A man walked out of the helicopter.


"What about people?" Someone asked.

The captain shook his head: "I don't know when they left, and they could still see people when they were still in the air before."

"But when the ground was almost up, people were missing. And I didn't open the cabin door."

Everyone frowned: "Investigate surveillance! Is surveillance on the helicopter still there?"

The captain was silent for a while: "There was a problem last time and it hasn't been repaired yet. I just plan to pick it up for repair."

"Close up! I will report this to the company!" Said a chemical service man.

The rest gathered their guns.

Zhang Huan and Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang held their hands tightly, and their palms were sweating.

These people all have guns. It seems that the company is really as complicated as expected.

Holding hands, Zhang Huan and others followed behind everyone.

Looking down from the top of the building, you can see the high walls, which isolate the zombie refugees.

"Go." Zhang Huan's stealth has a 24-hour aging, and after cooling down, it can be used again.

The cooling period is the biggest hidden danger period.

The three left the building in stealth until they reached the alley.

Everyone recovers invisibility and manifests.

"What are you? Stealth !?" Li Xiangshuang was a little excited.

Zhang Yan glanced outside: "Should count it. I don't know what happened anyway."

He did not say that this ability appeared after he was bitten by a zombie.

Bitten by zombies, the DNA structure of genes will change in a short time. Become a zombie and assimilate with them.

After being eaten, the cells will also be infected, and new meat will soon grow and become new zombies.

This is also a factor in the spread of the virus.

Li Xiangshuang said with a mysterious smile: "Relax, I will keep it secret. You will not kill anyone, I know your secret."

Zhang Huan: "... you have so much imagination."

"Are you hungry?" Zhang Huan asked.

Wang Shishi was more reserved and did not speak.

Li Xiangshuang was very direct: "Hungry."

Zhang Huan asked, "Who brought the money with you?"

Wang Shishi: "..."

Li Xiangshuang: "..."

Zhang Huan Yichang: "Did you bring any?"

Wang Shishi hesitated to turn over and said, "My watch is worth some money and can be exchanged."

"Forget it, it's so big here, stay for a while, understand the situation." Zhang Huan will be invisible, not to worry at all.

Zhang Ye took out a crumpled hundred-dollar bill: "I used to put on my pants and forgot to take them out. I will use them."

"Get a job and live here temporarily. I'll check it out."

The two women nodded.

The three came to a snack bar: "Boss, give me three steamers."

The boss is a middle-aged man and looks like: "Good."

There are also many diners around, chatting while eating.

"Poor, those refugees outside."

"They can't come here, and there are zombies over there. There is a little skill to live there."

"It's still comfortable for us, and we're directly isolated. Some people regularly check the source of the infection."

"Is this not fair to the people over there?"

"Fair? Have you ever seen absolute fairness? Only relatively fair. Sacrifice a few people and keep most of them. I think anyone will make that decision."

Diners ate and talked.

The three Zhang Ye also listened. Now the city is a bit strange, at least not the original place.

According to previous people, this is called Farah?

Never been here.

After eating, Zhang Huan paid: "Boss, may I ask for recruitment here?"

The boss asked Zhang Ye for money: "Many places recruit people, and I also recruit them here. But I can't recruit three. At most one."

Zhang Ye nodded: "Oh, thank you. I'll ask."

The three left immediately after eating.

"What will you do?" Zhang Huan asked.

The nurse said, "I study medicine."

Wang Shishi looked at Zhang Ye: "I studied business administration."

Zhang Huan thought for a while, he seemed to be very ordinary, and he didn't feel anything special. And certainly not professionally.

"Let's go. You go to your related work, I still have something to do." Zhang Huan said.

Wang Shishi was a little bit reluctant and spent some time with Zhang Jian.

As people get along for a long time, they will have feelings, which are not the same as those between men and women. It's like leaving between classmates.

Departures between friends and family members, and even between loved ones.

Zhang Ye smiled: "It's not a parting, don't be so sad. I'm a rough person."

Wang Shishi smiled.

Li Xiangshuang looked at Zhang Ye: "Then how do we find you in the future?"

Zhang Ye said, "Let ’s go. When you look for me, come to the snack bar you just ate. That tastes good."

"I'll go there too. If I don't come, don't worry. I'm a big deal." Zhang Huan said.

Compared to knowledge, Zhang Ye really lags behind them. But this does not mean that people cannot grow.

Zhang Ye is also a guy with strong self-esteem.

The three parted ways, and they also had guns on them. Most people couldn't help them.

Zhang Huan took a look. There was still a few hours before he could hide himself.

A trip outside the city, the zombies outside the city will not move at all, because their permanent passive zombies are invisible.

And it won't attract any attention from zombies ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is his biggest hole card.

The entire city of Farah is blocked by gigantic walls into the city.

Zhang Qian used invisibility to go directly to the highest part of the fence and looked at the wall.

It's tens of meters high. Zombies are the height of ordinary people without intelligence. It is impossible to climb over them.

But there is an instinct that drives them close to the city of Farah.

Zhang Huan looked around and found nothing useful at all.

"It's a bit troublesome." Zhang Huan wanted to go down, but he jumped straight and was immortal.

Soon, Zhang Huan noticed that the man in the chemical suit had a black instrument on his body, like a small flashlight.

With the previous helicopter, Zhang Ye paid special attention to the camera.

The camera moves continuously to expand the angle of view.

The moment the camera moves.

Zhang Huan immediately got the other party's things.

The other black instrument disappeared.

Men in white chemical uniforms are still looking outside the city walls. Many refugees are running away, with zombies behind them.

Did not feel it.

Clicked, a light.

"It's really a flashlight." Zhang Ye was helpless.

There are also several buttons.

Zhang Huan clicked.

The black instrument shoots directly at a rope with a hook at the top.

Zhang Huan continued to press, and the rope continued to lengthen.

"This thing is good!" Zhang Ye suddenly felt that it really surprised himself.

Because the rope is attached to the instrument and is not completely detached, the rope is still invisible.

Zhang Ye tried another button.

Found this to be a flashlight with a laser sword.

There is also a climbing function. Can grow and shrink.

Every white chemical service crew seems to have one of these things standard.

"Good stuff." Zhang Huan smiled.

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