Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 627: Savior in the slum

Zhang Ye used the tool to go downstairs again.

This time, everyone clearly saw how Zhang Jian went downstairs.

"His tools are a bit like the guards over there!"

"Isn't he someone out of Farah?"

"This is impossible. The inside is much safer than the outside. What he came out to do. Maybe it was accidentally acquired."

They looked at Zhang Ye's back and went away.

Zhang Ye looked for several food spots in a row, and the food had been robbed.

"Look again." Zhang Huan looked for it, and finally saw a store with more than a few things that hadn't been taken away.

The rest is mainly instant noodles. Zhang Ye picked up the instant noodles and left.

At this time, a group of people appeared.

"Hey, bring the food in your hand." Someone said.

Zhang Huan pointed to the store behind him: "There is still some food there, you can get it yourself. But I can tell you there are six zombies in that store."

After speaking, Zhang Ye quickly left.

However, after not far away, a scream was heard, and several people fled in a hurry.

Zhang Huan shook his head slightly, clearly reminded him.

Hurry up and leave.

Giving them food was a promise.

Then Zhang Huan left the group, and the man with glasses watched Zhang Huan leave.

"It's really a brave guy." The man with glasses felt that Zhang Huan was very brave. Although the zombie activity was low during the day, the danger was still high.

Can you go out or not?

Zhang Huan went back to a stationery store that he had previously found for food.

There are some toys and masks in the stationery store.

Today's stationery stores sell things that are more mixed, diversified, and better in business.

Zhang Huan chose a white death mask and put it on his face.

"Cut all the way!" Zhang Ye smiled.

This time, I ’m going to be crazy, and I will keep improving the level again!

Zhang Ye came out of the stationery store and saw three zombies next to him. He took out the instrument.

Start the laser sword.

Picking up a laser sword is an attack on the zombies!


Cut in half!

[You have gained 1 experience! 】

[You have gained 1 experience! 】

Zhang Ye goes all the way, kills all the way!

Zombies fell beside Zhang Jian.

"That person!" Zhang Ye saw a group of people surrounded by zombies in front of them, who were not very old.

From eleven or twelve to sixteen or seven, there are men and women.

"Ah! Don't come over!" They held their heads and beat the zombies with sticks.

The zombies were indifferent to their attacks and seemed too light.

Uh uh uh

嗬 ... 嗬 嗬

The zombies rushed forward!


The entire zombie's head flew out!

Their pupils widened, and they looked at a man in a white mask, holding a laser sword, and were hacked to death.

"It's amazing!" When they were completely stunned, they were about to express their gratitude to Zhang Ye, and saw Zhang Ye rushing to another place to kill the zombies.

A child looked at Zhang Ye's figure with a bright eye: "Do you want to go through the zombies alone? Exciting!"

"Let's hurry upstairs, or we'll be in trouble again if we encounter zombies!"

The more Zhang Zhang attacked the zombies, the cooler it became. The feeling that only the zombies attacked by themselves and the zombies would not attack themselves was very delicate.

This kill is a full half year!

There is a rumor circulating outside the city of Farah.

It is said that the Savior from the Lord is saving the world. He put on the mask of termination and let the zombies end completely.

A half year is at least six months, or at least 180 days.

Hundreds of zombies a day.

Tens of thousands of zombies died completely in Zhang Ye's hands.

"It's LV8, it's very soon from LV9." Zhang Huan smiled slightly and was ready to continue.

At this time many people appeared behind.

"Bring us, we can also fight with you!" Some people want to join Zhang Ye's heroic struggle.

Zhang Ye did not respond to them.

I'm here to gain experience. With more people, I feel a bit troublesome.

It's just that these people insist on following Zhang Jian.

Zhang Ye reminded: "What's wrong with you, I don't care about you."

"it is good!"

The crowd took guns and followed Zhang Huan to kill the zombies.

Zhang Ye is really anxious. I'll go. This group of guys is gaining experience!

For this reason, Zhang Jian's movements are more frequent.

Everyone thought that Zhang Huan wanted to protect them, and tried harder to kill the zombies.

They identified Zhang Huan as the savior!

Killing tens of thousands of zombies in half a year, no one can do it.

He did it alone.

The slums on the periphery were originally sentenced to death. They could not enter the city. The perimeters were all zombies.

Sooner or later one day will die.

Faced with disappointment, they gradually moved towards despair, and even saw no hope.

During this half year, many people witnessed the miracle.

Gradually, their hearts, which had already found it difficult to live, changed, and it seemed that someone was trying to change all this.

In their hearts, Zhang Jian's status is infinitely elevated.

Zhang Ye was even placed in the position of God.

Even an atheist, at this moment, can't help but admire the impact the other person has on everyone.

Some people who were already prepared to face death came to life.

Everyone called Zhang Huan with a white mask as: Savior!



Inside the city of Fara.

Inside a snack bar.

Two women are eating snacks.

One person is wearing a uniform ~ www.readwn.com ~ one is wearing a medical uniform.

"Ah, I haven't seen Zhang Huan for half a year. I don't know how he is." Wang Shishi sighed.

Li Xiangshuang smiled: "How could he be such a powerful person to die outside."

Wang Shishi gave her a white look: "Aren't you worried about him? Really."

"I'm worried too, but is it worried that it must be frowning? And I don't think he will have any problems."

"Do you want to go to the top of the wall today? I heard a lot of movements around the outside. It seems that the number of zombies has decreased very much."

Li Xiangshuang proudly took out the telescope in the small bag next to him: "This is the ultra-long range telescope I bought, hehe. Go together?"

"Okay." Wang Shishi always felt that he could not see Zhang Huan, and felt a little strange.

I can't say it myself. This is a feeling.

Maybe it was the habit of having him by his side, and then he disappeared.

Two women go up to the highest building.

"Get well." Li Xiangshuang handed Wang Shishi a telescope.

Wang Shishi took it, put it on his eyes, and looked into the distance.

You can see the number of zombies that were originally large-scale, and they are rarely seen.

"There are a group of people there! Look, does the white mask look like Zhang Ye?" Wang Shishi said.

Li Xiangshuang looked over. A man in a white mask was followed by a group of armed men.

The militants followed him, sweeping around.

Some have submachine guns, some have chainsaws, and some have pistols.

Various weapons gathered beside him.

Li Xiangshuang looked at the figure. From the shape of the body, it really looks similar, but it seems more healthy.

"Somewhat alike, a little dislike." Li Xiangshuang was not sure.

Wang Shishi said, "Or else, let's confirm it?"

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