biggest hole card.


I'm never afraid, because I have a passive stealth zombies, the real worry is the guns of the other party.

"Catch your hand later, don't let go, no matter what happens, don't talk." Zhang Huan hesitated, now there is no better way.

Zhang Huan Shen said: "It is not allowed to look back, look back, I shot you!"

The captain nodded again and again, for fear of angering Zhang Ye.

The helicopter was about to land, and the captain's mouth caught a radian. After so long, I finally fought back.


The helicopter's propeller gradually slowed down and landed on top of the building.

A large circle was drawn on the ground. Obviously it was where the helicopter stopped and someone directed the helicopter to land.

Keep gesturing ~ www.readwn.com ~ These people are wearing white chemical protective clothing.

The captain finally couldn't hold it anymore, he kept it back, and now he can break out.

"You're dead!" Captain secretly rejoiced and turned to look.

? ? ?


What about people?

The entire helicopter was completely deserted.


"What about people? I'm a hell!" The captain froze.

Zhang Huan held their hands tightly at this moment, one on the left and one on the right.

No way, this is the only way.

There are too many people around, as long as you take a helicopter, you must be caught by the other party.

At that time, it will be the other person's lamb, and let the other person control it.

Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang opened their eyes and watched their bodies become transparent. It was incredible.

Zhang Huan signaled them not to speak, and explained later.

In the active stealth, as long as Zhang Ye is holding something, he will be invisible, as was the previous shot. The bullet will remain invisible while still in the gun. Shoot out and you will show up.

I used to drive a car before. I can hide in a car even if I sit in the car.

Leave the car and it will appear.

This means that what you touch can follow your own initiative to hide together.

Now holding Li Xiangshuang's hand and Wang Shishi's hand, the two are also invisible together.

Li Xiangshuang's hands are very thin and long, and Wang Shishi's hands are soft and comfortable.

Of course, this is not the time to feel this.

The helicopter landed completely.

Several men in chemical suits with charge and rifle rushed out.

Surround the helicopter in an instant.

"The people inside come out! You are already surrounded, don't be fearless!" Someone shouted with a horn.

Zhang Yan and others took a deep breath, and even the rhythm of breathing was suppressed.

Now is the crucial moment!

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